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标题: [分享]11,1 toefl机经大全 [打印本页]

作者: Inew    时间: 2008-11-5 11:45     标题: [分享]11,1 toefl机经大全


Reading Section


1.       第一题个人觉得比较难,当然也与刚进考场不在状态有关。讲的是海岸线的问题,大概就是说历史上海岸线都在变,温度高的时候,冰川融化会造成海平面升高,导致更多地方被水淹没,温度低的时候,水结成冰,水平面降低,更多的土地露出水面。好像第一段还说海岸线的变化不仅仅发生在古代,现在还在继续发生,举了个例子,说土耳其的某某地方,在罗马时代还都是海洋,现在已经形成一块地了。后面几段好像讲的是海平面的升降对动植物种类的影响和对人类文明的影响。举了白令海峡的例子,还有日本的一个例子,关于日本的例子好像就是说某些热带生物化石证明当时那个地区的水温比现在的高什么的(有题)。


2.       第二篇讲活字印刷,先是德国人在15世纪发明了活字印刷,讲了活字印刷的三点好处(有题,问哪一项不是活字印刷的特点,答案好像是不需要特殊技能的工人什么的)在活字印刷前都是和尚用手抄,但是手抄本很贵,大部分人都买不起,活字印刷发明之后,主要针对低端市场,但手抄本还是有市场,好像因为活字印刷还没法做出那么精美的东西(有题)。德国人用活字印刷印了圣经。(有题,问印刷圣经之所以可以,是因为什么。答案好像是因为印刷术和造纸产业的发展)文章的后半段讲虽然德国是发明活字印刷的国家,但是并不意味着没有竞争,意大利是后起之秀,并超越了德国,一方面,意大利觉得德国的印刷字体不好看,称其为“Gothic”,即后来的black字体,意大利采用了另一种更普遍的字体,因此,更成功。(这里有一道插入题,插入内容大概是这种字体之后follow的是Italic字体什么的)。然后还讲了德国意大利在印刷出版社数量上的比较,说德国有多少多少出版社,但是意大利威尼斯一个城市就超过了德国的出版社的数量。最后说活字印刷给传遍世界,图书的数量开始增多,活字印刷发明前,全世界的书加起来也不过多少册,而印刷术发明半个世纪后,全世界流通的书超过多少册。



3.       第三篇讲了工业革命在英国发生的原因,一开始说主要原因是英国水运发达,因为水运廉价,所以有竞争力,还有就是英国各种原料丰富,能满足工业发展的需求。还讲了英国的银行系统比较发达,能够提供充裕的资金,而且英国商人比较节俭,都将利润用于再投资,因此工业发展的很快。另外,还讲了英国人的内需很大,促进了工业的发展,很大一部分产品都是自己消费掉了。还有就是圈地运动,导致大量小农破产,于是产生大量劳动力,到城市工厂谋求生计,于是劳动力这方面也解决了。

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-5 11:45:07编辑过]

作者: Inew    时间: 2008-11-5 11:45


Listening Section:




1.       讲的是一个学生去图书馆查某一本书,然后管理员说要教授的许可,学生说教授已经许可了,管理员说那个许可去年就expire了,要教授重新给一个许可。学生说教授不在学校,而且不再想麻烦教授了,因为已经麻烦过教授,好像是要求论文延期什么的(有题:问学生为什么不想找教授?我选的答案是他已经向教授寻求过其他帮助了。)。管理员说那你就看看其他版本好了,学生说他要看的部分其他版本都没有(有题:问学生为什么不看其他版本?我选的答案是其他版本都没有他要看的东西)。学生一再央求管理员,说自己会很小心的,而且自己的论文如果写不好就不能顺利毕业,可是管理员就是不同意,说大家都有各种理由(有题:管理员说everyone has their own concern.问什么意思,我选的答案是她经常听到这样的理由。)最后学生实在拗不过去,说那教授的一个电话或email应该就可以了吧,管理员说可以。


2.       一个学生找教授谈论文的事情,一开始问教授有没有时间,教授说有,但20分钟后要去上课,学生说足够了。于是学生说自己想写history of jazz, 教授马上说这个对于一个10页纸的论文来说是不是太大了点,学生马上说,自己只写20世纪50年代的纽约的jazz(有题:问学生这么回答的用意,我选的答案是打消教授的顾虑)。然后学生就说其实自己材料都找的差不多,而且也写的差不多了,教授说那看起来没啥问题嘛,学生说他自己一个朋友的爷爷就是那个时代纽约的jazz musician(有题:好像是问那位爷爷是什么人,我选的是50年代的jazz musician),于是想采访谈,以使得论文更有内容,教授觉得很好,但是学生说那个爷爷要到early next week才有空,但paper will be due on next Monday,于是要求教授给宽限期,教授说你确定人家要给你interview嘛,她说不知道,但她朋友说那位爷爷应该很感兴趣,教授说那好吧,你就next Friday教论文吧,但是为了对其他同学公平,学生必须在下周一把outline和interview question交给他(有题:问学生下周一要交什么?),学生说没问题。(主题题:问学生找教授干嘛,我选的是要求extension

作者: Inew    时间: 2008-11-5 11:46




1.  将Alaska 的thawlake形成的两个理论,教授说阿拉斯加有成千上万个这样的lake,而且长得都差不多(都是长长的椭圆形),问同学们怎样形成的。教授说有两个理论:第一个理论说冰的top layer比较松,夏天容易融化,因此一到夏天就开始融化,融化成的水就往下渗,往下渗之后,那一块冰层就慢慢往下陷,往下渗的水一到冬天就结冰,于是形式一个wedge,每年都周而复始,因此wedge变得越来越宽,于是湖也变得越来越深越来越宽。


第二个比较新的理论是wind theory,就是阿拉斯加的风比较大,整天往某个方向吹,因此,被风吹的方向由于较冷就frozen形成了protective的边缘,不容易融化,于是湖水就融化两边的冰,于是就形成了那样长长的椭圆形。但是教授觉得这个理论很新,没有实际的evidence支持,因此好像觉得不是很可信。(有题,问教授对新理论的态度


2.  讲什么naturalism画派,说这个在古希腊就已经开始,然后举例两个画家,这两个画家是竞争对手,一个画了葡萄,很逼真,好像是连鸟都去吃了,另一个画家更牛,画了一幅窗帘,前面那个画家看了之后居然试图去打开那副窗帘,可见这个画家真的很牛,连画家的眼睛都可以骗过。然后就说达芬奇觉得自然画派不行,根据他的说法,自然画派就像一面镜子只能画画东西的表面,而画家关键是画出东西的内在思想和感觉。然后一个女生就问了一个问题,说自然画派都画自然的东西,那what about photography(有题,问女生讲这话啥意思,我选的答案是画家怎么画也不会有相片那样逼真啊),教授就说摄影师也不是就随便照照,而是要选择不同的角度,把一个东西的内在表现出来。


3.  讲reindeer,说驯鹿很牛,生出来第二天就很能跑了,教授说这是生存需要,因为驯鹿需要每天到处跑以寻找食物,所以驯鹿baby也有了这样的能力(有题)。然后就说驯鹿的腿部的脂肪跟身体的脂肪不一样,像gel一样,不会冻起来,驯鹿不需要浪费体温来保持腿部热量,因此有了更多的体温保留在身体的其他部分。另外,驯鹿根据季节的不同会分泌不同的微生物以消化不同的食物,而且驯鹿什么都吃,甚至吃地衣(Lichen),其消化系统使得驯鹿能从中吸收更多的养分。


4.  讲考古的,说是Pottery的作用吧,说可以用来鉴定时代。然后教授就说用陶器鉴定时代也不是那么容易的,说了几种原因,记不太清楚了。



作者: Inew    时间: 2008-11-5 11:47


Speaking Section


1.       What kind of clothes do you most like to wear? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.


2.       Do you agree or disagree the following: we are more informed of the world events than our parents when they were young. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


3.       Reading:

Many students in the university throw trash everywhere and do not throw them in trash can. This makes the campus not clean. Therefore, the university decides to impose a penalty of $15 on those who fail to put trash in the trash cans.



The woman totally agrees with the decision of the university for two reasons. First, she made an example of her hometown. She said that her hometown had the same problem before. Then her hometown adopted exactly the same policy as the university is going to do soon. Nowadays, her hometown is very clean. She also thought that it is not only the monetary penalty that deters other people from littering, but more importantly, if people got caught by policeman for littering, they will feel embarrassed. Second, she agrees with the man that the fine is not a big amount of money. However, with the new policy, the university will become clean and tidy. So the university will not need to employ worker to clean the campus. In that way, it also saves much money for university.


Question: The woman expresses her opinion of the university’s decision. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


4.       Reading:

Assimilation and accommodation

Assimilation means one person categorizes an object into a concept that he has already known. Accommodation means that when one person cannot categorize an object into a concept he have already known, he will modify that concept and try to put that object into the concept.



The professor talks about his daughter. He said when her daughter was young; she always looked at the birds feeding outside of the window. And every time when she saw different birds with different sizes or colors, she will point that bird and shout “bird” “Bird”. Because in her mind, the concept of bird is something that is small-size and has wings, feather and can fly.


One day the professor took her to zoo and saw an ostrich which is even taller than a person and cannot fly. When professor ask his daughter what is that animal. Her daughter kept silent. But finally, she said that that is a bird. In that case, his daughter changed the concept of bird and categorized ostrich as bird. 


Question: The professor takes an example to illustrate the principle of assimilation and accommodation. Explain how the example relate to the reading passage.


5.       The woman is going to take the biology test in 5 minutes. However, she has to drive her mother’s car out of the parking lot and move to another place because she does not have a parking permit. The man suggest two options: the first one is to find anther place to park the car; the other is to leave the car there because he thinks that the class will not take long (only an hour) and the policeman will not find her car does not have a parking permit in such short time. But the woman worry that she will get a ticket and pay lots of money as penalty.


Question: The man discusses two possible solutions to the woman’s problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.


6.       Flood happens regularly every year. People take advantage of the regular flood in two ways. First of all, when water rises over river banks and cover the land, they carry silt which is fertile for crops. Thus, when water recedes, the silt remains and people could plant crops on those lands. Second, when flood rises over the banks, people could channel the water to the places which really need the water and use the water to irrigate those lands far away from rivers.


Question: Use the points and examples from the lecture, explain how people use the regular flood.


作者: Inew    时间: 2008-11-5 11:47


Writing Section


1.       Reading:


The reading passage holds that the extinction of large mammals in the North America around 11,000 years ago was caused by the human hunting. It lists three reasons: (a) the time of the extinction of those animals is the same as the time when human began to dwell in North America and they think it is not a coincidence. (b) the large mammals have no predators and are particularly vulnerable to human hunting. (c) small animals such as squirrel did not extinct in North America.



The speaker totally refutes the passage. She believes that there is no relationship between the extinction of large mammals in the North America and human hunting. Instead, she thinks that the extinction was caused by other factors such as climate change. She gives three reasons: (a) the same time between the extinction and human establishment does not necessarily mean human hunting results in the extinction of those large mammals. Instead, she argues that the extinction of large mammals around 11,000 years ago was a global phenomenon. They became extinct even in those places where no people lived. (b) no food preservation skills at that time could allow human beings to keep meat for a long time, thus, people only killed what they could eat. And therefore, it is impossible for human to kill all the large mammals to make them extinct. (c) not only large mammals became extinct at that time, small animals such as some kinds of birds also became extinct at that time. 


2.       Do you agree or disagree that students shall take at least one year to work or travel after completing high school and before starting their study in university? Please use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


作者: caicainiao    时间: 2008-11-5 11:53

作者: serein    时间: 2008-11-5 14:47

作者: rainstorm    时间: 2008-11-7 10:20


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