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标题: 12.13 北外归来 [打印本页]

作者: Good-Luck    时间: 2008-12-16 15:45     标题: 12.13 北外归来

客观地说,北外d考场设施狂赞,很新的电脑和耳机,隔音效果一般,但干扰还可以忍受。年轻的监考mm比较nice~但是邻座的gg让我很无奈,这厮居然有出声阅读的恶习,本来第一篇阅读就很bt,加之刚开考,精神状态不佳,再加之其念念有词,我的自信被彻底击溃,半蒙半做过了section 1,此后才进入状态。
* i0 `8 a6 ?/ `0 ]1 t' o6 x- Q% L) j8 r
1 b  B! B4 N$ S1 a! v% l
8 I& A$ E- j( T4 \! Y阅读" }* T/ f/ A5 M( i4 Y

% O! ]  [' _* Z) ?% Gsection 1
2 s& X+ y+ D3 ^, E8 Z
3 k/ e. z9 w0 b7 F  {Rome的conquest把其手工艺、建筑带到了Britain,尽管都是日常用品,还谈不上art,但其对Britain的影响不容小觑。# D- Q, ]5 Z4 W" a
举了个国王造的building,说明尽管罗马人很鄙视building的所有人——不列颠的国王,但无可否认,这个building造得很地道。(出题)" w' I% _, z+ b& p' Y/ \
Rome的建筑对Britain影响很大,turn the small communities on which localized British people cetered into huge buildings with straight lines which shows superemacy of authority.% T4 [: V: Q0 P0 e6 F4 n  K7 l
; d( v) y8 T: |, O1 `+ E4 W: @2 Y" B, a% m# u6 P
section 2
2 v$ m1 w- A3 e4 l0 j6 {9 M( T( N2 B& q7 E  n8 e/ C
Termites are not a kind of ants(出题),因为它们的兵蚁是雌雄都有,蚁后有个终身的mate伴侣,而蚂蚁的兵蚁只有未发育好的雌蚁,蚁后交配后不再有mate。Termites 的发育经历了egg, T(出题)and adult三个阶段,蚂蚁则经历egg, lava, pupa and adult 四个阶段。They are able to build nests which have uniform temperature, enough humidity and good ventilation. Nests are designed to be humid to keep their body from drying out(出题).
1 ?) W( Z  k. F+ t- V* f! ~举了一个tropical termites called M,建的nest非常好,中心有厚厚的wall,有白蚁的分泌物和泥土混合而建成(出题),还养着fugai,可以帮助提高nest的温度和湿度(出题)。nest的周围有thin wall,其base的直径可以达到其高度(出题)。4 N* l# E& T$ ^  Y) u
但是这么严实的窝怎么通风还这么好?因为养fugai的core的下面是cellular,空的,上面是attic,也是空的,所以空气从底下进来,经过fugai的core后升至attic,氧气少了,二氧化碳多了(出题)。插入的句子在"the answer lies in the core of fugai"之前。
9 i+ h3 R1 g: Arenown=famous6 t$ ~9 H1 M" `4 d, `2 K
5 Y  l/ o6 e- s! Q
Discusses Darwin's classification of coral reefs and how he think the 3 types of reefs relate to each other(mainidea 出题)
- F! M: l) @3 K5 z开篇先说coral reef的生存需要阳光,很窄的温度范围,但不需要sediments from river(except的题)。谈到alga的作用,help to build the reef(出题)。The Great Barrier is 16,000 miles complex of coral reefs, which is the biggest barrier reef in the world.
+ W7 f7 Y7 d2 J" h0 L& lcomplex=system# U- ~; F- `8 B5 n5 k2 {: V: q
然后开始说Darwin的分类:fring reefs, barrier reefs and atoll reefs. 三种reefs按照该顺序演变,corals 先在下沉的岛屿边缘建reef, 随着时间的演变,越建越高,以至围成了一个lagoon(出题),成了atoll reefs(环状珊瑚岛)。举了一个pacific的reef. 科学家drill a hole 至海洋深处,才找到原先下沉的岛屿的痕迹。为什么举这个例子?作为Darwin假说的evidence.(出题)
6 D' S+ s. C3 L' J% i最后把coral reefs的生物多样性和rainforest做比较(出题)。
1 d- c# I) F$ G) g" b1 a( B插入:Yet the coral reef is facing a lot of threatens.插在"medicinal value"之后。先说了reefs的多种价值,保护coastal area by attracting tourists, 药用等。然后说它面临着人类改造环境带来的危险。
8 }" m( j' f  B# \) l6 V7 G4 j
' L* {, m7 j) q8 ]: }2 f7 x听力
5 f* M# }3 g* z4 I3 }
1 j. }. i1 S: k$ |; `! T感觉真题比barron慢,所以认准barron练听力没错。1 l, ]* J. p) \. B

( F  I! {" p# ^Section 1
3 t1 ?  L: E( A! m( k7 c# A8 [' A) ^9 [) }
1 一个男生想找musical advisor 找orchestra的资料为校报写article.(出题main idea)
9 m: X9 s  M9 l0 l( B$ s- h2 为什么musical advisor 误会他是想加入orchestra?因为她以前听到这样的请求too often。8 j8 N- h1 v) Q/ O, m
3 musical advisor 让他采访那些演奏的musicians. what can be imply? two choices: the musicans know more about history of music than the advisor. the musicians are all music-majors.
- _, w$ V5 D9 S5 [' z1 ^& Y3 T# V4 重听题:advisor: Are you sure that you can keep all this by mind? to suggest the student take notes." e. Q( a% B. b2 _
8 w! p1 q3 ~* P& ^1 c0 Y
Biology8 I  K' g, ]3 [9 i3 [$ l$ M
: n) x, T$ M) ^
1 main idea: seasonal migration of sea birds.
* q# J2 P, N, L0 Q2 举了一种Atross的海鸟为例,每次觅食都飞出去老远,what is true about the seabird: 一次只生一个蛋,他们的baby可以忍受interval feedings(吃一顿,饿好久)。
0 h7 d' ^3 h; S3 Atr鸟凭什么选择island of nesting? 看有没有predator inhabited on the island.2 o6 P# v+ l3 }; J
4 然后讲了migrate 的鸟的导航系统,有magenetic and celestrial 两种。为什么有一种magenetic mineral found in migrant bird cast doubt on the maganetic orientation theory? 因为这种矿物也在non-migrant birds 体内发现了.4 L% ]: s  h- v; _
5 重听:教授提到“学生在校园里的定位”是为了让学生reflect/imagine the vision of birds' orientation.
0 M1 [! d; b/ L1 L3 ~6 imply:unconfirmed even in the study of Atro海鸟。# ]8 ?3 k2 i7 U; i9 M2 U

0 e9 f% m7 ]9 x) ]6 q# Z) }- GLiterature+ X' _. }% J: w
( \# e  ~% \" D1 A0 }: ~/ s- F: o
讲了drama 的演变,从单一场景单一时间单一事件的classical style 变成现在的样子。
1 b4 A; {4 M+ N8 R1 为什么提到莎翁的仲夏夜之梦,因为这部剧从单一地点变成了地点转换,city to countryside then back to city.
5 ]( [$ q+ d  D6 V2 professor 's attitudes towards Hermn(一部法国人写的剧,全文讨论的中心,是从classical 进化的代表作):it is too political, it is not creative. 两个答案犹豫中。。。% @9 v# C# v& [6 i3 q" H) z
3 为什么提到莎翁剧中的小丑(clown),说明古典剧也是serious drama type和 comedic element 的结合。' J* `( |) Z0 ^+ c
4 为什么Her剧的作家邀请他的朋友去看这部剧的公演,没听到啊~选了 keep the atmosphere friendly(因为当时这部剧倍受争议): D1 q5 B" d- W, }6 C- K: A( ^3 n
5 imply: two choices: 剧引发的矛盾体现了法国当时的社会矛盾,人们有不同的文学和政治观点。剧场的骚动后来演变成街头暴力。
  C! ]# [( f( {
6 i4 {7 A( d- @" TSection 2" b: C- a. K4 @7 X% g3 q
* S9 Z& J. ~# N; y) X# p" f+ w  ]
1 男生因为交的movie review 不符合professor 的要求而被叫去谈话。(main idea)
% X/ ^- _9 t. ?' M# {5 \2 老么多的人都写成summary了,professor 觉得是自己没有把作业要求解释清楚。
$ a2 v: h( n. x! ~5 L, p3 professor 建议他 include: personal opinions and comparison of the movie with other movies.(two choices)
7 q" x/ p% D% Y- [+ v4 为什么提到movie in campus film club? 想让学生们体验authentic review atmosphere.
6 O% W, y% G, ?0 d! _5 重听题:professor need more information to make the decision whether everyone should rewrite their review.
+ }% u* h. C1 E% C6 i' C, t! ^7 U9 |$ r3 e: m  Q
9 k3 b* S- q; g, k! ]# s* x% u# O, r% C
1 wind 对 Earth 的作用是?使heat和water 在全球分配平衡。
3 M+ p" }2 j; o% e3 j% N2 什么造成了全球pressure不均,应该是earth rotation. 选错了,懊恼,明明听到了,但是一念之间,和正确答案say goodbye. 怨念~~~: j5 j; M6 x$ P' e
3 双选:different places on Earth receive different amount of solar energy. sun heat land faster than ocean.1 I# P. ]/ o3 B6 w6 \' W
4 重听:professor: right, good! 看到重听就relieve,然后小走神了一下,然后选不出了,什么叫阴沟里翻船。。。猜了一个:professor finds the woman's answer as a logical transition to his next point.- |* T/ P* F. X  \& ?
加试是经典的大王花,果然很难看。。。& T9 v0 Z) C  L( U

, I. b4 |2 t; h0 ~7 |  U口语
2 o5 _7 J0 e6 H5 q& V. L* Q3 Z/ H$ o: _8 {- _+ Z! {+ N5 d
1 which transportation do you prefer? bicycle, automobile, train.
$ @6 u! o  }, I# z4 p
6 Z1 P0 P4 }+ C) V2 f: t9 ?2 agree or disagree:student should take part-time job before they specialize in certain area.) w4 v2 w, M% w" K) P6 ~! [
" Y3 |% u* n% ?% i! i
3 community service requirment.8 C& c) @3 Z  x2 Z* C7 |0 b
mm's opinion: a. 服务社区可以帮助学生找到真正的兴趣所在,她姐姐就因为在elementary school 任教的经历而改行学education.
9 G2 v, |5 d( K* x$ P) Db.服务社区是好事,学生在大学得到了知识,应该和社会上的人share. 学生可以帮忙start new projects in community. e.g. 她学agriculture同学参与启动了社区的gardening project." n! e. D7 a, {8 o1 x5 \) U1 M- k

1 J1 `# {6 Y/ O4 reactance: people tend to oppose directly towards rules which threaten their freedom. professor:
6 l/ p+ b3 ?. a' [a. a child who used to play on a playground. one day, he was banned from going there without apparent reasons by his parents. then he felt more eager to play there.- L+ ~6 I( g$ [$ C8 Z
b. if the sale of a certain kind of soap was banned by gov. on western coast, then people tend to buy more soap than they need.5 y) {& F' _( C% M
" O0 Q4 Z4 v/ H' A+ T  }& ?  T
5 man 给undergraduate 上微积分,发现他们对概念理解不好,但又得不到关于课程的feedback. THEY COME UP WITH TWO SOLUTIONS(新情况,两人一起想的solution):' j' A+ G5 X1 f8 a
a. arrange face-to-face appointment with each student.
0 @  [2 e$ @9 l$ N: j; H: v' o* |6 pb. do a anonymous survey with questionairs. woman 觉得:people always don't take survey seriously; survey can't provide thoughtful thinking.$ Q( u6 K, c  N- w6 u7 W7 [
0 N7 ]7 D$ A1 C% G5 A6 _
6 business. two approachs to advertise: primary and secodery demand.
0 T+ `. w; R1 p+ Z' k0 qprimary demand: company A invents cellphone, convince people the need of cellphone by saying its convenience. Then people are interested in the new product itself.
# o' ^0 Z6 v# ]$ j% m* qsecondery demand: other companies begin to produce cellphone. Then company A has to persuade people to buy their products by saying their cellphones are smaller(反正就是比别家好). Then people tend to buy products manifactured by certain companies.& ]: Q/ F5 v4 R" G" U
3 s' o5 o) V6 n( H
写作* n  ?! n' Q3 [
7 a) T; f+ C) _) d2 h' Y: s
+ l6 b5 h4 y) A! U  J
  B& c3 H- x5 C- z1 jthe giant-impact theory: 月球是在地球和一个huge object collide之后,ejected pieces(射出的碎片)形成的。4 h" E: I4 y9 a5 _. ?
3 V, {4 C4 @" K9 c0 ^
reading cast doubt on the theory: 地球上没有large crater, collide 之后应该有的,但是地球现存的crater都很小,不像能形成一个Moon; 月球的岩石中没有水,地球岩石中则saturated with water; 月球的密度比地球小得多。
8 y7 m( h* M* o& E# D2 w/ a9 S! V% J+ v
lecture: 4 billion yrs ago 形成的 crater 早就因为地球的 constant moving and mounting 而消失;collision 产生的heat boil the water in the rocks, 所以月球本应该是dry; 地球表面的密度小于中心密度,作为从地球表面分出去的月球,密度当然比地球的平均密度小。( B  z  J$ I$ |6 v
+ k9 I& _- M5 G0 X: Y: g0 _/ G6 P6 L
) a# j( g- h; u$ X& C
* U! X7 N$ {+ o& H9 z( L) qagree or not: it is better for people to spend money on long-term pleasure such as jewelry instead of short-term pleasure such as a travel.
5 w4 Y! u3 x+ j8 J, C最后提醒大家还是要算好路上的时间,今早我就很英明地决定打的,仍然遇到了连司机叔叔也觉得罕见的traffic jams,要是公交之可能我就到不了了。。。/ x! ?# _  j& g/ a% X
' a' C+ j; m5 m5 f
还有千万不要小看阅读,久闻第一篇阅读的灭绝,今天算是雷到了!它和后两篇的难度系数:100:1,读不懂(在巨大的压力和不确定性下,刚好做完)和感觉简单(30min 搞定后两篇)的差别。$ J1 C' Z& n7 J9 w: ]

1 m4 Q8 ~. B- y  o- _$ y: U8 }还有听力千万别走神,尤其是重听,白花花的point就这样无情地流失啊。。。听力虽然貌似简单,但是做题时仍然很犹豫,要么point被miss掉了,要么就是选项很vague。。。sigh~
1 o7 l3 b6 R. Z7 r# n1 ~( }2 H

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