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标题: 大全517 [打印本页]

作者: goodfish    时间: 2009-6-16 20:49     标题: 大全517

517. Most nations regard their airspace as extending upward as high as an aircraft can fly; no specific altitude, however, has been officially recognized as a boundary.

(A) as extending

(B) as the extent

(C) to be an extent

(D) to be an extensionA

(E) to extend

why not B? regard sth. as sth. airspace 和extent都是名词,为什么用extending?谢谢

作者: usagmat    时间: 2009-6-17 06:49

这个要从句意来理解. extending:延伸; extent:程度.

如果用extent, 意思解释不通.

作者: goodfish    时间: 2009-6-17 21:58

还是不懂,extent理解成“范围”不行吗 ?A.regard arispace as extending 里的extending是做名词吗?
作者: kevin_8p    时间: 2009-6-18 07:04


extend n.

作者: goodfish    时间: 2009-6-18 19:51

嗯 后面加upward好像是用动名词比较好 谢谢两位
作者: yahooww    时间: 2009-6-19 06:54


作者: seinfeld0923    时间: 2009-6-20 08:43


但是,我有还有个问题  regard their airspace as extending upward什么意思 

regard sth1 as sth2 是认为某物1是某物2,那选项A中是怎么解释的呢

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