152. When the technique known as gene-splicing was invented in the early 1970’s, it was feared that scientists might inadvertently create an “Andromeda strain,” a microbe never before seen on Earth that might escape from the laboratory and it would kill vast numbers of humans who would have no natural defenses against it.(A) it would kill vast numbers of humans who would have no natural defenses against it(B) it might kill vast numbers of humans with no natural defenses against it(C) kill vast numbers of humans who would have no natural defenses against it(D) kill vast numbers of humans who have no natural defenses against them(E) kill vast numbers of humans with no natural defenses against them我想這句句意應該有假設的口氣,"殺死絕大多數可能沒有防禦能力的人",但話說回來,用had,表示只有過去(1970)年以前是如此?現在就不會這樣了嗎?作者: fhhrewr 时间: 2004-10-8 13:23
谢谢你!我认为用had的原因是前面的 it was feared that scientists 。。。使用的过去时态,所以觉得整个句子都是过去时的好,但是用would也是过去将来是,我就是不明白为何不用过去是而用过去将来时。其实我有时候就像,如果我们说一个假设的事的话:"如果当时我还手,他们都打不过我" (只是举一个例子)后边这半句也是表达一个将来的语气的,就是比假设的“我还手”要靠后的一个时间发生的事,暗含的意思是:“如果我还手他们将都打不过我”。所以拿到英语的句子里面来说可能也是这个原理吧。就是说如果escape from the laboratory。。。人们将没有 natural defenses against it.不知我的这种类推大家是否同意????
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