【1】Several years ago the diet industry introduced a variety of appetite suppressants, but some of these drugs caused stomach disorders severe enough to have them banned by the Food and Drug Administration.
(A) stomach disorders severe enough to have them
(B) stomach disorders that were severe enough so they were
(C) stomach disorders of such severity so as to be
(D) such severe stomach disorders that they were
(E) such severe stomach disorders as to be
【2】Tiny quantities of more than thirty rare gases, most of them industrial by-products, threaten to warm the Earth’s atmosphere even more rapidly than carbon dioxide during the next fifty years.
(A) to warm the Earth’s atmosphere even more rapidly than carbon dioxide during the next fifty years
(B) to warm the Earth’s atmosphere even more rapidly over the next fifty years than carbon dioxide will
(C) during the next fifty years to warm the Earth’s atmosphere even more rapidly than carbon dioxide
(D) a warming of the Earth’s atmosphere during the next fifty years even more rapid than carbon dioxide’s
(E) a warming of the Earth’s atmosphere even more rapid than carbon dioxide’s will be over the next fifty years
Why B not A?对于B,我有两个疑问: 1) “over the next fifty years”的位置有点不对吧?2)按照这个短语的位置应该threaten to warm...用将来时才对呀?
【3】Out of America’s fascination which all things antique has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that is bringing back the chaise lounge, the overstuffed sofa, and the claw-footed bathtub.
完整的正常语序是什么?我怎么就不知道which all things atique后面应该是什么。
【4】OG-89:89. A recent national study of the public schools shows that there are now one microcomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as many than there were four years ago.
(A)there are now one microcomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as many than there were
(B)there is now one microcomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as many than there were
(C)there is now one microcomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as many as there were
(D)every thirty-two pupils now have one microcomputer, four times as many than there were
(E)every thirty-two pupils now has one microcomputer, four times as many as
official guide说Choices D and E reorder and garble the "one X ..." construction, making four times as many refer illogically to pupils,DE中的four times…为什么不修饰microcomputer,而修饰pupils?另外一个问题:下面的用法哪些对,every 32 pupils has one microcomputer; every 32 pupils have one microcomputer?
the stone is too heavy to move
the stone is too heavy to move it
the stone is too heavy to to be moved
【6】The guiding principles of the tax plan released by the Treasury Department could have even a greater significance for the economy than the particulars of the plan.
(A) even a greater significance for the economy than
(B) a significance that is even greater for the economy than
(C) even greater significance for the economy than have
(D) even greater significance for the economy than do
(E) a significance even greater for the economy than have
【7】The proposed urban development zones do not represent a new principle; it was employed in "Operation Bootstrap" in Puerto Rico.
(A) do not represent a new principle; it
(B) represent not a new principle, but one that
(C) are not a new principle; the same one
(D) are not a new principle, but one that
(E) are not new in principle; it
新东方答案B。why B not D?我认为“represent not a ...”的否定好像有些问题吧?
【8】Although fruit can no longer grow once it is picked, it continues for some time to respire, taking in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide, similar to the way
human beings breathe.
(A) similar to the way human beings breathe.
(C) just like the breathing of human beings
(E) just as human beings do when they breathe[why do?]
【9】Although it claims to delve into political issues, television can be superficial such as when each of the three major networks broadcast exactly the same statement from a political candidate.
(A) superficial such as when each of the three major networks
(B) superficial, as can sometimes occur if all of the three major networks
(C) superficial if the three major networks all
(D) superficial whenever each of the three major networks
(E) superficial, as when the three major networks each
why E not C? 我觉得E有重复:as and when,一个足以。
我在此先多谢各位XDJM了。fficeffice" />
1.such...that 固定的,(应该是SO 。。。AS TO 吧?这个我不确定。)
3.out of American fascination (which...)has grow a market that is (...)for(...).其中has grown 是谓语/
4.用has,因为修饰 every,修饰部分靠理解句意的,考翻译!
8.用DO 避免重复,还有,这里考一个细节,如果选AC那么,那么说明FRUIT和人类采用同样的WAY呼吸了,而这里仅仅想说明呼吸氧气这一点是一样的。考翻译!fficeffice" />
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