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标题: 托福高分语法精简版 [打印本页]

作者: jhiiool    时间: 2004-9-17 12:51     标题: 托福高分语法精简版

托福高分语法精简版   定冠词限定名词时主要表示特指,针对TOEFL应注意以下几点: (1) the和可数名词单数连用,表示一类人或物,如: the fern(蕨类), the wallflower (2) 序数词之前必须用the,如: the first woman, the nineteenth century 但前面有物主代词时除外,如 my first baby (3) 形容词最高级之前必须用the(有物主代词时除外),如: the largest city, the most advanced technology (4) of连接的名词前多用the, 如: the development of the watch, (5) 世界上独一无二的东西前应加the, 如: the globe(地球),the equator(赤道), the moon, the sun 在下列情况下,一般不用the: (1) 表示人名、地名、国家名等专有名词前, 一般不加,如: Dennis Chavez(人名),Alaska(地名),English(英语), February(二月), America(美国) 但是在表示海洋、海峡、江、河、山脉、群岛等专有名词时要加上the the Great Lakes(美国五大湖), the Changjiang River(长江) (2) 无特指的不可数名词前,如: algebra(代数学), advertising, accounting(会计学) (3) 表示类别的复数名词前,如: Historians believe that…, Amphibians(两栖动物) hatch from… (4) 一些固定词组中,如: in history, in nature, at work, at home , go to school, go to bed, in bed 乘车的词组: by train(乘火车), by car (乘汽车), by bicycle(骑脚踏车), by bus (乘公共汽车), by land(由陆路), by sea (由海路), by water (由水路) , by air (通过航空) on foot (步行), by plane(乘飞机), by ship (乘船), 打球的词组: play tennis, play baseball, play basketball 注意:表示职位的词之前的冠词有无均可, 如:He was elected (the) chairman of t he committee. 不可数名词的限定词和不可数名词原形连用, 下面这些限定词后面一定跟不可数名词: much, a large amount of, a great deal of, a wealth of(大量的、丰富的) little /a little /less /least, a piece /sheet /slice /bar of, 属不可数名词专用 另外一些词(词组)如such, some /any (of), most (of), a lot of, lots of, the re st of, plenty of等既可接可数名词又可接不可数名词。 有些形容词本身就具有“比….年长”、“ 比…..优越”等含义,因此也就没有比较级和最高级。比如: inferior, superior, senior, anterior。这些形容词往往和to连用,而不和than连用。 有些形容词本身就具备“最、极”的含义,所以就没有最高级和比较级。如: absolute(绝对的), unique(独一无二的), infinite(无限的), round(圆的), right(对的), correct(正确的), wrong(错误的), perfect(完美的),这类形容词往往被称为绝对形容词对于most来讲,除了构成某些词最高级外,most的用法有几点需要注意,经常成为改错题的考点: 1. 当most表示大多数时,之前不加the, 并且有两种形式来表示大多数,分别为: most + 名词,如:most people, most Indian tribes; most + of + 限定词 + 名词或代词,如:most of his paintings,most of us, m ost of the modern artists 2. most有时意思等同于very, 此时most之前用不定冠词,如: a most lovely girl, a most impressive proposal 例题: (1)   The most substances expand in volume when they are heated.    A        B   C     D 答案:A 应改为:Most 解释:most只有在表示形容词最高级作定语时需加定冠词,此句表示“大多数”,没必 要加the. Aluminum is the most abundant metal in the crust of the Earth, but the nonme tals          A          B      C oxygen and silicon are more still abundant.             D 考点:程度副词 答案:D 应改为:still more 解释:程度副词still修饰比较级more时,应置于其前 几点参考规则: 1. 多数副词放在修饰的动词之后,若动词有宾语则放在宾语之后,如: She sings very well. I met your uncle(动词的宾语) just now. I met just now your uncle (错) 2. 副词修饰形容词、介词短语、副词时常放在被修饰成分之前,如: These two are only slightly different. right after this, very smoothly 当然,副词enough是一个例外,要放在修饰成分的后面,如: I am not good enough to do this job. (对) I am not enough good to do this job. (错) 3. 表示频率的副词常放在实意动词之前,be动词之后,如: He often/ always/ rarely/seldom/never play(实意动词) tennis. He is always here at 8'clock. (be动词之后) 4. 部分副词的位置没有一定的规定,原则上接近被修饰词即可,如: only, even, still, perhaps, etc. 容易混淆的词 hard (努力,副词) -hardly (几乎不,副词) close (接近,形容词) -closely(接近,副词) near (接近,形容词) -nearly (几乎,副词), nearby (adj.邻近的) most (大多数的,形容词) -mostly(主要地,大部分 副词) late (迟、晚,形容词) -lately (最近,副词),later(adv .稍后的) high (高的,形容词) -highly (adv. 非常,大大的) 另外: friendly(友好的), lovely(可爱的、有趣的),尽管词尾有ly, 但是都是形容词作主语:不定式短语可作主语 如:To see is to believe (百闻不如一见)     To work hard should be your major concern. 注意:由于英文不习惯句子主语过长,不定式主语常被形式主语it所代替(详见第十七章) 例如上面第二句可以变为: It should be your major concern to work hard. 又如: It is very nice of you to help me 不定式常接在名词之后作定语,如: something to read, nothing to do, anything to declare, a lot to complain of, the right person to talk to, etc. 由上述例子不难看出不定式和被修饰词间有动宾关系,因此不及物动词之后必须加上相搭配的介词(例如上面的complain + of, talk +to) 不定式定语还可表示将来的含义,如:in the years to follow, the meeting to be held in June 独立主格的主语和句子主语不一致 如:(With) His mouth filled with water, he couldn't utter a word. (独立主格) 对于分词来讲其逻辑主语必须和句子的主语保持一致: Filling his mouth with water, he couldn't utter a word. 在TOEFL考试中,经常混淆反身代词的写法,结尾的-self和-selves经常故意写错反身代词的用法 可以用来做宾语: He hurt himself when he fell. 可以用来做表语: He is not quite himself today. (他今天有些不舒服) 反身代词经常放在名词或者代名词的后面来进行强调, 表示“亲自”的意思 I myself do it. I do it myself. They made the research themselves. 但是不能够说:Himself does it. 应改为: He does it.        This is himself's book.. 应改为:This is his own book.. 牢记make possible的三种形式: 1. make+名词+possible; His financial aid makes this trip possible. 2. make + possible+名词(名词短语较长时) His financial aid makes possible the poor Chinese student's entering of the world famous university. 3. make it possible (for sb.)to do (见形式宾语部分) The father's hard labor makes it possible for the son to receive better education. 定语从句可分为限定性和非限定性两种,其主要区别为: 1. 非限定性定语从句中,引导词和先行词之间需用逗号隔开。 2. 非限定性定语从句中,引导词一般不用that,在修饰人时用who, whom, whose He had three children, all of whom had graduated from college. 在修饰物时用 which 部分状语从句可以省略,在填空题中时有出现 如:Although defeated, he did not lose heart. (从句中省略了he was) If informed timely, I wouldn't have missed the meeting. (从句中省略了I were) 注意: 当现在完成时的时间状语是for + 一段时间(已经有…时间了), 和since + 一个 时间点(自从…以来)的时候, 句中的谓语不能是非延续性动词(暂短性动词), 如不能说: I have borrowed the book for ten days. (错误: borrow这个动作是发生在图书出纳台上的一次性动作, 不能延续, 因此不能和for引导的时间状语连用) 应改为: I have kept the book for ten days. 这样的暂短性动词还有: buy/sell, break, die, graduate, drop等 倒装 倒装句就是将正常的陈述语序加以变化,主要作用是强调被提前的部分 倒装句可分为全部倒装和部分倒装两种:

作者: jhiiool    时间: 2004-9-17 12:52

一、全部倒装 谓语动词提前至主语之前为全部倒装,如: Out came his guest. On the hill stood a little cottage that contained heaps of hay. There lived an elderly lady whose husband died long ago. 二、部分倒装 助动词或情态动词提至主语之前,谓语动词位置不变,即为部分倒装,如: Neither could he see through your plan. So little did I know about him that I was easily taken in by his words. Doesn't her invitation appeal to you? 第一节 否定词提前倒装 否定词用于句首时,句子应进行部分倒装 否定词常用的有: Not only…(but also),        Not until(直到…..才), No sooner….(than)(一…..就) Never/ Rarely/Seldom Hardly/Scarcely… (when) Few/Little Neither/Nor (也不)        Nwhere At no time        Under no circumstances(决不) On no account (决不)       In no way 其中not only, no sooner, hardly, scarcely 分别和but (also), than, when搭配使用,需注意:后一组词之后的部分不进行倒装,只有否定词之后的部分倒装 如:Hardly had I arrived home when it began to rain. Not only was he able to enter the final round of the contest, but he came out first as well. No sooner had I got any chance to speak than the clerk slammed the door in my face. Seldom does he travel about. Under no circumstances should you betray your own country. 此类倒装句一般出现在填空题中,需填入的是倒装部分,只要在句首见到上述的词,就 应条件反射的想到用倒装句 第二节 介词、分词词组提前倒装 当句子没有宾语,且主语偏长时,往往将句中作状语的介词短语或作表语的形容词短语 或作表语的分词短语提至句首,引起主谓的全部倒装 如:In the middle of the river floated the cluster of plants that she had cast. Characteristic of an anarchist was her strong opposition to the government, which she had blamed for all the social injustices. Lying on the grassland is a pretty girl in her early twenties. 第三节 副词提前倒装 副词提至句首引起倒装,可分以下几种情况: 1. only + 副词(when, before, if, after等) 或only+介词状语(由in, under, by, on, after等引导)提前,必须部分倒装 如:Only then did he realize how stupid he had been. Only after entering the store did Arthur realize that there was danger. Only in the library can she concentrate on her study. 2. often, such, so等副词提前,部分倒装 如: So diligently did he work that he got hight scores on the final exam. =He worked so diligently that he got hight scores on the final exam. Such was his wish that the world would stay away from war forever. Often did we go on a holiday in hot summer. 注意,so的另一种倒装是表示“也…” California relies heavily on income from crops, and so does Florida. 加利福尼亚过多的依赖于来自农作物的收入,佛罗里达也是这样 同理,体会一下neither, nor的倒装 He can't dance, neither/nor can I.= I can't, either. 他不会跳舞,我也不会。 3. in, out, down, up, away, off, here, there, over等副词提前,全部倒装 如:Off got the staggering gentlemen. Here are the photos I took at the seaside. 第四节 疑问倒装 疑问句需部分倒装语序,由于经常用到不会成为考试的难点。 如:What part did he play in Hamlet? Do you prefer tea or coffee? by可视为被动语态的标志词,by之后的名词短语是句中动作的施动者;在题干中若见到by+名词的结构要优先考虑用被动式 如: The wall is painted by Tom. The book was written by Mark Twain. 注意1:by之后如果接的是动名词,则表示方式、手段,不能视为被动式的标志,且此时 谓语应用主动式, 如:He passed the exam by cheating. 注意2:对于know来讲,一般用be known to 而不用be know by 强调句中it作形式主语可以替代任何被强调的部分 基本模式:It + be + 强调对象 + who/ whom/that + 句子其余部分 如:It was only you who cared for me. (强调主语) It is his sister whom /that I have fallen in love with. (强调宾语) It was under the tree that she found her missing purse. (强调地点状语) It was last week that I attended an art exhibit for the first time. (强调时间 状语) It was not until he broke my favorite vase that I flew into rages. (强调状语 从句) 注意:强调的对象是人时,可用who, whom或that, 其余情况一律用that; 当强调对象在 从句中做主语时用who/that, 当强调对象在从句中做宾语时用whom/that. 虚拟语气 此章内容在TOEFL考点中处于相对次要地位,但在英文中是比较活跃的用法,必须对其有 所了解, 这样对读题非常有帮助 虚拟语气是英文中一特殊的语言现象,主要用于表达与事实相反的陈述,常表达强烈愿 望、遗憾、感慨、后悔、责备、规劝等语义,可大致分为三类 一、对现在事实的虚拟 基本形式:If + were /did等过去式…, …would /could /should /might + do 例如:If I were a bird, I would fly to the moon. (事实上,I'm not a bird, so I will not fly to the moon.) If she knew who you are, she would go out of joy. (事实上,She doesn't know, so she still feels joyous.) 二、对过去事实的虚拟 基本形式:If + had done…, …would /could / should /might + have done 例如:If she had been warned earlier, she wouldn't have broken the rules. (事实上:She was not warned earlier and she broke the rules.) If it hadn't rained, the match would have seemed more fascinating. (事实上:It rained and the match was less fascinating.) 此种虚拟可进行倒装,如: Had the letter been sent out, it would have ruined our friendship. = If the letter had been sent out, it would have ruined our friendship. 三、对将来事实的虚拟 基本形式:If + should do…, …would /could /should /might + do; 意思类似汉语 中的“万一” 例如:If he should forget the date, I might teach him a good lesson. (事实上:他不大可能忘记那个日期) If it should snow this afternoon, we could make a snowman. (事实上不大可能会下雪) 此种虚拟可倒装,如: Should my car fail, I would have to return home on foot. = If my car should fail, I would have to return home on foot. 注意1:部分动词的宾语从句中需用虚拟语气,形式为should do, 其中should常被省略 。 此类动词有:insist, demand, suggest, propose, order, require, decide, ask, r equest等. 例句: We all insist that we (should) not rest until we finish the work.     The professor suggests that the students (should) collect enough mate rials before they work on this project. 上面的动词如果以名词形式出现时,后面的that从句仍然要采用虚拟语气    He gives me the suggestion that I (should) eat breakfast every moning.   注意2:在一些惯用语之后经常需要用虚拟,来表示与事实相反或者难以实现的事情 这类习语有: as if , as though, but for, otherwise, without, wish, if only等 例句: But for your help, I would not have arrived here in time.     (如果没有你的帮助,我就不能准时到达) Without your help, I would not arrive here in time. 注意3:在下列形容词引导的that从句中必须要用虚拟语气(should) do,但是由于shou ld经常被省略,所以实际上用的就是动词原形。 这类形容词有: It is important/ necessary/ proper/ imperative/ essential/ adv isable等 + that 例句:It is necessary that he (should) realize his situation. 一致原则 一致原则贯穿英语语法,在前面各个章节中已有涉及,本章作为对前面的补充,集中讲 TOEFL题中常考的问题 第一节 主谓一致 主谓一致指的是主语和谓语在数上要保持一致. 在英语除了时态的变化外,名词、动词 的数也有差别,这就要求主语(以名词为代表)和谓语(包括助动词)在数上要一致 如: 1. 在名词+of+名词这种结构中, 前一个名词是整个短语的中心词, 当该短语作主语时, 一般以of之前名词的数为依据确定谓语的数. one of 之后需接复数名词,但one of+名词作主语时中心词是one,故谓语应用单数 One of my students wins the game. 2. 由and连接的多个名词作主语,谓语动词应用复数 Career and love are important to me. Jim, John and Mary are playing football. 但是如果用and连接起来表示单一的概念时,谓语动词要用单数 The famous singer and actress, Whitney Huston is coming to the ceremony. (在这里, singer和actress指得是同一人, 都是Whitney Huston) 3. 不可数名词,尤其是抽象名词(relation, authority, necessity, power, democr acy, young等)作主语时要视为单数,谓语自然也要用单数 The relation between us is very simple. 4. 单个从句作主语时,谓语用单数 That she has gone insane is sheer rumor. When they will come hasn't been made public. 5. 如果主语是单数,那么即使后面有with/ together with/ along with/accompanied by, no less than, like, but, except, including, besides等引导的短语,谓语动 词仍然要是用单数 例如:The boy, together with his parents, goes to the cinema today. No one except the two boys knows how to solve this problem. 6. 由Not A but B, Not only A but also B, either A or B, neither A nor B引导的 主语,谓语通常和最邻近的主语相一致 Either you or Mary hurts her. Neither my wife nor I myself am able to persuade my daughter to cha nge her mind. Not you but he is tired of typing. Not only the students but also the teacher is going to be blamed. 7.在there be句型、介词短语、副词为句首引起的倒装句中,真正的主语通常在谓语的 后面,谓语应该和后面的主语在数方面相一致。 但是在there be 句型中,如果有两个或者两个以上的主语,必须和最接近他的那个主语 相一致。 There are a lot of books on the table. There is only one pencil, two books and one cup on the table. Many a time has he given us good advice. 第二节 主从句时态一致 主从句语义相互关联,时态也需呼应,所谓一致并不是说主从句的时态要一模一样,而 是不能脱节,一般的原则是不能跨越大的时间范畴,如:主句是一般过去时,从句可能 是过去完成时或过去将来时,而不大可能是现在时或将来时,当然具体情况还应具体分 析,但针对解答TOEFL题而言,掌握上述原则已是绰绰有余 1.通常当主句中的时态是现在时或将来时态时,从句中的动词时态并不受影响,往往还 是根据从句的意思而定。 I know that he will come tomorrow. I know that he has finished reading this book. I know that he went to school yesterday. 2. 当主句中的时态是过去时态,那么从句中的时态要作一定的变化 I knew that he would come tomorrow. (现在将来时变为了过去完成时) I knew that he had finished reading this book. (现在完成时过去完成时) I was told that he was free today. (现在时态变为过去时态) 第三节 代词与其先行词一致 在讲代词一章时已提到代词的作用是替代已出现过的词,即先行词,那么代词和先行词 之间也应保持性、数的一致才能保证替代的忠实性,不引起误解 在改错题中,确定代词的先行词是解题的关键,主要是依靠句意来判断,还需留意下列 情况: 1. 反身代词需和所在主谓结构的主语一致,若不一致应改为宾格形式 如:Her mother helped her solve the problem. 此句中helped之后若用herself则指的是her mother, 语义不同 2. 在主从句中,或有分词状语的句子中,代词所代替的对象有可能在其后出现,要准确 识别 如:After she entered the room, Mary flung herself to the bed. 此句中she指代的是主句中的Mary

作者: himba    时间: 2004-9-21 19:13

作者: dhhgh11    时间: 2004-9-22 19:03

作者: lololo    时间: 2004-10-16 13:13

作者: crossmoon    时间: 2004-10-25 21:12

many thanks!

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