[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-28 10:59:44编辑过]
如果去英国读MBA的话,可以考虑下面的学校,都是英国使馆文化教育处推荐的一些学校:U of Stirling, U of Strath clyde, Napier U, Lancaster U, U of Sheffield, U of Derby, Dudley College, U of C entral England, U of Warwick, U of Bristol, U of Southampton, U of Reading, London Business School, U of North London, Oaklands College, U of Nottingham, Loughb orough U, U of LEeds, Leeds Metropolitan U, U of Hull, U of Sunderland, Heriot-W att U, U of Aberdeen。
以下是引用lakegirl在2004-12-27 21:32:00的发言: 我想请教如果要去英国读MBA,GRE、GMAT能否有用处?据说英国的大学奖学金很难取到,条件是什么?
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