是从一个集合中“去除” 的意思,比如,每个人都去了,除了小明(用except)
everybody goes there except xiao ming
他的书法很好,除了一些拼写错误(用except for)
His handwriting is perfect except for some spelling error
open to discussion作者: yuexia 时间: 2002-9-18 23:17
except 指同类中除……之外,如 everyone except me. 除我之外的所有人
except for 指不同类中除……这外,如 primefang 举例
His handwriting is perfect except for some spelling error 因书法和拼写错误不同类
Except for a concert performance that the composer himself staged in 1911, Scott Joplin's ragtime opera Treemonisha was not produced until 1972, sixty-one years after its completion.
其中 concert performance 和 opera 不同类作者: primefang 时间: 2002-9-19 10:37
thanks for your supplementation作者: maryland 时间: 2002-9-19 12:36 标题: 多谢两位大虾的热心解答!我已明白它们的区别。
嘻嘻 希望你会吃饱啊
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