Cornell 电话面试
面试人: Ann Richards
1, why MBA?
2, 跨文化团队管理的经验?
4. 你还申请了那些大学?
我说了自己申请的三个大学, 她说你申请的学校都是很好的学校, 你申请的学校有的大 有的小, 风格不相同, 都有各自不同的优势, 你怎么选择申请这些学校的? 这个问题有些难回答, 我说我选择不同的学校有不同的特点, 不同的考虑, 但这些学校的共同特点都是GM比较强;
5. 让我说说我的大学.
我的大学不是很著名的大学. 呵呵 估计是他们以前招的学生都是国内名校的问题吧, 所以由此一问, 还问我为什么选择这个大学, 我也如实说了, 是自己的第一志愿出了问题, 然后说我的大学也是非常优秀的, 我在大学里面非常刻苦努力, 获得很多省级和全国的奖项, 证明了自己的实力.
8. contribution? 我说我几点, 其中一点说到我在中印的工作经验, 我说很多人说IT业是由IC(integriated circuit)这样的最原始构成的, 由于中国人和印度人在it业的人数众多, 我说IT可以说是有另一个IC (indian and Chinese)共同构建的, 呵呵 这是几年前看书的时候看到的一个比喻, 今天用上了, 逗的面试官挺乐的
9. why cornell?
10. 别人是怎么评价你的?
11我问的问题: 第一 请她说说cornell五年计划中说的lead in diversity and inclusion
第二改善cornell的话 她将改进什么方面? 我趁机说了一下他们学校去年租飞机让雇主来学校招聘的事情
第三, 学习中最challenging的地方是什么?
可能还有好几个问题 一下记不起来拉. 想起来再补充, 祝大家申请成功
Cornell johnson 面试归来
校友面试。 面试官很亲切。
学校会给面试官提供很详细的你的个人信息, 感觉学校给了面试官很详细的list. 因为好像看见有表格。
面试一个小时。 45分钟他问, 15分钟你问。
问题中有开放性思维的问题, 说什么都可以。主要看思路。
问到leadership的问题, 其quality 是什么? 给一个name.
常规性的问题并没有全部问到,对community service 比较感兴趣。 不知道是因为我essay提到,还是学校对每个学生的这种情况都感兴趣。
Accepted by Cornell (附送面经)
申请的第二轮,上周做的telephone interview。
给我interview的是Jonhson的Admission staff,非常nice,blind interview。
随后就是很standard的问题了,诸如go through resume? 为什么选大学的那个专业?怎样选择第一份工作?为什么换工作?Why MBA? Why Johnson? 还申请了哪些学校?我在回答why MBA的时候提到了自己的career goal,她就随后详细的问了一下long term career goal,在我说career goal的过程中由于和她的个人经历产生了共鸣,所以这个话题聊了很长时间。
我的背景:国内顶尖大学工科,GMAT 740,TOEFL 657;三年外资IT、三年外资Consulting、目前在一个创业公司
1 why MBA?
2 why cornell?
3 什么让你在目前的公司里面比较成功?
4 你还申请了其他什么学校?
5 为什么选择你的本科大学.
6 你可以给johnson做什么contribution?
7 别人是怎么评价你的?
8 你为什么选择去现在的公司?
9 你的leadership的examples
10 你的长处和短处?
11 你认为leadership的quality 是什么?
admitted by Cornell University-MILR
Cornell Johnson Interview (2006-3-2)
Some one contact me regarding the Cornell interview questions. The following is a question collection I practiced before my interview, the bold ones were the question I was asked during the interview. Hopefully it helps.
1. Why MBA? Walk him through your resume and describe all the key milestones you've hit and why you're at this decision point. Why now?
2. Why Cornell? What is it about Cornell that will help you reach your goals? What specifically is it about Cornell's MBA program that interests you or that you think sets Cornell apart from other schools?
3. Why you (i.e. how do you differentiate yourself from your peer group)? What do you want the ADCOM to know or say about you at the end of this process? What are the key attributes?
4. In what ways can you see yourself contributing to the school?
5. What other schools are you applying to and why?
6. Will you be a good manager and why?
7. Tell me about a time you led in a difficult situation?
8. Tell me about a time you had to work with a difficult co-worker/team member and how you dealt with the situation.
9. How do you work in teams with illustrative story
10. How do you deal with difficult team members?
According to some Johnson insiders' information, the major points a candidate is judged on:
• Career Progression and Achievements
• Goals
• Leadership
• Team Skills
• Analytical Skills
• Decision Making
• roblem Solving Ability
• Results Orientation
• Communication Skills and Personal Effectiveness
For each of the above, in addition to the specific concerns of the admissions committee, the good interviewer will grade you and justify this grade. You are graded compared to the typical Johnson school student.
interview with Cornell- Johnson school
I had my on-campus interview with Johnson school on Jan. 26, and I think I screwed up. just wanted to share my experience here:
interviewed by a 2nd year MBA student, finance background.
my background is in science and engineering.
Interviewer went through typical questions, such as tell me about yourself, why MBA, short term and long term goal, why Johnson, tell a time you lead, tell a failure/learning, accomplishment, three words to describe yourself, etc. then she let me asked her questions.
I didnt have problem answering all her questions, the problem was the way i answered them. She has very limited knowledge of engineering, and any enigneering terms such as "measurement system" will lose her totally. I didnt answer her questions in layman's language so to speak so i failed to make connection with her ( at least that was how i felt after interview).
I was disappointed that i didnt do well with this interivew, however, what's done is done. i guess i got good learning out of it after all: answer questions secifically but without geting into too much details, simple but precise. and always prepared well. hope my learning can be some help.
good luck to you all!
I applied for the regular two-year program although i am qualified for the 12-month option.
I sent my thank-you note, then packed my skiing stuff and went skiing at lake tahoe. no beer though.
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