I am a senior-undergraduate in XXX Univ. with XXX major, and I plan to apply the MS program in Economics for the 2004 entrance. Would you please send me the application form and the related materials about your department to this address:
Shuai GG Department of XXX, XXX Univ. XXX Rd., Guangzhou 510000, China
很多推荐表都有填表和问答型式,其中填表型式容易,但你最好不要个个都打5%或2%那样 的,除非你认为你的确很牛,GPA很高、有很多经历。而问答式我认为许多老师是不可能帮你 一个问题一个问题答的,所以一般就和推荐信的正文附在一块就行了,实在不行就写一句 “Please see my attached letter for detail”(当然,不能每个人都这样写吧,不然 老外会觉得中国人怎么个个都心灵相通)
(4)Personal Statement 即PS,不同学校叫法不一样。有的学校叫Statement of Intent(如Notre Dame,该校去年 经济系重组没招人),有的叫Statement of urpose(Columbia),但是不是一回事呢? 我认为是不一样的,如果学校只要求写一篇个人的EASSY,那你的选材可以很广泛。如果学校 是Statement of Intent/Purpose,那么你的重点应该放在为什么选这个学校?他的哪一块 你认为对你以后的学习和研究最有帮助?你对你要concentrate的领域的看法,这一点很重 要:比如一个北大的G们就写了GAME THEORY对国际贸易的作用:
I am fascinated by game theoretic modeling of issues pertaining to International Economics. I believe that game theoretic models can be effectively used in international economics as many policy issues such as negotiations over mutual reductions in tariffs, formation and preservation of customs unions, establishment of cartels in the case of internationally traded goods, all have some game theoretic character. The current "Regionalism versus Multilateralism" debate holds its own attraction. It should be interesting to analyze the trade diversion effects of referential Trading Agreements and also their impact on multilateral institutions like GATT. The strategic trading that takes place in foreign exchange markets and the variety of auction like mechanisms that have been used for foreign exchange trade, especially in developing countries, are intriguing. During my graduate studies I aim to equip myself with some advanced tools and develop my analytical and research capabilities. I want to get an excellent command over econometrics to be able to confront stochastic statistical data with exact models of economic theories and also for empirical verification of other models, which might otherwise be set in a partial equilibrium framework. I expect to emerge as an economic engineer and an expert in model building. Econometrics perse, also interests me as a subject of economics and I might like to research in econometric methodology.
I would like to concentrate on financial markets development, as I was always wondering whether those established theories apply to the behavior of developing countries or whether there are alternative models to explain such market behavior. What should be the appropriate strategy to ensure stable development of financial markets in developing countries? Can the lack of supporting funds be the reason for the huge volatility and low liquidity of the financial markets? Are there any common factors driving the market variations? … Sophisticated answers to these questions require sophisticated training, which I hope I can achieve in my advance study. Experiencing through the dramatic changes of the financial markets in China after the 1997 Asia financial crisis, I couldn’t have learned a better course of the financial fragility and the importance of managing risks. Therefore, I also have great interest on asset pricing and risk management, especially on how to use financial instruments to control risks in emerging markets.
Among all the research work I have complished so far, I am very proud of the one "The ossibility of Universal Banking in China", published in Finance & Technology (May 2002), a famous Chinese financial journal. This paper, in response to those who advocate the universal banking mode like Germany, points out the unreality of adopting the mode in current China due to the different industrial structure, big entry barrier, and immature financial regulations. With the theory support of Walter (1994) and Kruger (2001), I organize my discussion by analyzing the problems may caused by the universal banking, like risk accumulation and transfer, oligopoly, and conflict of interest. And I also explain how they will occur under current economy circumstance. At last I give my self-prediction of the trend of future Chinese financial system.
每个学校都在自己的网页上说要正式GT,但其实一些是可以逃的。据去年经济系的情况看, U OF SOUTH CAROLINA的MOORE可以逃,CLARK、FSU、RICE等是可以逃的,反正在申请的时 候就交复印件即可,校方催了再交不迟。
让ETS寄正式GT的手段有两种:(1)电话。但贵,一次要收多4美金(顶三顿饭了。。),电 话送成绩一般在3个工作日开始执行;(2)FAX。如果时间不急,则采用FAX的形式,它在两 个星期内送出正式成绩。ETS的GRE和TOEFL的传真号码分别为: TOFEL:001-609-771-7500; GRE:001-609-771-7906 其中,经济学的DEPT CODE FOR GRE是1801,FINANCE CODE FOR GRE是4102,而经济学的 CODE FOR TOEFL 是84,FINANCE是82。
(8)Cover Letter 这东西可有可无,就是把材料理一次,让小秘清楚。例: Cover Letter
Cool, GG Niuniu University, Department of Economics, 123456, China Email: coolgg@hotmail.com Oct 20th, 2003
To Whom It May Concern:
I am a senior undergraduate student of Niuniu University , majoring in Economics. In order to pursue my further study, I would like to apply for admission to the MS/Ph.D. rogram in Economics/Finance.
I have completed the online-application and paid the application fee by credit card. Now, I am submitting the other application materials to you. In this packet, I also enclose the photocopies of my TOEFL and GRE score reports. And I have already asked ETS to send you the original score report as soon as they can. Would you please concern my application first?
Please contact me if you require any further information or documentations. I shall be happy for submitting it to you.
I thank you for your consideration and look forward to your reply.