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标题: 一道语法题,顺便问whereas的用法 [打印本页]

作者: chrisliao    时间: 2002-10-6 21:45     标题: 一道语法题,顺便问whereas的用法

Eighteenth-century physicians noted that the garlic-eating French priests who attended victims of the plague during an outbreak in London remained healthy, (while the English priests shunning the odiferous herb soon became ill).

(A) while the English priests shunning the odiferous herb soon became ill
(B) whereas the English priests shunning the odiferous herb become ill soon
(C) while the English priests, who shunned the odiferous herb, soon became ill
(D) and the English priests, who shun the odiferous herb, soon became ill
(E) while the English priests soon became ill and shunned the odiferous herb


作者: tongxun    时间: 2002-10-6 21:50

我选B。while 虽然有一定转折的意思,但不如whereas强烈。在本题中,A读起来似乎两者有两者不想关联的感觉,不如用whereas做转折、比较强烈。
作者: chrisliao    时间: 2002-10-6 22:02

答案是C, 为什么?



答案中的shunning……和, who shunned……, 有何差别呢?
作者: qiufeng1990    时间: 2002-10-6 22:23

作者: mihu    时间: 2002-10-6 22:26

I am also curious about "doing...." and "who did....", see the following sc:

Washington Irving's German-influenced stories were profoundly moving to
Americans, (knowing more than most) Britons what it was to feel the trauma of rapid change, and Americans found in the lazy Rip a model for making a sucess of failure.

B. who knew more then most
C. knowing more then most
D. most who knew more about what
E. who knew more than most

the key is E

作者: tongxun    时间: 2002-10-6 22:32

作者: qiufeng1990    时间: 2002-10-6 22:41

no clue for the second one.

The first one: 1.cannot delete who 2. past tense
作者: tongxun    时间: 2002-10-6 22:54

明白了。刚才放着这么大的become和ill soon这样的垃圾没看到。讨厌!
作者: chrisliao    时间: 2002-10-6 23:12

实在对不起,刚刚把B那个答案打错了一个小地方,应该是became ill soon才对

根据qiufeng1990所说的,标准答案中,必须用 “,who shunned…, “是因为时态的关系吗?
作者: tongxun    时间: 2002-10-6 23:44

可能是因为:shunning 会表示一种持续的动作,所以没有who shunned来的准确。另外,soon became ill 读起来比较顺。
作者: princess    时间: 2002-10-7 00:56

eg: Can you see the girl dancing with your brother?
  I want to talk to the person who broke the cup.

对于此题,became ill发生在shun之后,不能用分词结构
作者: tongxun    时间: 2002-10-7 00:58

作者: mihu    时间: 2002-10-7 04:36

作者: chrisliao    时间: 2002-10-7 09:01


作者: gigi    时间: 2002-10-8 16:53

同意tongxun, 觉得doing sth 表示持续一直进行的动作,shun “避开” 有躲闪的意思 see example: He shunned the responsibility of paying income tax.
试想Mum 抓你干活时,你闪动(注意读音:闪)一下肩膀防止被抓的感觉。这词是一个动作,不应该使用延续的意思,一般也不这麽用。
这里的牧师们,不太可能总是闪动肩膀说我不吃那种小破草吧!只是遇到时,有意躲闪过去。别看garlic eating, 就想选 shunning.
还有就是好像GMAT不太爱用whereas做选项T 则不同。
作者: tongxun    时间: 2002-10-8 17:07

作者: gigi    时间: 2002-10-9 13:03

谢谢tongxun de flattering remarks!


作者: tongxun    时间: 2002-10-9 13:10

作者: 红    时间: 2002-10-9 15:00

作者: chrisliao    时间: 2002-10-10 11:16

谢谢princess, tongxun, gigi和红的解释,真是觉得大家一起奋斗的感觉真好 [em23]
作者: gigi    时间: 2002-10-10 13:24

Tongxun, the pic you attached as ur image is genuinely cute!

My grandma on my father side passed away last night. That is Merphew's Law ( the spelling is not correct!)The law indicates that if something goes wrong, other things will follow to worsen the situation. Due to the scheduled test date, I cannot leave BJ for her funeral, which I feel regretful for the entire morning.My grandma on my mother side passed away last year and I did not come back to visit her in the last minute because of the shoooooot CPA exams!

Genuinely wish that all the GMAT participants do their best in their tests!
Free from worries no matter what happens!

DWBH "DON'T WORRY. BE HAPPY" the words in the LONG VACATION, a Japenese TV series,may be helpful in tough situation.

作者: princess    时间: 2002-10-10 19:49

Sorry to hear that.
Anyway, wish you good luck.
作者: tongxun    时间: 2002-10-10 19:53

gigi: 老人家会保佑你的!!人的能力是有限的:此事古难全。你只有用更好的成绩,来补偿!!
作者: Fall2003in    时间: 2002-10-11 06:02

(C) while the English priests, who shunned the odiferous herb, soon became ill

when major Verb (became) is in past tense, we shouldn't use V+ing to express it.
We may use "Having shunned the ... ", or "who shunned the ..." to complete the sentence.

Same reason for the second question above.

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