In1713, Alexander Pope began his translation of the Iliad, a work that, takinghim seven years until completion, and that literary critic Samuel Johnson,Pope's contemporary, pronounced the greatest translation in any language. A.his translation of the Iliad, a work that, taking him seven years untilcompletion, and that literary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope's contemporary,pronounced B.his translation of the Iliad, a work that took him seven years to complete andthat literary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope's contemporary, pronounced C.his translation of the Iliad, a work that had taken seven years to complete andthat literary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope's contemporary, pronounced it as D.translating the Iliad, a work that took seven years until completion and thatliterary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope's contemporary, pronounced it as E.translating the Iliad, a work that had taken seven years to complete andliterary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope's contemporary, pronounced it
B is right. But why not E ? 1. is it because translation is better than translating? Noun better than Ving? 2. is it because we don't use “present perfect” or “pluperfect ” tense when we say"it takes sb some time to do sth"?
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