(1) GWD-11-Q3:
Unlike human runners, who broke the four-minute mile in 1954 and they consistently recorded faster times ever since, horses in classic races such as the Kentucky Derby have had winning times with little improvement: Secretariat’s world-record-breaking Derby tine of 1:59 2/5, for example, was set in 1973 and remained unsurpassed more than a quarter of a century later.
A. they consistently recorded faster times ever since, horses in classic races such as the Kentucky Derby have had winning times with little improvement
B. they have consistently recorded faster times ever since, those of horses in classic races such as the Kentucky Derby have shown little improvement in winning times
C. have consistently recorded faster times ever since, horses in classic races such as the Kentucky Derby have shown little improvement in winning times
D. have consistently recorded faster times ever since, in those of classic races such as the Kentucky Derby, horses have had winning times with little improvement
E. consistently recorded faster times ever since, those of horses in classic races such as the Kentucky Derby have shown little improvement in winning times
(2) GWD-11-Q10:
Marconi’s conception of the radio was as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation; instead, it is precisely the opposite, a tool for communicating with a large, public audience.
A. Marconi’s conception of the radio was as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation; instead, it is
B. Marconi conceived of the radio as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation, but which is
C. Marconi conceived of the radio as a tool for private conversation that could substitute for the telephone; instead, it has become
D. Marconi conceived of the radio to be a tool for private conversation, a substitute for the telephone, which has become
E. Marconi conceived of the radio to be a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation, other than what it is,
(1)头一个争议题, 我觉得答案应该是C 因为有unlike种连词, 就像although一样, 通常后面用完成时态, 而且those of horses绝对没有horses简洁, 但是争议的地方应该是, 如果用完成时, 就无法和前面的broke的失态平行了, 所以导致难以分析啊!但是C里面有个ever since所以看起来也就没那么怪了, 完成时是为了和ever since对称嘛!
(2)下面一个争议题, 我倾向选E, 因为我觉得 to be 比 as a 更加能体现时间上的含义, Marconi是觉得radio以后将来, 所以用to be好些, 而且C里面的that离应该修饰的a tool的距离有点远, 看起来离名词coversation过近, 虽然有两个a tool开始的独立主格, 可是后面那个other than what it is实在是太怪, 和precisely完全连部起来!
选项A里我没看见完全很严重的错误, 除了动词优于名词, a tool for coversation也是完全逻辑伴随着前面的整个句子,????所以, A真的有错么?
不好意思哦! 我抢着回答了....... 说错了不许笑啊!
(1) GWD-11-Q3:
Unlike human runners, who broke the four-minute mile in 1954 and they consistently recorded faster times ever since, horses in classic races such as the Kentucky Derby have had winning times with little improvement: Secretariat’s world-record-breaking Derby tine of 1:59 2/5, for example, was set in 1973 and remained unsurpassed more than a quarter of a century later.
A. they consistently recorded faster times ever since, horses in classic races such as the Kentucky Derby have had winning times with little improvement
B. they have consistently recorded faster times ever since, those of horses in classic races such as the Kentucky Derby have shown little improvement in winning times
C. have consistently recorded faster times ever since, horses in classic races such as the Kentucky Derby have shown little improvement in winning times
D. have consistently recorded faster times ever since, in those of classic races such as the Kentucky Derby, horses have had winning times with little improvement
E. consistently recorded faster times ever since, those of horses in classic races such as the Kentucky Derby have shown little improvement in winning times
我不是什么老师,叫我老詹好了... btw 我的名字是James不是Jmaes
A和B的错误是相对明显的,and 前面是一个定语从句有疑问代词who引导,但是后面却是一个完整的主谓结构they consistently recorded faster times ever since,这种平行是不允许的。 改正最直接的办法是去掉they 直接用and连接谓语动词用并列结构直接作who的从句的谓语部分修饰human runner;
另一方面,句子的实际意思就是再说人类成天刷新自己的纪录而马没有,所以AB中they开头的描述都是描述human runner的,逻辑意思上也支持上面语法规则的判断。
D的错误也是明显的, in those of classic races such as the Kentucky Derby中的those指代不明确,不知所谓,其次,这个部分作为一个插入结构,既可以向前作定语从句的状语部分 也可以向后作主句的谓语结构,有歧义。
E的错误并不明显,但是those of hoses的those指代很奇怪,一般来说 these those this that这样的指示代词通常情况下指代的是前面的某个名词的整体结构,而不是核心词 从这个角度上讲 它应该指代human runners,这就很古怪了。另外就好像robbie说的,如果直接用horses会对句子造成歧义么?明显是不会的,那么为什么要故意冗余的取用those of horses呢? E的另一个问题就是完成时态的使用,因为人类刷新纪录是一个从过去开始一直持续到现在并且还在折腾的一个动作,这个动作应该用完成时态,更何况还有ever since这样的强烈时间标志
当然以上仅仅是我个人的理解,我也不是什么老师,只是一个对GMAT还比较感兴趣 愿意和大家一起探讨的学伴而已
(2) GWD-11-Q10:
Marconi’s conception of the radio was as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation; instead, it is precisely the opposite, a tool for communicating with a large, public audience.
A. Marconi’s conception of the radio was as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation; instead, it is
B. Marconi conceived of the radio as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation, but which is
C. Marconi conceived of the radio as a tool for private conversation that could substitute for the telephone; instead, it has become
D. Marconi conceived of the radio to be a tool for private conversation, a substitute for the telephone, which has become
E. Marconi conceived of the radio to be a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation, other than what it is,
赫赫 这个题目也是长年有人翻来覆去说的
如果是我在考场上我会选择C 当然这个纯粹是个人意见了,后面的分析大家有选择的看
BD的错误这里就不多说了,很明显B but后面缺少主谓结构 是一个从句,D的which 从句修饰telephone 和文章意思不一样。
真正难于判断的是A C E, 有意思的是ACE三个选项里面都没有特别明显的语法错误 尤其是C和E
当然很多人可能会质疑这个 conceive of .. as 或者是 conceive of ... to be 这连个结构,坦白说,这里我很难判断出应该用哪个结构,在英文里面 conceive of as 这个结构是常用的,而conceive of to be 几乎从未用到,所以我会更倾向于选择as 而不是to be
A 马可尼的无线电的理念是作为电话,一种用于私人通话的工具,的替代品;相反,它是完全不同的,一种用于和大量公共听众交流的工具。
C 马可尼曾经认为无线电是一种能够替代电话的用于私人通话的工具;相反,它变成了一种用于和大量公共听众交流的工具。
E 马可尼曾经认为无线电是电话,一种用于私人通话的工具,的替代品而不是完全相反的一种用于和大量公共听众交流的工具。
这样翻译的话其实答案已经很明显了,首先马可尼对无线电的认识 和 无线电最终的用途应该是并列的(A选项中用分号隔开的两个完整的句子)
原句中意思有两层 1马可尼曾经地认为,2无线电现在的作用,这两层几乎是并列的 同等重要,但E选项直接把2这个意思去掉了
近而对比AC,我个人更倾向于C,首先conceive of as比conception was as要简洁,
其次呢A选项中 一种私人通话的工具是作为电话的同位语出现,如果把这个部分删除掉(因为属于可抛弃成分),那么意思就是
而C选项里面代替电话作为了定语 换句话说 即便去掉这个定语,意思也是 马可尼曾经认为无心点时一种私人通话工具;相反它变成了一个公共交流的工具,对比色彩很强烈
hehe 。。。一家之言,大家参考参考
回头我也过来答题 还不信了..
牛, 这招完全翻译真是少见的奇招! 估计这里可算是真功夫了!
嗯 呵呵 我自己也觉得别扭 愿意是想说james真棒 呵呵
也即说,E中的what it is和C中的it has become表达的意思是相似的,从而E和C两选项在表意上是相似的。
1 没啥问题,instead是一个副词,就和however一样
2 what it is是一个名词性从句 句法结构上将是一个名词 it has become是一个主谓结构 是一个句子
差别还是蛮大的吧 ...
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