我本来想买OG或者红宝书先开始背单词的,后来打电话给XDF问到这些貌似都会发。。。于是又不想再花钱买重复的,那天在书店纠结了一个小时买了本princeton review 的题集practice question~里面各个部分的解题思路方法都有说,不过毕竟不是OG,担心会不会有点出入。
1. 不知道是现在开始订计划一步步执行呢还是等我上完了XDF之后开始详细计划,因为两个月的课会把8个周末大部分时间占掉,基本就没大段大段的时间自己看了。但是这一个半月的时间又怎么利用呢,不马上开始行动又觉得自己在浪费时间,现在只是每天毫无头绪地做princeton的题,一会儿VERBAL一会儿数学,有时候也看看OG12电子版,没有计划。。。
2. 关于princeton review 1012 GMAT practice questions这本书,因为我现在还没怎么开始看OG,先看这本书会不会形成第一印象的偏差而导致不能对OG的精神有很好的领会呢?是不是需要暂停看princeton,先看电子版OG呢?
3. 我个人语感还是不错的,但是语法由于多年不看再加上工作中频繁的口语使用而有很多遗忘。07年考了上海高级口译笔试(222分),之后由于工作很忙就再也没背过单词,明显感觉词汇量不够,是不是利用我这1个半月的时间按照杨鹏的方法把单词先攻下来呢?
4. 看了携隐NN关于教材的说明,OG10在论坛上有各位大N 的静心分析,现在OG已经12了(我报的XDF可能会发),是不是有必要再弄个10版来看?
It is waste of time to go for XDF to ask for advice about how to make it and win through GMAT.No one could know better than yourself are.
The only thing you needs to do no more than know your weakness and gradually understand GMAT.There is no definite way about how to crak GMAT because we are different and you got to make the plan by your self based on how well you know about yourself.
You can simply use the diagnostic test to know the weak point you got and of the most important you must think deep inside about you and the exam a process could not done by no one but yourself then you will know what to do.
Use prep to simulate the really exam by doing it over and over again even there is some repeated questions since we care nothing than the intention of the tester maker and the weak points you have.
In my opinion you have no reason to go for XDF since your english is good.
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