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标题: 故事烙印-----学英语词汇的好帮手(连载) [打印本页]

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:03     标题: 故事烙印-----学英语词汇的好帮手(连载)

A cruel man abandoned his wife and son. Above all, everyone must abide by the law . So he was arrested. But the trial came to an abrupt end because of the man's absence. It was said he was mentally abnormal and was set free according to one law! What an absurd judgment! That's absolute nonsense! The angry people thought this bad law ought to be abolished to keep the judge from abusing his power. Fortunately, the boy's mother was able to afford enough money for the boy to go abroad to study. The moment the son was about to go aboard the ship, they kissed good-bye with tears. The boy went to an ffice:smarttags" />laceType w:st="on">AcademylaceType> of laceName w:st="on">TechnologylaceName> successfully. No one could doubt his ability to learn abstract knowledge. He was absorbed in knowledge so much, just like dry sand absorbed water. His teacher really appreciated his complete absorption in his studies. So he supplied the boy abundant books for study, which accelerated the boy working harder.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:03

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:04

 Miss Austin was a strong woman. By investing wisely, she accumulated a fortune. One day, Miss Austin met a young man by accident. Their meeting was quite accidental. It was time of the Olympic Games, so hotel accommodations were scarce. The young man saved his room for Miss Austin politely. If she sang, he would accompany her on the piano. Because of his politeness, his strange accent was acceptable. Later, Miss Austin employed him as her assistant. He became accustomed to his job quickly. If she asked him to buy some accessories for a car, he would accomplish the work soon in accordance with her orders. So Miss Austin trusted him more and more and even one day the man had access to her bank account number. Miss Austin' detective showed her an accurate report to warn her of the man's cheating. He advised, You must act accordingly. Miss Austin took his suggestion into account. The young man was asked to account for his cheating. He explained he made a mistake on account of his illness. According to his behavior, he was accused of incompetence..

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:04


作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:04

It's the age of advertisement. The ad companies have acute senses to activate the public to like the products the sports players recommend. If a woman has been acknowledged as the best tennis-player in the world, she can acquire a lot of money from advertisements. Of course, she must pay some additional charges as taxes to the Tax Administration. Usually,the woman will adjust herself to the change of her life and soon she will adapt herself to it. As a sports player, her earnings isn't always adequate to meet her needs. In addition to a beautiful house, she also wants to buy luxury cars. It's normal that a famous sports player's cars add up to five. In addition, some rich sports players liked to buy acres of land as their properties, thus they can have their outdoor activities conveniently. Sometimes some acquaintances of the sports players are popular too because their house are adjacent to the players. Their houses adjoin the players', which make them proud and happy. An adjective for this phenomenon is, snobbish.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:04


作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:04

It was advisable for an old couple to adopt an orphan, as they had no children of their own. Everything had been fixed in advance. Their kindness was an advantageous condition, which gave them an advantage over other applicants for the adoption of a little boy. The boy grew up quickly under affection, but his behavior was not particularly adult. That was a common mistake among adolescents. Soon, the boy gained admission into the ffice:smarttags" />laceName w:st="on">AestheticlaceName> laceType w:st="on">CollegelaceType>. The college was affiliated with a famous university. The affair affected all who knew the boy. He won the admiration of people. In the college, the professor he met first was an advocate of truth. He ignored all kinds of adverse comments about him. In the class, the professor taught the students how to use an adverb in the sentence. After class, he told them about his adventures in aerospace, and he showed them some aerial photographs. He also took advantage of some advanced instruments to make experiments. His new product was so promising, that his students decided to advertise it for him. The boy enjoyed his study very much.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:05

对一对老夫妇来说,因为没有亲生孩子而收养一个孤儿是适当的。所有的事情都提前安排好了。他们的仁慈是一个有利的条件,使他们优于别的申请者而可以收养一个小男孩。男孩在慈爱下成长很快,但他的行为举止还不是非常成熟。那也是青少年的通病。很快,男孩获得允许进入艺术学院。这个学院隶属于一所著名的大学。这件事影响了所有认识男孩的人。他赢得了人们的赞美。在学院里,他最先遇到的教授是一个真理的提倡者。他不理睬各种各样对他不利的评论。在课堂上,教授教学生们如何在一个句子里用副词。下课,他告诉学生们他在太空冒险,并向他们展示一些空中拍摄的照片。他还利用一些先进仪器来做实验。他的新产品是这样有前景,他的学生们决定为他给产品做广告。男孩非常喜欢他的学习生活。fficeffice" />

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:05

Mr. Bacon used to be a music CD agent. He got the job through an employment agency. By accident, he heard some African music. The music was agreeable to the ear. From then on, he was in an agony of longing. ffice:smarttags" />Africa was a mysterious land attracting him. His heart agitated for adventure. Mr. bacon had a friend name Jack. Jack was an alert alien. They were much alike in character. Both of them never touched alcohol. Both of them were aggressive, but Jack was stronger. In the 400-meter match , he got ahead of Mr. Bacon every time One day, Mr. Bacon received airmail from Jack. In the airmail, Jack described the beauty of Africa. Mr. Bacon affirmed that what he said was true. Three days afterward they met at the airport. According to the agenda, they arrived in Africa the next day. They found that the lack of rain aggravated the serious shortage of food. The agricultural commodities were deficient that year. There were rumors in the air that it was punishment from God. Next, on the way to hotel, they were shocked to see a dead man on the road. They alarmed the police at once and waited for the aid from the police. It's really a bad journey!

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:05

 培根先生曾是一个音乐CD代理商。他通过一个职业代理处得到这份工作。偶然地,他听到一些非洲音乐。那音乐非常令人愉快。从此,他陷入了热望的苦恼中。非洲成了一块吸引他的神秘土地。他的心煽动着要求冒险。培根先生有一个名为杰克的朋友。杰克是一个机灵的外侨。他们在性格方面非常相像。两个人都不沾。两人都很好斗,而杰克更胜一筹。在ffice:smarttags" />400赛跑中,每次都是他领先培根先生。一天,培根先生收到了来自杰克的航空邮件。信中,杰克描述了非洲的美丽。培根先生肯定他说的是真的。三天以后他们在机场碰头。按照议事日程,他们第二天到了非洲。他们发现干旱使食物短缺加重了。那年的农业产品不足。有谣言在流传,说是来自上帝的惩罚。接着,他们在去旅馆的半路上震惊的发现一个死人。他们立刻警方报警并等候援助。这真是倒霉的旅行!fficeffice" />
作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:06

The college admitted Steve when he was 15. The news was all over the small village.Not only he himself,but also his parent felt happy for this. They always fought alongside him. There was a bill along with the college notice, which upset them. The family was not rich at all; they had no radio, let alone a television. But they went all out to afford the higher education for him. After all, they had only one son. Fortunately, the college made allowances for Steve's situation and awarded him an allowance of five thousand dollars. When everything was all right, Steve went to college. In all, there were 30 students in his class. Steve learned a lot at class. He knew brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Besides this, he knew sometimes hemp was used to alleviate pain. Also, he could read the Latin alphabet correctly. Steve liked all the subjects but history. He had heard enough such as Britain in alliance with France once defeated a number of smaller countries., Britain was an ally of America in both World Wars. They were allied countries., and so on. But allowing for the graduation, he still got A in every subject. The teacher allocated duties to all the students evry Monday, and Steve always finished his part first. So the teacher alleged that Steve was the most promising student in the class.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:06

The college admitted Steve when he was 15. The news was all over the small village.Not only he himself,but also his parent felt happy for this. They always fought alongside him. There was a bill along with the college notice, which upset them. The family was not rich at all; they had no radio, let alone a television. But they went all out to afford the higher education for him. After all, they had only one son. Fortunately, the college made allowances for Steve's situation and awarded him an allowance of five thousand dollars. When everything was all right, Steve went to college. In all, there were 30 students in his class. Steve learned a lot at class. He knew brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Besides this, he knew sometimes hemp was used to alleviate pain. Also, he could read the Latin alphabet correctly. Steve liked all the subjects but history. He had heard enough such as Britain in alliance with France once defeated a number of smaller countries., Britain was an ally of America in both World Wars. They were allied countries., and so on. But allowing for the graduation, he still got A in every subject. The teacher allocated duties to all the students evry Monday, and Steve always finished his part first. So the teacher alleged that Steve was the most promising student in the class.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:06

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:07

 In Paul's youth, he had the ambition of being a famous basketball player. As an amateur, he found great amusement in playing basketball. An ambitious boy usually worked hard until one day he broke his leg. The ambulance drove along with noisy whirling whistles toward the hospital. His parents alternated in looking after him. Once he recovered, Paul amended his life goal. He began to have interest in political affairs. At the age of 40, he was appointed ambassador to ffice:smarttags" />Britain. He told the news to his girlfriend at once and he proposed to her. He said to her, My dear, my savings amount to 300 thousand dollars. We have ample money to decorate our wedding room. I just bought an amplifier yesterday. And I prefer to an ampere meter being made of aluminum even though it has analog to another one. But he was amazed to hear her ambiguous answer, Maybe.. Paul had no alternative but to wait. There were a few alterations to the timetable and the next month he flew to Britain. The airplane flew at an altitude of 20000 ft. laceName w:st="on">PaullaceName> felt something wrong and soon lost his mind. When he woke up, he was told that the airplane had crashed and he broke his leg, once again! By analogy, we could guess that Paul would amend his life goal once again!

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:07

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:07

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:07

The Smiths lived in the apartment above ours. It was said that one of Mr. Smiths' ancestors was a great chess player. A chess player must have an analytical mind. Mr. Smiths lived on his annual pension . Apart from that, he had no private income. His wife, Mrs. Smiths was an announcer on TV broadcast. And she once helped us to fix the television antenna. Their daughter, June, was as lovely as an angel. Once she hurt her left ankle when her parents were not at home. My wife sent her to the hospital in a hurry. All of us often sat side-by-side and chatted one with another. Sometimes we would discuss some ancient history. Sometimes we would play games one after another. On their 10th anniversary of marriage, the Smiths received an anonymous letter and then made a decision. That is, they would start on Antarctic expedition. Since they anticipated that they might meet many difficulties, they would leave June with us. June was annoyed at their decision. So her father comforted her, View it at a diffierent angle. You needn't have anxiety about that. I was anything but a hero. Anyhow we just want to realize our dreams since childhood. Finally, June accepted that.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:07

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:08

The show would approximately begin in five minutes. It's apt to rain that afternoon. The television men had set up their apparatuses. Some appliances were made of stainless steel. Last week, Grace's first appearance failed. There was no apology needed. People's disappointment was already apparent. She was so sorry that she had no appetite to eat. Grace appealed to her friends for help. Thus she got an appointment with the appointed director. The way was applicable. The director was not easily approached. But Grace's appropriate attitude and clean appearance impressed him. Although he had received twenty applications, he agreed to give her another change. Grace appreciated his help very much. And now, Grace's second performance won the applause of the audiences. She was loudly applauded.There was an appreciable difference between her two performances. The final list together with an appendix would be sent to the manager for his approval. Grace waited for his appraisal with agreat deal of apprehension.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:08

演出将在大约5分钟后开始。那天下午天气下雨的倾向。电视工作者已经架好了他们的设备。有些器具是不锈钢制作的。上周,格蕾丝的第一次出场失败了。道歉是没必要的,人们的失望已经是很明显的了。他感觉如此难受都没有食欲。格蕾丝请求他朋友帮助。因此她得到一次与指定导演的约会。这个方法是适用的。导演不容易接近。但格蕾丝恰如其分的态度和整洁的外表让他印象深刻。虽然他已经收到20申请书,他同意再给她一次机会。格蕾丝非常感谢他的帮助。并且现在,格蕾丝的第二次表演赢得了观众的鼓掌欢迎。人们大声的欢呼。她的两次表演有着可以觉察的不同。最后的名单连同一份附录将被送到经理那里等候他的批准。格蕾丝怀着巨大的担忧等待他的评价fficeffice" />
作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:08

The Arabian Nights Entertainment is very interesting. One of them was a story about an  outstanding architect named Ralph. He was good at arithmetic since childhood. And at the age of 20, his opportunity had arisen. The king asked him to design a palace roofed with an arch. On top of the arch, there would be an artificial arctic bear. Its architecture of great artistic value. The king and the architect arrived at the agreement without argument. Before Ralph finished his work, he saw the princess. Even a flower was not as beautiful as she. Once he saw her, he felt as if he were drunk. As to that, he hadnt thought of his social rank. Love was important for Ralph as well as for the princess. As for her, she felt as though Ralph were a member of her family. One evening, Ralph articulated his love to the princess. She arranged with him to meet at her bedroom. The next day, the princess aroused him just before dawn. But the arbitrary king had arrayed troops and he ordered the soldiers to arrest him. Luckily, the princess shot an arrow to stop them in time.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:08

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:08

ffice:smarttags" />Sandy was an Asian. The local theare associated with other business establishments to discriminate against Asians. Every one aside from Asians could get into the theatre. Sandy was stopped too. But his angry aspect frightened the entrance guard. That evening, several Asian students including Sandy assembled in the campus. Each student had been assigned to a job. As for Sandy, he was to make an assault on the theatre. In the middle of the night with a loud"bang", the theare was burned to ashes. Sandy assisted other students to swim ashore. A helicoper was waiting for them. But Sandy stayed alone. He watched the helicopter ascend higher and higher until it disappeared. The police was going to ascertain the truth and they arrested Sandy. On the court, Sandy made a speech to assert his innocence. He assumed his action would arouse attention to race discrimination. But his assumption proved to be wrong. No one assessed his speech at its true worth. The court simply put him into prison. Sandy asked for a meeting with his parents. They came with tears. They had brought some easily assimilated food for him. Sandy asked them to ask after his grandmother.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:09

桑迪是个亚洲人.当地的剧院联合其他营业机构歧视亚洲人.除了亚洲人,其他所有人都可以进剧院.桑迪也同样被阻止了.但他那生气的样子吓坏了门卫.那天晚上,包括桑蒂在内的几个亚洲学生在校园里集会.每个人都分配到了一项任务.对桑地来说,就是要袭击剧院.在深夜,""一声巨响后,剧院被烧毁成灰烬.桑地帮助其他的学生游上岸.一架直升飞机上升越来越高直到消失.警察要查明事情真相,于是他们逮捕了桑迪.法庭上,桑迪发表了演讲来宣称他无罪.假定他的行为可以唤起人们对种族歧视的注意.但事实证明他的假定是错误的。没人评价他演说的真正价值.法院只是简单地将他关入监狱了事.桑迪要求与他的父母会面.他们含泪而来.他们带来了一些容易消化的食物给他.桑迪请求他们代他向祖母问候fficeffice" />
作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:09

An Australian, Mr. Mason, was charged with being in debt! On the day of trial, there was a great attendance at the court. Every audience was attentive to what he said. Mr. Mason used to be an athlete. But he had a dream of being an astronaut. In his mind, astronomy had atom theory were much more attractive than sports games. He paid attention to all kinds of space information. And he borrowed too much money to rent a spacecraft. But he hadnt paid off his debt yet. Mr. Mason gave assurance that his debts should be paid soon. His sincere attitude was so moving that he attained his freedom. But he attributed this to his attorney. After that, Mr. Mason worked in a store during the day. And he augmented his income by teaching in the evenings. He used tapes as aural material to teach English. By the end of that year, he paid off all his debt. So Mr. Mason decided to cross the ffice:smarttags" />Atlantic Ocean as a trip. He attached a label to his baggage then went aboard. Its a day of nice atmospheric pressure. He was astonished to feel the atmosphere of peace and calm on the sea. It reminded him of his dream again!  

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:09

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:09

At the beginning of the auto (automobile) industry, many people were attracted to ffice:smarttags" />Detroit. Nike was one of them. He worked in a factory. There was no available automatic in that factory. Some part of the work must be done by ax. And the ax was awkward to handle. So Nick availed himself of every opportunity to improve instruments. He would design two to three instruments a month on an average. By and by, he became an authority on it. As one of the best workers, he was awarded bonuses often. Recently, Nick was assigned to fix an engine to avert any possible damage. He drew an axis on it first then fixed it carefully. He also brought an auxiliary engine with him. But just after he finished repairing, he was aware of his mistake right away. An awful accident happened next. The engine exploded and a big fire ensued. The people who stood on the avenue tried to extinguish the fire, but its of no avail. Fortunately, nobody was injured. The boss awaited Nick at the meeting room. Nick didnt want to avoid punishment. To his surprise, the boss didnt blame him. Instead, he gave a book about aviation to Nick. And the author was the boss himself!

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:09

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:10

George was a little backward since his childhood, but he was awarded a badge for his hard work in study. So it was't surprising that he had attained a bachelor's degree without any background. The first day George came to a village after graduation, he saw birds fly back and forth over it. There was a stream back of a bar. Suddenly a girl lost her balance and fell down in front of him. "You have to back up then turn around", he said and helped her up. Then he bandaged up her injured ankle. The girl judged him to be a bachelor from his simple baggage. She invited him to her home. The house was decorated with some colored balloons and banners. A badminton racket was hung on the wall. But iron bacterium had made it rusty. Her father, Mr. White was a barber, but he himself was almost bald. Mrs.White ran a bakery. And her bacon bread was famous. The girl backed her mother up whole-heartedly. So their bakery would never go bankrupt. That evening, George invited the girl to see a movie that was banned in the 60's. She used a rubber band to tie her hair then followed him. They went out with the bang of the door behind them. But George backed down what he said soon. He decided to treat the whole family to a big dinner first.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-2-27 11:10

乔治从孩童起就有点迟钝,但他因为学习努力而被授予徽章.所以他没有什么背景也获得了学士学位并没有让人吃惊.乔治毕业后来到一个村庄的第一天,他看到鸟儿在村子上空来来往往地飞翔.在一个酒吧后面有一条小溪.突然有个女孩在他前面失去了平衡而跌倒了."你得往后退,然后转过来,"他说着并帮助她起来.然后他用绷带扎缚她受伤的脚踝,女孩从他简单的行李上判断他是个单身汉.她邀请他回家.她家的房子被一些彩色的气球旗帜装饰着.一个羽毛球拍挂在墙上.但是铁细菌已经让它生锈了.她的父亲,怀特先生是个理发师,但他自己几乎已经秃顶.怀特夫人经营着一个面包店.她的熏肉面包非常出名.女孩全心全意支持她的母亲.于是他们的面包店永远也不会破产.那天晚上,乔治邀请女孩去看一场在60年代禁止的电影.她用一根橡皮带子扎紧头发然后跟他走.他们地关了门走出去了.但乔治很快放弃了他说的话.他决定先请他们全家人吃顿大餐.fficeffice" />
作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 09:55

 Harry joined the army and became a member of battery. It's wintertime. The trees were bare because of the cold. The war ended nearby a bay. The battery bought a barrel of beer to celebrate their victory. The salesman refused to bargain over the price, but he gave them some coffee beans free. After lunch, the game began with a baseball match on basis of friendship. A batch of soldiers joined this. Beginners would feel it difficult to play. But Harry did it well. In fact, he wanted to play tennis with his new tennis bat. At that night, the strong wind unroofed the barn and a dog barked. So the battery found a captive was gone. The captive had a beard and it was said that he was a beast. No one expected this beforehand. Harry rode on a horse to purse him. The horse ran over the barrier easily. He stopped in front of the basement of a building. He took out a torch but it was useless, for the battery had run down. Harry went down. The bats flew everywhere. Finally he tried his best to catch the captive. He said to him, "On behalf of my battery, I arrest you!"
作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 09:56

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 09:56

 Sam received a letter from his beloveds parents. His beloved died from an accident and was buried beneath her house. Sam lost his consciousness. When he woke up, he saw a doctor. He had a bias against doctors. But he made believe he behaved respectfully toward them. The doctor hadnt much belief in his behavior for Sams eyes betrayed him. He said to Sam, At best we can cure your body since we make the best use of the medical instruments here. Beware of your mind you must try your best to cure it. The next week, when the doctor came to see Sam, he was reading the Bible. There was another visitor besides him. Its a beautiful nurse. She smiled at Sam, If you want to know more about the Bible, you can look up the bibliography. Sam was bewildered by her smile. Next, they had a dialogue. Fresh air is beneficial to your health. The bent branches are covered with ripe berries. Lets go to pick berries tomorrow.” “Its no benefit to me at all, Id better stay here. Besides, I bet it will rain tomorrow. But the next day, the weather had taken a turn for the better and they did go out. After a long struggle, Sam finally got the best of (got the better of) himself.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 09:56

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 09:56

The government decided to build a bridge between a bleak island and downtown. Several companies bid for the contract. And one of them won. The workers stood on board, accepting the blessing from the priest. He bid them good luck. Its springtime. Flowers were blooming (blossoming) all over the island. The engineer who took charge of the team was Dan. He wasnt interested in biology so he chose technology. After they arrived, Dan took out a blank sheet of paper to calculate the expense. It would cost them more than one billion dollars to complete the project. The first work was to move a big rock. The tools were too blunt, so they decided to blast it. A bold worker boasted that he could do it well. But he made an awful blunder. The trees around the rock caught fire suddenly. The workers were unable to control the blaze. Its a bloody accident that caused five people to be injured, including Dan. Dan bound the cloth around his head to stop bleeding. Then he took some bitter pills. After that, he drank some blend of whisky and wine together with some biscuits. The worker blushed when he saw Dan in the boiler room. But Dan didnt scold him. Instead, they needed a bolt to fit the valve. According to a biography about Dan, we know finally they completed the project successfully.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 09:56

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 09:57

Since last year, the agriculture in this village had boomed. The boughs of trees were loaded with fruit. The workers worked hard and got bonuses. John was one of them. His neighbor, Mrs. Morris, had a son who walked with the help of a brace. Even though, the boy liked to bounce up and down. The friendship formed a friendly bond between the two families. Theyd like to discuss something like public bond sometimes. One day, when John was working, Mrs. Morris called him from a telephone booth. She was crying, My son fell into the river! Please save him! It sounded like a bomb exploding in Johns heart. He rushed to the bank. He was bound to find the boy. The river formed the boundary between the two countries. To pass across the border, one must go through customs. Brace yourself for the danger! some boring people tried to boycott his action. But John took off his boots and dived into the river. He showed great bravery in saving th drowning child and he succeeded. He held the boy to his bosom and went back. His dog came bounding to meet him. Mrs. Morris bowed as she appreciated him so much. She took out a brass box, in which there was a bottle of brandy made in ffice:smarttags" />France. Its one of the most popular brands. It had a regular breadth of its bottom. Then Mrs. Morris bored a hole in the bottle cork to pull it out. After the meal, the mother said to the son, Put the date in brackets on the paper. Do remember today, my boy.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 09:57

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 09:57

It was a nice night. Stars were billiant in the clear night sky. A breeze blew over the garden. We just had chicken breast for supper. I was telling my families about my travel when Bill broke in with a story of his. He was sorry to arrive late because his car broke down. So he had to ride on a horse. Though his horse was of the best breed he had ever bred., the hundreds of miles' run left Bill out of breath. He pulled the brim of his hat down over his eyes then began. "A man loved a girl very much. On May 1,she would be his bride. But he was put into prison and her family broke off relations with him. He was locked at a room where the window was bricked up. On the last day of April, the man bribed a policeman to let him go free. Next, he and the other criminals broke into the armory and carried off 20 rifles. So a combat broke out unavoidably. The police tried to break up the crowd but failed. The criminals had little difficulty in breaking through the pass. They broke away from the prison successfully!... " In brief, the story was exciting. It made all of us catch our breath.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 09:57

那是一个很好的夜晚。星星在夜空中光辉灿烂。一阵微风吹过花园。我们刚吃过鸡肉晚饭。我正在给家人讲我的旅行的时候,比尔插嘴讲了一个他知道的故事。他很抱歉他来迟了,因为他的车损坏了。于是他不得不骑马。虽然他的马是他饲养过的最好的品种,但好几百英里的奔波也使比尔上起不接下气。他把帽沿拉至眼帘然后开始讲述:“一个男子非常爱一个女孩。ffice:smarttags" />51,她将成为他的新娘。但他背关入监狱并且她的家人和他断绝关系。他被锁在一个窗户被用砖堵死的房间。4月的最后一天,那个男子贿赂一名警员让他出去。接着,她和其他的罪犯闯入了军械库拿走了20只来复枪。于是一场争斗不可避免地爆发了。警方试图拆散人群但失败了。罪犯们不费劲地突破了关口。他们成功地逃离了监狱!.....”简言之,这个故事非常刺激.它让我们大家都屏息凝听.fficeffice" />

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 09:57

The new buds appeared in the spring. But the storm brought down a number of trees last night. Scientists said that many factors brought about changes in the weather, but they could not bring forward the exact reasons. Constant stress had made our nerves brittle. And the poor aunt fell into a coma. Difficulties could bring out a persons qualities. Her daughter, Jenny, was a brisk girl. She brought her to life by artificial respiration. Our brows went up in surprise. And Jennys composedness brought forth a positive effect. We calmed down and then we cleaned the room with a broom, a mop and a bucket. Suddenly, I noticed there was a bronze sword on the wall. Jenny said she had been to ffice:smarttags" />Britain and it was a gift from a British friend. She took out a travel brochure and continued, Last year I budgeted for all my expenses in the year and I decided to travel. Then I met Mr. Brown. Nazis were brutal during the World War II and he was the only survivor of his family. He cross a brook and avoided the chase. He saw bubbles rise from under the water.. He would never forget that. Later, Mr. Brown got married and brought up two children. Because we communicated well, he gave his favorite sword to me.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 09:57

 春天新绽放。但昨夜暴风雨打倒了许多树。科学家说有许多因素造成天气的变化,但他们没法提出确切的原因。持续的紧张让我们的精神很脆弱。可怜的姑妈昏迷了过去。困难时刻能显示出一个人的最佳品质。她的女儿,珍妮是一个生气勃勃的姑娘。她用人工呼吸使她恢复知觉。我们惊奇地竖起了眉毛。珍妮的镇定产生了积极的影响。我们冷静下来,然后我们用一支扫把、一支拖把和一只水桶来打扫房间。突然,我注意墙上有一把青铜剑。珍妮说她去过英国,那是来自一位英国朋友的礼物。她拿出一本旅游的小册子接着说:“去年我预算了全年的开支,然后决定去旅游。后来我就遇到了布朗先生。二次大战时纳粹非常残忍,她是他们家中唯一的幸存者。他穿过一条小溪才得以躲过追击。他看见气泡从水底冒起。他永远也忘不了那个情形。后来,布朗先生结了婚并且培养了两个孩子。因为我们交流得很好,他把他心爱的剑赠送给了我。”fficeffice" />

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 09:58

Teddy was the son of a butcher. They lived in an old building. And they often bought bulbs in bulk to save money. But poverty wouldnt stop Teddys steps to college. Further more his classmate, Sally, fell in love with him. She was more beautiful than a butterfly. She often gave him a bundle of new clothes.. In return, she would receive a bunch of flowers. They built up love day by day. The girls father was a businessman. He sold by-products of crude oil. He had a temper as bad as a bull. The father disliked Teddy very much. First, he burned up all the pictures of Teddy that Sally had. Secondly, he threatened to kill Teddy with a bullet. Thirdly, he posted a bulletin on the board to expose Teddys financial burden. And then, one day, he informed his secretary that he was going on business. But in fact, he followed Teddy. Teddy caught the No. 111 trolley bus to the tourist bureau. The father took a by-pass to the track. But electric motor of his car was too powerful and it burned out a fuse. He bumped into a tree and the car crashed. But for the accident he should had seen the two young people get on an airplane going abroad.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 09:58

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 09:58

There were three candidates for the presidential election campaign and finally Mr. Knox won. Right away, he called his wife up to inform her. Then he bought lots of candies for the children to celebrate the victory. At night, they went to a cafeteria to taste favorite cabbage. The next day, Mr. Knox put the calendar on the shelf. There were many problems that called for solutions. He intended to build more libraries on the campuses. The ministers were called up to discuss this. The proposal called forth a good deal of hostile criticism in the cabinet. The project needed a number of cables. They calculated the cost and at last the proposal was called off. Mr. Knox felt disappointed, and the worse was, his doctor told him that he had gotten cancer in his liver. So he cancelled all his appointments. He decided to call on a famous doctor who lived in ffice:smarttags" />Canada. His packages were delivered across the desert by camels. .He crossed a lake in a canoe first then took a ship to sail on the canal. It was strange to see a cannon on the ship. Usually, Mr. Knox had his supper at the canteen. While staying in the passenger cabin, he would miss his family very much.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 09:58

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 09:58

When Mrs. Hayes was a child, her father, a capable carpenter cared for her very much. He made a very beautiful carriage for her.He drew canvases for her. So Mrs. Hayes promised to give her own children a good childhood. Mr. Hayes used to be a cargo carrier. His early career was successful until he was choosen to explore the outer space! The day they departed, Mr. Hayes said to his wife,"Take care of the children in case I don't come back." Mrs. Hayes answered,"You take care." The capsule had a capcity of 10 persons but 15 peoples got in. It's ridiculous to carry out the plan. All of their lives were carried off. The moment Mrs. Hayes heard of the news, she want to take a poison capsule to kill herself. But finally she didn't become the captive of Death. One day, a thief stole her ID card and her credit card. The police had not captured the thief yet. From then on, whenever she went out, she brought a knife with her in case of need. In the day, she taught the children what's capitalism and what's carbon dioxide. At night, she would cook beef and carrot. After supper, she accompanied them to watch cartoon. Later, the government built up her husband's statue carved out of marble. Facing the statue, Mrs. Hayes said,"In no case am I to leave my children! In any case, it is my responsibility to bring them up. Though tired,I will carry on untill they are grow up."

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 09:59

当海斯夫人还是个孩子,她的父亲,一个有能力的木匠非常关心.他给她做了一个非常漂亮的四轮马车.他给她画油画.于是海斯夫人许诺给她自己的孩子一个好的童年.海斯先生是一个好的货物搬运人.他最初的事业挺成功,直到他被选择去太空探险!他们分别的那天,海斯先生对他的夫人说:"假如我没法回家了,照顾好孩子们."海斯夫人回答:"当心."太空舱容量10个人,但有15个人进去了.执行这个计划是荒谬的.所有人的生命都被夺去.听到消息的那一刻,海斯夫人想吞食一颗毒药胶囊自杀.但最终她没有成为死神的俘虏.一天,一个小偷偷了她的身份证信用卡.警方还没有捕获住小偷.从此无论何时出门,她都随身带着刀子以备万一需要.白天,她教孩子什么是资本主义什么是二氧化碳.晚上,她会烧牛肉和胡萝卜.晚饭后,她陪他们看卡通.后来,政府为她丈夫立了一座大理石雕刻的雕像.站在雕像面前,海斯夫人说:"决不离开孩子们!无论如何,我都有责任抚养他们.尽管疲惫,我还是会坚持下去,直到他们长大成人."fficeffice" />
作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 09:59

It's a story about a prince. You can look for the books in the library catalog. A prince live in a beautiful castle. His bedroom was a large room with a high ceiling. The floor had been cemented over. From the window, he could watch the cattle grazing. One day, he had a casual meeting with a pretty girl. Some robbers robbed of a cashier and flew away. The number of casualty was 5. The robbers had gone ten miles before the police caught up with them. Soon they were locked in a cell of the cellar. When the prince arrived at the locale, he saw a girl looking after the wounded. In the prince's eyes , women could be divided into two categories: kindhearted and evil-minded. So he could not help casting his eyes toward her. He walked up to her and found he was 15 centimeters taller than her. He asked her ,cautious in his choice of words,"Would you like to visit my castle?" The girl was surprised, "Would you mind repeating what you said,I didn't quite catch on." Gradually their talk ceased with long silence followed. From then on, the prince's every cell was eager to see her. In the end, they decided to get married after census. it's a nice day. It's 20 centigrate that day. The wedding ceremony was held in a Catholic cathedral. The pastor showed the marriage certificate to all of the guests. A new cassette recorder recorded their love swear.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 09:59

这是一个关于一位王子的故事。你可以在图书馆的目录里去找它。一位王子住在一个美丽的城堡里。他的卧室是一个有着高高天花板的大房间。地面铺过水泥。从窗户那儿,他可以注视牛群吃草。一天,他同一位漂亮女孩有一次偶然的相遇。一些抢劫犯抢劫了一名出纳并逃走了。伤亡人数5名。抢劫犯已逃出10英里警察才追上他们。很快他们被锁在地下室的一个小囚房里。当王子到达现场时,他看见一个女孩正在照看伤员。在王子眼里,女人分成两个种类:心地善良的和心地狠毒的。于是他禁不住把目光向她。他走到她面前,发现自己比她高15厘米。他谨慎用词地问到:“您愿意参观我的城堡吗?”女孩很惊讶:“您再重复一遍好吗?我没听太明白。”渐渐地,他们的谈话停止了,紧接着是长时间的沉默。从此,王子的每一个细胞都在渴望见到她。最终,他们决定在人口普查之后结婚。那是个好日子,温度20摄氏度。结婚典礼在一座天主教的大教堂里举行。牧师向所有来宾展示了他们的结婚证书。一台崭新的盒式磁带录音机记录下他们爱的誓言。fficeffice" />
作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 09:59

Having read The Great Charter Movement, I finished chapter 8 of another novel. The characters in the book were impressive. They showed their characteristic features in their own ways. The hero, Andrew was tolerant in character. He might be characterized as a man of mercy. Andrew was in charge of a company. He met a woman by chance at a party. Her charm of manner made her popular. No other women dared to challenge her beauty. It was said she was a City Beauty champion. Andrew wanted to chase her. He decided to take a chance. He cheered up at the thought of seeing her again. The next day, after checking up on the weather chart, Andrew chartered a ship to her city. The ship followed the channel into the port. He remained cheerful throughout the trip. Once he stepped on the bank, Andrew checked in at a hotel. It was surprising that the pretty woman welcomed him so much. Andrew hoped he could stay longers, but he had to check out before next Monday. The last morning when Andrew woke up, he found his room was in chaos and the woman was gone. The TV channel was broadcasting a boring talk show. A police officer that took charge of larceny interviewed Andrew in his chamber. He told him that the woman had cheated his passessions. But Andrew forgave her completely with charity. He just wanted her back !

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 10:00

读过英国宪章运动之后,我又读完了另一本小说的第8。书中的人物都让人印象深刻。他们用他们自己的方式展示了他们独有的特色。男主角安得鲁性格很宽容。可以用仁慈描述他的特性。安得鲁主管一家公司。他碰巧在一个宴会上遇到了一名女子。她风度迷人,备受欢迎。没有其他女子敢挑战她的美丽。据说,她是一名城市丽人冠军。安得鲁想要追求她。他决定冒险一试。一想到又要见到她,他就高兴起来。第二天,在检查过天气后,安得鲁租船去她所在的城市。他整个旅程都有愉快的心情。他一上岸就在一家旅馆办理登记手续。令人惊奇的是那个漂亮女子非常欢迎他。安得鲁希望他能待久一些,但他必须下周一前结账离开。最后一个早晨安得鲁醒来后,他发现他的房间一片混乱,漂亮女子也不知去向。电视频道正在播放讨厌的脱口秀节目。一名负责盗窃罪的警官在房间会见了安得鲁。他告诉他那女子走了他的财产。但安得鲁因仁慈而完全原谅了她。他只想她回来!fficeffice" />
作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 10:00

There was a chill in the air that morningWe chopped the block of wood into pieces and threw them into the fire place. The chimney poured smoke Into the alr. After the lamb chops dinnerwe made the circuit of the old city walls. The Circular tour took us 3hours. The circumference of the city was almost 10 milesAnd we found a story on the wallchiefly about a chemistHe had a chi1dish chinHe liked to play chessAnd he cherished a set of ancient chinaBut his favorite thing was to do chemical experiments.His last task was to make cheesescherry flavor and chestnut flavorAfter several dayshard workthe chemist decided to have a taste. He chewed some chips of cheese.Having given a few chokes, he got his breathIt tasted wonderful!  He was so happy that he lit up a cigarThe news circulated quickly. The paper praised him in chorusA Christian chorus sang Christmas carols for him. The mayor invited him to have a lecture. Due to circumstances beyond controlthe lecture was cancelledIt's a pity

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 10:00


作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 10:00

This town had a temperate climate. On rainy days, most people would stay at home, listening to some classical music. When the weather cleared up, they would go out. Some youth even would climb the cliff. Some other young people would go to the circus. It had classic performances. The climax of the show was three cats using their sharp claws to draw pictures in the clay! Audiences clapped their hands in delight. But for Molly and Henry, the sister and the brother, the pleasure was to study. School education helped to civilize the people. It's one of the civil rights. And also, the government cited the Bible to claim that civilization was necessary. This morning, after clearing away the kitchen, they went to school. They wore civilian clothes like other students. The students in the school were classified by the subject they chose. Some students learned how to be a lawyer, how to face the clients and how to make every clause of the contract clear. Some focused on grammar. They must understand all kinds of clauses. Molly and Henry were in the debate class. Clarity of thinking was of greatest importance in a debate. In the class, the two sides clarified their contentions loudly. They were so serious that the two sides fought wlth each other. In the clash, Molly's necklace fell off because the clasp had broken. Henry picked it up and held Molly's hand in a firm clasp. It's a funny day!

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 10:00

这个小城气候温和。在雨天,多数人待在家里,听听古典音乐。天气放晴后,他们会出门去。一些年轻人甚至会去爬悬崖。另一些年轻人会去马戏团。那里有一流的演出。演出的高潮是三只小猫用它们锋利的爪子粘土上画画!观众们高兴地拍手。但对莫丽和亨利兄妹来说,学习才是他们的决乐。学校教育使人们文明起来。教育是一项公民权。并且政府也引用圣经来主张文明是必要的。这天早上,收拾完厨房后,他们就上学去。他们像其他学生一样穿着平民衣服。学校里的学生按他们选择的科目分类。有的学生学习如何成为一名律师,如何面对委托人并且如何使合同上的每个条款都非常清楚。有些学生注重语法,他们必须理解各种从句。莫丽和亨利在辩论班上。在辩论中,思维的清晰是最重要的。在课上,两方大声地阐明他们的论点。他们如此认真,以至于双方打了起来。在碰撞中,莫丽的项链掉在地上,因为钩子坏了。亨利将它捡起来并紧握住莫丽的手。真是有趣的一天!fficeffice" />
作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 10:01

I coach people to drive. Last Sunday, I saw a tragedy. Two coaches collided with each other. A building collapsed.Many people clustered to see what happened. Five persons died during the collision. Coherent blood wet their clothes. And thewet cloths clung to their bodies. The police covered the dead with cloaks. A man volunteered to help them. His friendly behavior was a cloak for his evil intentions. A dead wonman clutched her purse tightly but he stole it. Few people noticed his coarse action. Then he wanted to escape from there but tripped over a coil of rope. His clumsy movement attracted the police. According to the clue a witness supplied, he was arrested. At the same time, a coal ship was sailing along the coast clockwise. One of my colleagues happened to be on the ship. His free time never coincided with mine. We only used Morse code to keeo in touch. So I was surprised to see him. What a coincidence! We two collaborated with the police to send the injured people to the nearest clinic . We worked around the clock. Everything was going smoothly with the collective ef-fort. After we finished this, my colleague showed me his latest butterfly collection. It was clipped in a box. Its really beauti-fuL .

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-2 10:01

辅导人们驾驶。上周日,我目睹了一场悲剧。两辆长途汽车互相碰撞。一座建筑倒塌了。许多人群集而来看发生什么了事情。有5人在碰撞中丧生。粘附的血弄湿了他们的衣服。并且湿衣服粘住了他们的身体。警察用外套盖住死者。一个男人自告奋勇帮助他们。他友善的举动实际上是对邪恶动机的掩盖。一名女死者牢牢住她的钱包但还是被他偷走了。很少人注意到他的粗鲁行为。然后他想逃离那里但被一绳索绊倒了。他那笨拙的动作引起了警方的注意。根据一名证人提供的线索,他被捕了。与此同时,一艘船正以顺时针方向驶向海岸。我的一个同事碰巧在船上。他的闲暇时间从不一致。我们只是用摩尔斯密码保持联系。因此我很惊奇地见到他。真是巧合!我们俩帮助警方把伤员送往最近的诊所。我们昼夜不停地工作。在共同努力下,所有的事情都进展顺利。完成了这一切后,我的同事向我展示了他最新的蝴蝶收集品。它被夹在一个盒子里,可真漂亮!fficeffice" />
作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-3 11:47

ffice:smarttags" />New York was a big commercial city. Many people commuted between  home and offices everyday. Mr. Dodge and Mrs. Dodge know each other at a college committee. Both of them believed in communism and they communicated well. On that day the topic was, if the commonwealth should appoint a commission to find out why commodities cost so much. The chairman made a commonplace speech, which bored every commonsense audience. So a girl's compact speech cheered them up. The chairman's speech was hardly conparable with hers. The audiences made a comparative vote of the two speeches and the girl won. After graduation, Mr. Dodgebecame a salesman, receiving commissions on all sales he made. The girl was an architect. She had secured two commissions to design buildings. Love was poetically compared to flower. Mr.Dodge had considered her an ideal companion for himself. Having kept company with him for more than 2 years, she really loved him. Soon, they got married and had two children. The boy liked to draw a cicrl with compasses and the girl liked to swim in the swimming pool used in common. Sometimes the couple would work in community welfare deparment for free. If they were busy, the children would be committed to the care of an aunt. This family never booked the first-class compartment of the train. They weren't rich but were really happier by comparison.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-3 11:48

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-3 11:48

Everyone in competitive society faces keen competitionincluding love competition. In a citythere were many young men who competed for a beautiful womanNancyThe chasing team was composed of about 20 peopleffice:smarttags" />Nancy received many compliments on her beauty but she only cared about Arthur and lke. Arthur was an editor. It took him years of hard work to compile a good dictionaryAnd he would complete the task soonNancy enjoyed reading the dictionaryIkeWas a strong competitor of ArthurHe was a handsome but not compatible piano playerHe always complained that life was getting more complex and difficultHe had enough complication in his lifeI would tell you the complicated processes soon He played many of his compositions for Nancy and she liked his musicAs we knowmost of the timejealousy was a component of loveAnd one day it even compelled lke to shoot at Arthur! The injured man was granted 20 thousand dollars in compensationIke couldnt be a competent lover foreverHe was put into jailA sentence could be an excellent complemnent to the storyThat isin every competitionevery one must comply with the law.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-3 11:48

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-3 11:48

I saw a film last night. The film compressed ten years into two hours. Joseph was a chemist. We know a small baby has no concept of right and wrong. But Joseph wanted to inventr a conmpound to help babies to have good comprehension. The conception of thc plan occurred at a meeting of scientists. Joseph showed great interest concerning this plan. He was very seriously concerned with the problems involved. He concentrated all his attention on chemical research. No one could conceive of his hard work. But he concealed the research from his wife. So far as she was concerned, housework was more important. Everything went right except Jaseph must stop his work because of compulsory military service. He computed his losses at three months. So he worked harder after he went back. Eight years had passed before Joseph succeeded. He wrote a concise summary of his invention. A committee that comprised men of dif ferent views was sent to test his invention. They concluded that the compound really did work. A director of a big company tried to persuade Joseph to make some concession to sell the invention. But Joqeph had prepared to make no compromise. He'd like to give it to the public free. The newspaper made a comprehensive report of his deeds. A concert invited Joseph to make a speech. At the end of his speech, he said, "In conclusion, let me take the opportunity to thank all of you for your support."                  

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-3 11:48

我昨晚看了一场电影。电影将10年光阴压缩为两个小时。约瑟夫是个化学家。我们知道婴儿是没有错对概念的。但约瑟夫想发明一种让化合物来帮助婴儿拥有很好的理解力。些个计划的构想来源于一次科学家的聚会。关于这个计划,约瑟夫有浓厚的兴趣。他非常关心与此相关的问题。他集中他所有的注意力在化学研究上面。没人能设想他工作的辛苦。但他对妻子隐瞒了研究一事。说,家务事更重要。所有的事情都进展顺利除了约瑟夫必须因义务兵役而暂停工作他估计他损失三个月的时间。于是在回来后他更加努力工作。8年过去了,约瑟夫成功了。他为他的发明写了一个简明的要。一个由不同见解的人构成的委员会被派来检测他的发明。他们下结论说这个化合物确实有作用。一个大公司的董事长试图说服约瑟夫作些让步来卖掉他的发明。但约瑟夫早准备好了不妥协。他愿意将它无偿献给大众。报纸对他的行为做了内容广泛的报道。一个音乐会邀请约瑟夫去做演讲。演讲快结束时,他说:“最后,我借此机会感谢大家的支持。”fficeffice" />

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-3 11:49

A friend congratulated me on my new book about my trip. Then he asked me many questions in connection with life abroad. I said I would tell him a confidential story on condition that he kept it secret. My words confused him but also confirmed his thinking. Last year, in the country I visited the conjunction of the heavy rains and high winds caused flooding. At the same time, the conflict between the employers and workers led to the strike. The workers refused to conform to the unfair contract. They had been confined by the contract for many years. They condemned the employers for their bad conduct. And they had no confidence in the enlployers any more. Confronted by the angry crowd the police retreated. Congress conferred upon the strike but had no idea. A killer hired by some employers killed the strike leader, a confident orchestra conductor. A bus conductor caught the criminal. The criminal was confined in a prison and soon he confessed his crime. The criminal was condemned to death. The Queen conferred knighthood on the bus conductor at the press conference. But one month later, the bus conductor was murdered too. He was found dead nearby a post. made of concrete. I condensed the story to half its original length.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-3 11:49

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-3 11:49

A party consisted of ten conservatives. They were conscientious men. In consequence of their conscience, they worked constantly to raise people's consciousness on the conservation of natural resources. They said that the human being kept conquering nature and in consequence one day we would pay for the conquest at a considerable cost. It's conspicuous that forest was getting less and less. Consequently, every conscious person should give careful consideration to this problem. The ideas in their speeches were consistent. Analyzing their speech into its constituent parts, we knew that the strength of it consisted in the justice of it. Many people consented to support them. So their confidences were consolidated. The consensus of opinion at the latest meeting was that they would try to persuade the Congress to constitute some new constitutions,They were really considerate!

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-3 11:49

一个团体由10保守主义者组成。他们都是勤勤恳恳的人。由于良知缘故,他们不断地努力来唤起人们对自然资源保护意识。他们说人类一直在征服自然,因此有一天我们将为这征服而付出相当大的代价。森林越来越少是很明显的因而每一个有意识的人都应该对这个问题给予认真的考虑。他们演讲里的思想始终如一。分析他们演讲的成分的话,我们知道演讲的力量在于它的正义。许多人答应支持他们。于是他们的信心也加强了。在最近一次会议上,他们一致同意去说服议会制定一些新宪法。他们真的是考虑周到!fficeffice" />
作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-3 11:49

There are seven continents in the world. There's too great a consumption of alcohol in ffice:smarttags" />Europe. Mr. Keble was an alcoholic. He said he cared for his health but his actions contradicted his words. He constructed a wine cellar for himself. And he consumed a big container of alcohol a week. He was content with alcohol. His favorite was to enter drinking contests. On the contrary, Mrs. Keble disliked alcohol very much. She still loved Mr. Keble, but felt a touch of contempt. She contended that he should stop drinking. But he always contradicted her. They quarreled about this continually. One day when Mrs.Keble arrived at home, she found her husband sleeping on the floor. The wine had contaminated his shirt. So she contacted his consultant at once to consult with him about this. The consultant was contemporary with the Keble's. In contrast with the Keblet's, he was always calm. He watched and concluded that continuous drinking had made Mr. Keble thoroughly week. He suggested Mr. Keble make a contract with him. Mr. Keble read the contract and agreed with him. Later, Mr.Keble took a new kind of medicine his consultant gave to him every day. After much difficulty, he contrived to stop drinking! Can you guess the contents of that contract from the context? Its about the new medicine. The new medicine proved an important contribution toward Mr. Keble.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-3 11:49

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-3 11:50

 A suspect was convicted of robbery. It was said he robbed a copper watch. According to the convention, he had the right to appeal. A lawyer had interest in this controversial case. He was very famous. He'd never got out of control in any case. And he could always manage to convert defeat into victory. His corporation was formed in 1994. The lawyer corresponded with the suspect about his case. He tied a package with a cord then sent it to the suspect. The suspect decided to cooperate with the lawyer. He was very cooperative. The core of the case was to find the proper evidences. As a famous lawyer, it was convenient for him to do that. Everything was under control. On the day of trial, after the conventional greeting, the lawyer began his statements. His words conveyed his real feeling. No one could cope with him in debate. What ever the accuser said, he could give corresponding refutation. Further more, he supplied some coordinate evidence. He had full conviction that he would win. He was right. In fact, he had convinced the jury of the suspects innocence. We knew he won as he had thought. His friends gave him a cordial hug. And the correspondents reported the news of his success at once.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-3 11:50

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-3 11:50

A millionaire lived in a ffice:smarttags" />laceType w:st="on">countylaceType> of laceName w:st="on">EnglandlaceName>. He had a costly cottage in the country. One day, he read a piece of news about space. He counted up how much a cosmic flight would cost. Then he was determined to have a cosmic flight at all costs. Few people could go into space. So he thought of his cousin who worked in the Aviation Council. He corrupted his cousin with money. His cousin was a coward corroded by money. His behavior was counter to his duty. He didn't know he accepted the money at the cost of his future. After his cousin left, the millionaire smiled at a cat crouching on the counters "Anytimes, I can count on my money! " A week laters two policemen came to "visit" the millionaire. They passed the corridor and stood in front of him. At that time, the millionaire was having dinner. He sat on his couch and tried to crack a crab. Seeing the policemen, he covered up his nervousness. Soon, he was brought to court for trial. His counsel counseled him to say nothing about the affair before they met. In the course of the trail, the millionaire showed his courtesy properly. As a defendant, his counterpart was the Aviation Council. Fortunately, by courtesy of it, he had not been put into jail. Instead, he was imposed a fine of 1O thousand dollars.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-3 11:50

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-3 11:51

A craft flew to the planet L6046. It used to be a cradle of civilization. But now it was a special prison for all kinds of cruel criminals. As usual, the craft came to check the situation here. Unexpectedly, the craft crashed when it was landing. The crew came out of it. Then they were shocked to see many strange creatures creeping or crawling on the ground like huge crickets. They had black crusts and they crowed like roosters! They were crude aliens! The huge aliens came up to the crew. Within a few minutes, quite a few people were crippled. Things became to a crisis. A creative woman played a crucial role. She climbed into a crane. Then she drove it towards the aliens. She acquired the craft from her father. The crane crushed the aliens successfully. The remaining people survived. Half an hour later, another craft came to rescue them. The critical period was over. One of the survivors was a critic. He wrote an impressive criticism. But the government had its own criteria. It criticized the critic and crossed out his criticism. The new king would be crowned in a month. To avoid a riot,  it was reasonable to do that.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-3 11:51

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-3 11:52

The A Empire declined as a world power. It was decomposing into many small local authorities. Last year the people's earnings decreased 20% because of the financial deficit. Many children in the poor area had calcium deficiency. From the facts, we deduced that the Empire was decaying. Who caused it? The people needed a definite answer. Then they found out that the emperor deceived them. His deceit was disgusting. He lived in decent conditions. His hall was decorated with deer horns. But he had never had decided opinions of his own. That was his fatal defect. The power of an emperor was defined by law, not by himself. A minister stepped forward boldly. He deemed it his duty to help his people. He dedicated his life to his people. So he made adeclaration of war against the emperor. The night deepened. The minister declined to drink with others. He stood on the deck. The wave swept over the deck. Tomorrow there would be a decisive battle. The deficiency of the battle plan was clear but it did succeed in the end. After the war, the minister reformed the duodecimal system into the decimal system's which improved the currency of money. The people defined him as a wonderful minister.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-3 11:52

A thief had a son who had lovely curls. Even he himself was a thief, he wanted to cultivate his son into a person of culture. But children always took their cue from their parents. The boy disliked the current curriculum, something about currency. In fact he disliked all of the curricula. Recently, he always cut in when the teacher talked. That's his customary shortcoming. So the school cut off his name from the students' roster. The boy went home by cycle. At first, he sat on a cushion, cursing the school. Suddenly, he had great curiosity to find out what's in the cupboard. To cut down the dangers such as electrical current, he cut off the electric source first. The boy curved the lock and then opened the cupboard. It's a cubic crystal inside of it! On cue, the father felt something. He cut short his work, put down the cylinder in his hand. Then he cut across a field to go home. The moment the boy touched the crystal, he heard his father's steps. The cunning boy took out a cucumber and began to eat it. Facing his father, he said, " I'm hungry." The father was puzzled, but still wanted to punish him, " No matter what tricks you play, I will cut back your allowance !"

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-3 11:52

 一个小偷有个长着可爱卷发的儿子。虽然他自己是小偷,他想将儿子培养成一个有教养的人。但孩子们总是父母的样。这个男孩不喜欢现在的课程,是关于货币什么的。实际上,他不喜欢所有的课程。最近,他总是在老师讲课的时候插嘴。那是他一个习惯的毛病。于是学校将他的名字从学生的花名册上删除了。男孩骑自行车回家了。起先,他坐在一个垫子上面,嘴里诅咒着学校。突然,他对碗柜里有什么产生了极大的好奇心。为了减少危险,比如电流,他先切断了电源。男孩弄弯了锁后打开了碗柜。里面有一块立方体的水晶!恰好在这时候,父亲感觉到了什么。他突然停止了工作,放下了手里的圆筒。然后他抄近路穿过一块田野回家。男孩在碰到水晶的那一刻,他听到了父亲的脚步声。狡猾的男孩取出了一根黄瓜并啃起来。面对父亲,他说:“我饿了。”父亲困惑了,但仍决定处罚他:“不论你耍什么花招,我都要削减你的零花钱!fficeffice" />

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-3 11:52

Mr. Carter ran a dairy. But he was deeply in debt during the past decade. He owed a dealer a great deal of money. It was a question they debated all the time. According to the data up to date, the amount of the debt was 250 thousand dollars. The dealer's voice was deafening," the deadline. If you can't pay off the debts, I will explode your dam!" Mr. Carter had no way to deal with it. The next dawn, the weather was cold and damp. He drank some deadly poison and soon was in danger. His daring daughter dashed into his bedroom. Fertunately, the poison was out of date. Mr. Carter opened his eyes. The daylight dazzled his eyes. Then he saw his darling daughter. The daughter said to her fathei. "Dad, you still have me to date. Don't give up please. Tomorrow will be a new day!"

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-3 11:52

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-3 11:53

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-4 09:04

The story depicted a man in a ademocratic city. The desity of population in that city was very high. And from time to time, people would demonstrate in the street. Roger's leg was deformed in an accident. Because of sadness, Roger degenerated deliberately. He took delight in enjoyment. He loved delicious food and deliate women. He defied the moral starldards. He went on degenerating until one of his girl friends died. Roger was seen being with her before she died. A delegation came to investigate this case. Roger repeated denials of the charges against him. He said, "We went to the train station. After I deposited the case in the left luggage office, she was gone with the $50 deposit. " Luckily, the delegation caught the real criminal. The next day, they would leave. But it rained heavily. A thick deposition of mud covered the field. It was difficult to cross the dense forest. The postal delivery was. late that day and the departure was delayed until next week. Roger demonstrated them how to drive a new kind of automobile. The usefulness of the autonmobile in forest had been clear demonstrated. Before they  departed, the leader of the delegation said to Roger, "Find a job and end your dependence on your girl firends." Soon Roger had a delibelate action, that is, he worked as a dentist. And his smile denoted his real enjoyment from work.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-4 09:04

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-4 09:04

The sun descended behind the sand hills. The beauty of the sunset was beyond description. But no one noticed that.These travelers had expected it was a desirable travel, but now they lost their ways in the desolate desert. The deputy of these travelers was despatched to take the news to the travel agency. But he escaped alone. He felt guilty at deserting his clients but still he did that. The others despised his deeds. Destiny was sometimes cruel. The sandstorm came. The destructive force of the storm was huge. The people became desperate in their attempt to find a way out. The thought of dying in the desert depressed them and nearly deprived them of all courage. All of them gave up the attempt in despair. Just then, a man with several camels appeared. Despite trucks, the camel is still man's best friend. The man designated his job was to rescue them.He was a descendant of Spanish soldier. His name derived from his grandfather. The man detached a water bag from the baggage then gave it to them. Next, he led them to the safe place. The descent down the sand hiII took two hours. But eventually they arrived at their destination. The man deserved their thanks for his bravery. The survivors ate a lot of desserts! Then they told the other curious travelers about their adventure in the desert in details !

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-4 09:05

Recently, the king of a kingdom acted as a dictator. He deviated from the constitution. If he differed from his minister, he would kill him. One by one, four ministers died off. There was a rumor saying the king was possessed by devils. A detectlve determined to find out what's wrong with the king. His devotion to the king was as pure as dew. he devised a new type of detector that was an electronic device. He tried various devices to get into the palace. Then he installed a detector into the king's room. The first day, the king dictated a letter to his secretary in dialect. The second day, a doctor came to see the king. He gave the king a diagram of diagnoses. He said that weight was deteriorating the king's health and his therapy couldn't be detained any longer. He suggested the king go on a diet to reduce some weight. Then on the third night, a devil did come to visit the king! The flame in the fireplace burned unsteadily and then died out. The devil took out a huge diamond while saying to the king, "Measure the diameter of it. How big it is! It you listen to me, it's yours ... " The devil's  shadow died down, but the detective still was shocked by everything. He needed to devise a powerful device to detain this devil next time!

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-4 09:05

近来,一个国家的国王的举止像个独裁者。他背离了宪法。如果他他的大臣意见不同的话,他会杀了大臣。一个接一个,4名大臣相继死去。有传闻说国王被魔鬼迷住了心窍。一名侦探决心弄清楚国王到底怎么了。他对国王的忠诚露水一样纯净。他设计了一种新的探测器,那是一种电子装置。他用了各种方法得以进入宫殿。然后他在国王房间里安装了一个探测器。第一天,国王用方言向他的秘书口授一封信。第二天,一名医生来看国王。他给国王一张诊断图表。他说肥胖正使国王的健康恶化,他的治疗再也不能被耽搁了。他建议国王.节食来减轻一些体重。然后在第三天夜里,一个魔鬼果然来拜访国王了!壁炉里的火焰跳几下就灭绝了。魔鬼取出一块巨大的钻石对国王说:“量量它的直径。它多大呀!如果你听我的,那它就是你的了....魔鬼的阴影渐渐消失,但侦探还处于震惊中。他要设计一个强有力的装置下次把魔鬼扣留起来fficeffice" />
作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-4 09:05

The digest of the novel included the most exciting scenes. Several witnesses saw a UFO! It looked like a huge disc. The dimension of the UFO was 6 feet high, 15 feet in diameter. It gave off diffused light. The light was too dim for them to see it clearly. So they touched it, and it diminished! Suddenly the stones on the ground flew about in every direction. One of the witnesses was disabled in this disaster. The UFO took off and soon disappeared in the sky. The police was diplomatic; they found Professor Huggins with the help of the directory. Professor Huggins was diligent enough to obtain a diploma in space research. Now, he was the director of a famous scientific group. On the day they visited him, Professor Huggins was dining. He was dipping the chicken in the butter. The rich food didn't digest easily. The police asked him what differentiated the UFO from the airplane. He answered humorously,  "The UFO has diplomatic immunity."The police said his help would certainly make a difference in this affair. Professor Huggins cut off their diffuse speech and agreed to help them. The news diffused rapidly around the country. The bad thing was newspaper accounts of the affair disagreed. This place Professor Huggins in something of a dilemma. To maintain his dignity, he had to do his work under disadvantage. So he kept on working with a digital computer day and night.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-4 09:05

这部小说的摘要包含了最精彩的场面。几个目击者看见了UFO!它看起来像一个巨大的圆盘 UFO尺寸是高6英尺,直径15英尺。它发出四散的光。光线很暗淡,他们看不清楚。于是他们去触摸它,然而它竟缩小!突然地上的石头朝各个方向乱飞。一个目击者在这场灾难残废了。UFO起飞并很快消失在空中。警方很有策略,他们通过人名地址簿找到了哈金斯教授。哈金斯教授很勤奋,他获得了太空研究方面的一个文凭。现在,他是一个著名的科学团体的主任。警方拜访哈金斯教授的那天,他正在进餐。只见他拿鸡块黄油吃。这种油腻的食物可不好消化。警方问他如何区分UFO和飞机。他幽默地回答说:“UFO外交豁免权。”警方说他的帮助对这事很重要。哈金斯教授打断他们冗长的演讲,答应帮助他们。很快消息在全国传播开来。不好的事情是新闻报道不一致。这使哈金斯教授陷于窘境。为了维护自己的尊严,他不得不在不利条件下工作。于是他夜以继日地用一台数字计算机工作着。
作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-4 09:05

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-4 09:06

The war field was in dreadful disorder. Several big chimneys discharged smoke. But the soldiers displayed perfect discipline under the fire of the enemy. A soldiers Howard, was asked to send a dispatch to the front line. But he said he lostit. His expression disclosed the truth. The captain saw through his disguise. He discerned that Howard was lying. The captain dismissed the other soldiers then cried at Howard, "Can you discriminate good conduct from bad? Nothing displeased memore than your lie. Your behavior disgusted everybody. You are a dishonor to our regiment. Our regiment was disgraced by your conduct. I have known how to dispose of you. You are dismissed by way of punishment. Bob will displace you. Don't dispute with me. " The captain's words discouraged Howard. And the news of being dismissed dismayed him. He felt the army had discarded him. Though Howard thought he should not be discriminated against, he knew he was deserving. Someother soldiers surrounded to watch. The captain dispersed them. Howard had to go home and then worked at a store selling merchandise of a 20% discount. He was disposed for discharging the cargo.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-4 09:06

战场上一片混乱。几个大烟囱在排出浓烟。但是士兵在敌人的炮火之下显示了他们的良好纪律。一名士兵,霍华德,受令送一份急件到前线去。但他说他弄丢了信。他的色揭示了事情真相。队长看穿了他的伪装。他认出他在撒谎。队长解散了其他士兵然后对霍华德大吼道:“你能辨别好的行为和坏的行为吗?没有什么比你撒谎更使生气了。你的行为使每一个人都厌恶。你是我团的不名誉。我团因为你的行为而蒙羞。我知道如何处置你了。作为惩罚,你将被解职。鲍伯会取代你。不要同我争执。”队长的话使霍华德泄气。并且被解职的消息使惊愕。他觉得军队已经抛弃了他。虽然霍华德认为他不该受歧视,他知道自己是应得的。其他一些士兵前来围观。队长驱散了他们。霍华德不得不回家,然后在一个打八折折扣的商店里工作。他被安排货。fficeffice" />

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-4 09:06

A chemist lived in a mountainous district. From his window, a church could be seen in the distance. The diversion of a stream changed the land. There were many beautiful flowers here. The chemist had something to do with a company. He worked for a research division of it. He distinguished himself as a great chemist. He was so crazy about diverse experiments that he disregarded his wife's feelings, which caused her in great distress. She was dissatisfied with his apathy. They had quite distinct ideas from each other and at last they divorced. their properties had been justly distributed. It's a fair division of everything. The divorce didn't disturb the chemist too much. Marriage was a thing he could do without. In fact, he thought this sort of thing should be done away with. As for his former wife, she would have nothing more to do with him. One day, the chemist dissolved some material in hot water. He tried to obtain another material by distillation. There was some distinct distinction between these two materials. Suddenly, he heard a cry, "Help!" The cry distracted him from his work. It's a boy in the ditch! The chemist dived into the ditch. Even though he felt dizzy, he did rescue the drowning child. But the newspaper distorted the facts, saying he pushed the boy down! The chemist wasn't angry at all. He had more interest in his experiment than the news.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-4 09:06

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-4 09:06

Last week, we saw a documentary about two domestic animals. It seemed to be a farce and it made us doubled up with laugher. A donkey and a dove lived in a small domlitory. The donkey liked eating hot dogs and the dove liked playing with her doll. Somebody donated a black dress with white dots to the doll. They had faith in different doctrines, so they had a good many domestic troubles. From the very beginning their living together was doomed to failure. The dove was arbitrary. She always wanted to dominate others. The dome was her domain and she didn't allow others to get close to it. The worst thing was, she wagged her tongue day and night. But she met her doom after she made the donkey angry. The donkey disliked the dove there was no doubt about that. One day, the house next door caught fire. It was dangerous to stay at the doorway . Both of them escaped out of doors. Then the donkey took the dove down to the dock to see the ships. On the way, he persuaded her to take one dose of some kind of medicine. He's doubtful about whether he should do it. The dove took it and could speak no more than three words at a time. It was really magic medicine!

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-4 09:07

上周,我们看了一场关于两只驯养的动物的记录片。它看起来很像闹剧,我们都笑。一只驴子和一只鸽子住在一个小宿舍里。驴子喜欢吃热狗鸽子喜欢玩她的玩具娃娃。有人给她的玩具娃娃捐赠了一条带白圆点的黑裙子。他们信仰不同的教义,因此有许多家庭的纠纷。从一开始他们的相处就注定失败。鸽子很霸道,她总想要支配别人。圆屋顶是她的领域,她不准其他人*近。最讨厌的是,她每天唠叨个不停。但自从她把驴子弄火了之后,她的劫数就到了。驴子不喜欢鸽子,这是无疑的。一天,隔壁房间着火了。站在门口是很危险的。他俩逃出,来到户外。然后驴子鸽子船坞看船去。路上,他设法让她吃了一药。他有些怀疑他是否一定要那样做。鸽子吃了药后每次说话就不超过3个字了。那可真是神奇的药啊!fficeffice" />
作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-4 09:07

Several good actors and actresses dropped out of this theatre. What the remaining ones did was to dress up to displaythemselves on the stage. So the audiences for the play had recently dropped off. A dramatist was asked to amend the play.He had painfully drawn up a first draft. Its drawback was obvious, so he locked it in a drawer. The boss dropped by him.They had a drastic dispute over the draft. After the boss left, the dramatist had a dozen buns for supper. Then he began to doze off. Suddenly he heard the drip of the water. Then he was surprised to find himself standing on a boat. The boat drifted helplessly along the drain until some people saw him. They helped him up. But the boat changed into a dragon all at once! The dramatist dreaded it so much that he dared not to see it. The others discussed draining the water first, and then they could drag it out of the drain. The dramatist sneaked away. He got on a train. The train drew in at 9 PM. When he opened the door of his house, he saw the dragon smiling at him ! The dramatist woke up with great fear. The dramatic dream inspired him a lot. He drew on all his talents to write an excellent play.

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-4 09:07

作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-4 09:08

It is time in the future. But the dynamic dynasty has gone. The weather becomes protean due to the pollution's influence of long duration. Sometimes some crops died during the drought ; sometimes some animals were drowned by the heavy rainfall. Lots of garbage is dumped on the dump. People dwell in the houses made of durable material. They changed their dwellings from time to time. Human beings are not smart anymore. Most of the people become dull and dumb. Dynamical robots controlled them. The human beings were forced to dye their hair with different colors. They never dwell on any problems. They only go on duty at 8 : 00 AM and come off duty at 8 : 00 PM everyday. At dusk, a huge drum begins to beat. Everyone begins to eat supper. A few smart people. feel dubious about how to help others. One of them suggests duplicating the clever people. But it's certain that the suggestion is dubious. The above-entioned story hasn't come true yet. But it maybe...
作者: bigpig    时间: 2009-3-4 09:08


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