Joseph: My encyclopedia says that the mathematician Pierre de Fermat died in 1665 without leaving behind any written proof for a theorem that he claimed nonetheless to have proved. Probably this alleged theorem simply cannot be proved, since---as the article points out---no one else has been able to prove it. Therefore it is likely that Fermat was either lying or else mistaken when he made his claim. Laura: Your encyclopedia is out of date. Recently someone has in fact proved Fermat’s theorem. And since the theorem is provable, your claim---that Fermat was lying or mistaken---clearly is wrong. Which one of the following most accurately describes a reasoning error in Laura’s argument? (A) It purports to establish its conclusion by making a claim that, if true, would actually contradict that conclusion. (B) It mistakenly assumes that the quality of a person’s character can legitimately be taken to guarantee the accuracy of the claims that person has made. (C) It mistakes something that is necessary for its conclusion to follow for something that ensures that the conclusion follows. (D) It uses the term “provable” without defining it. (E) It fails to distinguish between a true claim that has mistakenly between believed to be false and a false claim that has mistakenly been believed to be true.
Free public education is the best FORM of education there is. Therefore, we must fight to ensure its continued existence; that is, we must be ready to defend the principle of equality of educational opportunity. Because this principle is well worth defending, it is clear that free public education is better than any other FORM of education. Which one of the following illustrates the same weak reasoning as found in the passage? (A) I love music, and that’s why I listen to it constantly. I have my stereo or radio on every waking minute. Since I lay music all the time, I must really love it. (B) Books are my most valuable possessions. My books are like my friends---each pleases me in different ways. Just as I would give up everything to save my friends, so too with my books. (C) I would much rather be poor and respected than be rich and despises. To have the respect of others is far more valuable than to have millions of dollars. (D) I have never been betrayed by any of my friends. They have been true to me through good times and bad. Therefore I will never betray any of my friends. (E) Because every plant I have ever seen has green leaves, I have concluded that all plants must have green leaves. This looks like a plant but it does not have green leaves, so it cannot be a plant.
Top college graduates are having more difficulty demonstrating their superiority to prospective employers than did the top students of twenty years ago when an honors degree was distinction enough. Today’s employers are less impressed with the honors degree. Twenty years ago no more than 10 percent of a given class graduated with honors. Today, however, because of grade inflation, the honors degree goes to more than 50 percent of a graduating class. Therefore, to restore confidence in the degrees they award, colleges must take steps to control grade inflation. Which one of the following is an assumption that, if true, would support the conclusion in the passage? (A) Today’s students are not higher achievers than the students of twenty years ago. (B) Awarding too many honors degrees causes colleges to inflate grades. (C) Today’s employers rely on honors ranking in making their hiring decisions. (D) It is not easy for students with low grades to obtain jobs. (E) Colleges must make employers aware of the criteria used to determine who receives an honor degree.
第一题,conclusion to follow和conclusion follows. 是什么意思我没看不懂。
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