Charlotte Perkins Gilman, a late nineteenth-century feminist, called for urban apartment houses (that included child-care facilities and for clustered suburban houses with communal eating and social facilities. )
b: to include child-care facilities and for clustered suburban houses with communal eating and social facilities.
那个更好些?作者: tongxun 时间: 2002-9-24 23:37
B 好些。原划线的前半部分读完感觉意思不完整。作者: qiufeng1990 时间: 2002-9-24 23:43
我同意A\B都正确。原题答案为A。作者: discard2 时间: 2002-9-25 02:11
应该选B,没call for sth. to do sth的说法,这是OG上说得作者: raymondmba 时间: 2002-9-25 10:45
答案为A是无疑问的。本句的重心不是call for sth to do sth,而是call for sth,重点应放在sth并列,平行结构。B改变了原句子的重心。作者: ccmiho 时间: 2002-9-25 17:12
同意rayonodmba, call for +名词 and for +名词,并列,结构工整。
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