仔细想了想,工程师好像很难回答why mba这个问题。
To lz,
I am a technical support engineer before MBA. Although, I don't know any R&D engineer who applies to MBA(my R&D engieer friends usually enjoy what they are doing), I believe you still have chances. That's depends on how you show your interest in business, and how you demonstrate your communication skills. Generally speaking, technical support or sales engineers can easily demonstrate their communication skills which are very important in the business world; while for R&D engineers, it is a little difficult to show good soft skills. that is what you need to pay attention to and work on. Basically, we all belong to the pool of engineer, no matter R&D, application, software engineers or product engineer; no matter which industry we are from; we are all engineers.
Good luck! Think about it seriously, by yourself, if you don't like the profession as an engineer, what else do you like? does it have to be business or you are only attracted by the so-called big money? (MBA does not mean good pay.) if you truly want to do something in business, no matter what you did before, present it well and the experience only adds your diversity to the school.
年龄必然会成为一个因素,尤其是LZ如果想改行的话。从LZ的发言来看,对MBA关注的时间也并不算太长,要整理出有力的essay有可能会花费不少时间。如果非要进top mba的话,不仅要在GT分数上表现出众,最好application package的组织也请教一下专业人士的意见。
做技术很好啊,我之前是process engineer,天天在大工厂泡着,纯技术,和business,管理八竿子打不着,还不如研发好听呢,申请了4个亚洲商学院,拿到4个offer,目前在一家consulting firm(虽然和M和B不能比,但规模上也算全球最大了)暑期实习。做技术的如果好好准备,仔细揣摩,申请上可以变成很大优势,看你水平了。
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