a. Intellectual Compatibility (Including: Academic Preparedness, Intellectual Curiosity, and Communication Skills)
b. Community (Including: Leadership, Team Building Skills, Respect for Others, Philanthropic Tendencies, Fit with Chicago GSB, and Unique Perspectives)
c. Career (Including: Track Record of Success, Resourcefulness, Sense of Personal Direction, Time Management Skills, and Realistic Expectations for the MBA)
1 Clear Admit top 1% 2 Admit top 15% 3 Possible Admit top 40% 4 Deny, but doable top 60% 5 Deny, Not Competitive bottom 40% 6 Deny, No Way, No How bottom 1%
Introduce yourself, why MBA, long term and short term goal, why XXX school, leadership / team work experience, most significant achievement/ impact , conflict management Weakness & Strength