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标题: CNAM师生有关学习生活的会议总结 [打印本页]

作者: xx    时间: 2004-10-22 14:54     标题: CNAM师生有关学习生活的会议总结




Objective : To present feedback from students on the MBA program, courses, classes, and student life in Paris and in turn try to find solutions to problems.

Individuals present

Mr Charles Despres

Ms Kim Vu

Mr Pham Khanh Hung

Ms Monica Brown

2 Chinese student

Date, Time, and DurationThursday October 21, 2004 10:30am – 12:00pm

LocationConference room

Issues of Groups

Strategy Professor- Can group A attend Strategy course with Group B or can the

Charles will be meeting with Prof. Diep he is aware of the problem and he will resolve it in the interest of the student

Career Management class is necessary but some of the information could be compressed

Business Communication – A VCR is needed as part of support material for lessons

this is not easily accessible

More case studies needed in Strategy and Marketing:

We need to talk to marketing professor about more case studies. The strategy professor will be spoken to by Charles

French classes on weekend This is more convenient for some students

We will do a survey and if 80% or more agree to weekend classes Charles will talk to the professor about arranging this

Classroom doors to be opened on time in the mornings

Will be discussed with the relevant authorities

Insurance fee to be included in tuition fee.

Charles will be discussing with the finance department

9..Microwave for heating lunches

10.Kettle for boiling water

They will be purchased and a location is being looked at for them

11.Extended opening of conference room until 8:00pm

Not possible at the moment but It will be in mind for the future

12.Classroom doors to be opened on time in the mornings.

Being addresed with administration

13. Interested in Cocktail Party with French MBA but cost is an issue.

This was just an Idea for the party but other options can be, a cultural cuisine exchange. The IIM is willing to make a financial contribution.

14. Issues of clear communication.

15. Some members do not attend class but are signed in by others

16. Colleagues more focused during class especially in PC1 so professor and colleagues have the attention of everyone.

17. The importance of participating in group work

18. The financial times to be an online product with a few paper copies. Reduce cost and presence of excessive paper

This will be in place as soon as the administrative details are handled

19. Importance of punctuality and attendance

Information for students from Administration

A facilitator has been hired to assist us in obtaining Internships and future employment

The Name of the person is Sylvie Asceot.Each students need to make an appointment with her. During which time she will inform us of her plans for the program and what she requires of and from us.Her internal extension is 2627

In addition to her meeting with us individually she will be organising Career Fair where we will meet representatives from other companies and be able to present ourselves to them. As well as other opportunities for networking.

* Issues raised here are not necessarily endorsed by student representatives.

作者: himba    时间: 2004-11-23 20:18


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