1、Not all employement selection mechanisms that have a "disparate effect," that is, that screens out a percentage of minorities or women disproportionate to their presence in the relevant labour market, are unlawful. (B) which means, that screens out a percentage of minorities or the women disproportionate with (D) that is, that screen out a percentage of minorities or women disaproportionate to 这题的答案是D,完全想不通为什么前面的screen不是单数形式?
2、The original employees hired, who had been there over twenty years, were fiercely loyal to the firm, and it offered no retirement benefits or profit sharing to any employees. (D) though it offered no (E) though it offered neither 这题答案选D,但E有什么问题吗?平行结构不可以吗? 很傻的问题,诚恳请求大家指点,万分感谢~
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