第一楼 目录
第二楼 关于Kellogg(一)
第三楼 关于Kellogg(二)
第四楼 关于申请的若干问题
第五楼 关于申请人(一)
第六楼 关于申请人(二)
第八楼 面试
第九楼 录取
第十楼 生活
第十一楼 就业情况
1. 商学院申请免费评估服务:http://www.topway.org/Default.aspx?tabid=466
2. MBA Essay免费评估服务:http://www.topway.org/default.aspx?TabID=480
3. MBA Essay写作服务:http://www.topway.org/Default.aspx?tabid=475
4. MBA申请Workshop:http://www.topway.org/Default.aspx?tabid=517
5. Top10 MBA保录取 Top50 MBA保奖学金服务:http://www.topway.org/Default.aspx?tabid=482
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-11-27 17:06:39编辑过]
问:能介绍下Kellogg的full-time programs吗?
答:Here is a list of full-time programs offered at Kellogg.
2-Year MBA: The largest program, and the program that most applicants will apply for. It has two-year, six-quarter, and one summer intern.
1-Year MBA: A one-year, four-quarter, no summer intern accelerated program. You are expected to have previous business education.
MMM: A two-year dual degree program offered by Kellogg and the engineering school. It's very like the regular 2-year MBA, with some special requirements. Most MMM students have previous engineering education and/or background.
JD/MBA: A program in which you can earn both JD and MBA within only three years. Besides, you don't have to take LSAT.
问:有人做过campus visit吗?
答:我虽然不是Kellogg的学生,但是我上周借公司在美国开会的机会,去我一直很憧憬的Kellogg做了个campus visit. 由于我在芝加哥只停留一天,周五早上9点飞机到,找到酒店,坐奇慢无比的CTA到达Evasten已经是下午2点半了。坐落在Evaston的northwestern的校园在Chicago CTA沿线的破旧的建筑的衬托下,显得就像童话里的小镇一样漂亮,打消了我原来的焦虑。参加了一个一年级学生做导游的Kellogg campus visit.其实也就是带你兜兜商学院那楼。不过那天那个英国帅哥到是很不错,回答了很多奇奇怪怪的问题,包括说他一开始也担心他的英国文化会和自大的美国MBA文化不合,但是他说在kellogg他的担心是多余的。但是讲老实话,去kellogg on campus interview的人都很严肃和紧张,至少那天下午我遇到的人都是这样。可能我是做销售的缘故,对人事都有些敏感。campus visit 结束后,我没啥特别的感觉,初感觉好像在kellogg里的人都蛮结棍的,而且个忙个的,相对没有duke校园里的人那样见到你不管认不认识先冲你笑笑,而且学校里亚洲学生非常少,不太能遇见中国人。但是随着之后接触到的人和事,让我逐渐改变了想法,他们都是一些smart的人,而且也很愿意帮助别人。
本来想回到Chicago downtown,做个city tour,因为我从来没有去过,但是想想,对kellogg那么憧憬就这么走了有些不甘心,就留下来参加了一个叫Women Business Association的讨论会,其实是2个女学生和你聊聊,看看你有什么问题需要解决的,由于她们希望增加女性的录取率。这样反倒让我有更多的机会单独问问题。我们在学校的一个公共区域聊天,无意中听见有人说中文。
由于我去的那天是周五,每个周五5-7pm,kellogg都会有一个team game,我遇到的是不同club的代表穿着橡皮桶一样的相扑服PK,哈哈,这个时候才感觉到Kellogg的学生是:study hard and play hard.
答:Here is my take. lease take it with a grain of salt, since I am not a marketing guy,
Marketing is a very general term. If you are thinking about marketing in the traditional CPG firms, it is not easy, for two reasons. First, many CPG firms don't support H1. Second, you need to know their products and American culture very well.
However, if you are thinking about marketing in some special area such as phamaceutical or IT, and if you have related background, I don't think it's that hard. Some IT companines even don't view their product manager position as a pure marketing position.
答:对不起,我只知道迈阿密分校主要是针对南美的Executive MBA Program. 如果你想读MMM 或者Full Time 的话,应该只有Evanston的校园可以申请.
问:1)Kellogg有个The Social Enterprise,我想知道The Social Enterprise program毕业生是否一毕业就进了Non-profit field? Kellogg Career office 是否可以提供最近2年的The Social Enterprise项目毕业生就业信息?在The Social Enterprise项目中有没有中国学生在读或者已经毕业?
2)在The Social Enterprise项目所有课程教学中,最受欢迎的几个教授是哪些?他们分别教什么课程呢?
答:Yes, the program is called SEEK (Social Enterprise at Kellogg). The programs at Kellogg are simply a way to provide curriculum, career help, and coordination among different departments and centers. You can take SEEK courses, but it doesn't mean you belong to that program. And where you go afterwards is really up to you.
As to the details about SEEK courses, I am not sure. If you are really interested, send a message, and I'll see if I can connect someone to you who knows more about SEEK.
问:是否在consulting公司里面也有做marketing职位呢? 我看了一下kellogg今年的毕业的情况.
我还想知道kellogg 在finance方面实力怎样?
答:Here is the link I looked at: http://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/career_employer/employment/2005/industry_ft.htm
It seems that, in 2005, "pharmaceuticals / biotechnology / health products" is 7%, "food/beverage" is 7%, and "household/personal products" is 4%. So, the percentage of pharmaceuticals is pretty high. Or you were referring to something else?
As to finance, Kellogg is not viewed as a strong finance school among the top b-schools. I agree that compare to Wharton or Chicago, not that many students are interested in finance. However, as I said before, the fact is that finance is a very popular major in Kellogg, Kellogg has excellent faculty and curriculum in finance major, and 1/4 to 1/3 students go to finance related jobs every year. Actually, because all students are not pursuing a career in finance, it's somewhat easier for you to get an i-banking job, if that is what you want.
问:关于teaching method
i heard that teaching method covers 30% case studies, 30% lectures, 30% projects, around 30% learning team and some others. what is your comment on each teaching method according to your personal experience? more and more b-schools use case study as the major one. what is the value of lectures? which one do you think is most efficient?
答:I did some research on half of the top 15 b-schools last year, and only one of them was using more than 40% case study. Unless they changed dramatically in the last one year, it seems that most schools are using 30-40% case study, and Kellogg is one of them. Different teaching methods have different cons and pros. I personally don't think one is always bettern than another. For example, for accounting, especially at the beginning, case study doesn't seem to make much sense to be when I don't even know the basic terms. I learned all my undergrad stuff in
问:study pressure
as far as i know, study pressure is not that much at kellogg in comparison with hbs, esp. in the first year.a woman who is taking one-year program at kellogg currently said no much academic pressure is put on students. do you feel stressful at school now? how do you balance study and social network? schools normally provide you tons of exposures to various activities.
答:I won't say it's stressful, but it's certainly extremely busy. The school doesn't give you pressure on anything. It's up to you to figure out what you want to do and where you want to put time in. We just finished one exam. There are still many students who care a lot about their scores. It's not because of any pressure from anyone (most recruiters won't ask you GPA at all), but because they want to learn from the course. With that said, there definately are some other people who are pretty happy with a "B" (that's why they call it B-school. kidding).
I am still learning how to balance study and social life, so I don't have a good answer for you yet. From what I heard, you need to prioritize your task well and to manage your time wisely. Easier said than done though.
问:financial aid …will kellogg offer scholarship to chinese students? what is the max amount? is there any sholarship only to women at kellogg?
答:The info about some school scholarships is available online. The max should be full-tuition waiver. Then there are some other corporate and individually funded scholarships, whose have a big range. There are scholarships for women only. I cannot remember the name though, as I am not qualified. You can check with the financial office for details.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-19 15:29:18编辑过]
问:My question is about healthcare management. What differentiates the kellogg's healthcare program from that of Whaton or Duke? How many student are currently involved in the program. What efforts the school made in support of those students getting intern opportunities or getting jobs?
答:Frankly, I think all three healthcare programs (Warton, Fuqua and Kellogg) are good. Duke's program is the largest. But all major Pharmaceutical companies recruit over those schools, including Michigen.
My friend at Duke got offer from Merck, and my friends from here received offers from Eli Lily and McKinsey. It is a pretty job market now. I am not exactly sure how many students are actually in the program because at Kellogg you can pick up as many majors as you can. Besides the all the other well-known career service here, one thing I want to mention is Kellogg's mentorship program for healthcare majors. You can pick a exective mentor (CEO or CFO level) in healthcare industry in the first year. And you are able to meet them several times a year to discuss your career aspiration and plans. Bottom line is that Kellogg is dedicated to help you to land your ideal job. I only started two weeks ago, and I will let you know if I have more information.
答:Do you have a particular course name in your mind? What's it in English?
Some popular Marketing courses here at Kellgg are: Marketing Management, Research Methods in Marketing, Business Marketing, Advertising Strategy, Marketing Strategy, etc. As the No.1 marketing school in the
答:MMM is a dual degree program offered by Kellog School of Management and McCormick School of Engineering. After two years' study, you will get both MBA and MEM (Master of Engineering Management) degree. Except 3 MMM-only courses, MMM students will take most of their courses (22 to 27) together will regular 2-year MBA students. You can refer to the following link for details http://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/mmm/index.htm.
The admission process for MMM is together with regular MBA program. This year, one from mainland
there are only 60 students total in MMM. For each foreign country, it's 1 or 2 students maximum. Try not to guess your chances of getting in. Instead, put up a strong application. Good luck!
答:MMM students have diverse undergraduate backgrounds. Undergraduate majors include accounting, aerospace engineering, computer engineering, economics, electrical engineering, finance, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, and operations. A number of MMM students also hold graduate degrees. (from Kellogg website)
There is no special requirement for MMM applicants. The same application process as regular 2-year MBA program.
问:Could you pls help to list some popular courses for ppl who want to head for consulting?
答:For consulting, you have to know a little bit of everything. So, besides the core, people usually take at least one advanced course in finance, marketing, management, and operations. Beyond that, it really depends on where your interests are and where you want to focus on. I will try to list some popular courses later when I've got time.
问:is kellogg as good as hbs or stanford in terms of career development, alumni, the the revivingly learning experience to be expected? thanks
by the way, is finance not a issue for kellogg as for the golden 3?
答:Since I have only studied at Kellogg, it’s probably unfair for me to compare Kellogg with other peer schools. Although I am not sure what kind of revivingly learning experience you are expecting, my experience at Kellogg so far is beyond my expectation. I learned a lot from the five courses I took in the first quarter. There are tons of job opportunities coming on-campus. The second-years and alumni are extremely helpful. And, Kellogg’s “study hard, play hard” and team-work oriented culture makes the life here an enjoyable journey. If you have some specific questions about Kellogg, I would love to provide more details.
问:请问Kellogg有没有自己的报纸?另外,有什么项目来进行community service?
答:The Kellogg newpaper is called Merger. At Kellogg, there are lots of opportunities to do community service. You can check the SEEK program and club to see some of them.
问:And regarding to the
答:Before you come to Kellogg, you will get a current Kellogg student assigned to help answer your questions. After you get to Kellogg, there is no assigned mentor from school. However, you will get mentors from some clubs and the Alumni Mentor Program.
问:What is your experience on the learning team (if there is any)?
答:We don't have learning team at Kellogg. We form different teams for each course.
问:想问一下1Y program的情况。不知道每年录取的新生中大概会有几个大陆来的中国学生?还有就是录取要求中包括必须修过某几门课,不知这个要求是否必须严格遵守?有没有可能豁免其中部分课程?
答:往年的不清楚,今年1 year有3个中国人,其中2个是在美国呆了好几年的。
申请1Y之前要先向学校发信要求审核 Eligibility. 把成绩单发给他们,强调一下在所缺课方面有工作经验,其他就由学校决定了。注意列出的n门课中满足n-1就可以,学校会让你在第一学期(暑期)补这一门缺的课.
问:为什么在Magic 7里面,谈论Kellogg和MIT是最少的?难道是学校重视程度不够吗?我想问一下Kellogg2008,在kellogg里面的中国人多吗?
答:我们这些在Kellogg的中国学生也有类似的疑惑。我觉得学校还是很重视中国的市场和许多优秀的人才。但就招收的中国人数来说,确实比不上其他一些学校。学校方面说是申请的人数并不是很多的原因。个人觉得,相对其它学校而言,申请Kellogg的中国人可能是会少一些。原因之一是许多人认为Kellogg就是一个marketing school。其实不然。近两年,去consulting, finance, and marketing的人数是相当的,还有不少人去general management and operations等其他的领域。所以说,Kellogg应该说是一个十分平衡发展的学校。
We have seven mainland
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-19 15:31:26编辑过]
问:在Academic&Faculty一栏里,academic departments,professional programs,majors(and requirements)这三者是什么关系,如果选方向的话,是从哪里面选呢,比如是从前两项里选,还是在任何一项里,不论是academic departments还是professional programs,只要有就行啊?
答:Are you asking about the choices in the application form? It should be majors, not departments or programs. But you should have a full list anyway.
有一栏Reason for leaving,如果是现职,还没有离开,是空着不填,还是写上PURSUING A MBA
答:Leave it blank
问:是否Language Proficiency里只填你会的非英语语言,因为英语被认为是当然应该掌握的语言(G/T成绩也有),也就是说只填汉语就行了,还是说英语的各项也要再填一遍?
答:I think it says "Languages (other than English)" on last year's application. If it doesn't say so, it won't hurt to put English there.
问:Proposed majors一栏,通常选多少个为宜?比如感兴趣的可能较多,但似乎选多了也不太好吧
答:It's really up to you. Some people only choose one, and some choose five or six. I think it is okay as long as it fits your story and career goal.
答:There is no prerequisites requirement.
问:如果MBA入学前在州立大学修一个学期的相关课程,不知道算修过prerequisites和core courses吗?修的学分能转吗,这样读MBA时是不是就能少修一些课呀?
答:No credit transfer, but you may waive some core courses. Each department will evaluate the waiver applications on a case by case base. In either case, you still need to take 24.5 credits in total.
问:How about the chances of the 3rd round(due Mar. 9) for international applicants who is currently in the States ? I have too tight schedule before the 2nd round (due Jan.5 )to prepare kellogg's many essays.
答:I will strongly recommend you to try 2nd round if possible. Once it reaches 3rd round, it's more about how special you are, less about how strong you are.
问:Why can I only find one essay question for Kellogg's 2007 intake in its online application?Do I miss something? Please help confirm with me, Buddies.Thanks.
Master of Business Administration applicants only. Briefly assess your career progress to date. Elaborate on your future career plans and your motivation for pursuing a graduate degree at Kellogg. (one to two pages double-spaced)
答:It's definately more than one question. Sorry, we don't have application account online. You may want to ask other applicant here or ask Kellogg adcom ppl.
Additional Information |
If needed, use this area for additional space for your application questions. |
答:optional essay 其实就是part2第8页的地方,网站上有要求的。比如一定要解释为什么不是current supervisor作你的推荐人
I don't think Kellogg application has a place for optional essay, unless it has been changed this year. If you don't have additional information to provide, t's fine to leave it blank.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-19 15:35:41编辑过]
答:5年. 28左右吧. 这些web site上都有写. 基本上都是consulting.
问:可以讲讲今年录取的marketing和project management的几位的背景情况吗?
答:Marketing: IBM. Project management: a startup IT company
I don't think Kellogg has a strong preference either way.
问:I am currently working for Unilever and doing marketing research including brand analysis, brand audit, brand activation research, shopper research.
But my gmat score is a bit below 700, although I got Maths 51
I am wondering whether Kellogg will consider me
Please give me your idea
by the way, I can not get in the web link you give on the page 1
答:You have a strong working background. As to whether Kellogg will consider you, I think the answer is definately yes. However, whether your GMAT score is good enough, I don't know. You know the political correct answer you will get from adcom: GMAT is only one part of your application, blablabla, which is partially true. GMAT is only a test score, not the key factor. With that said, it is still an important and an easy to compare factor. If you look at application package as a whole, and you get a lower than average GMAT, you need to have something else above average to make it up. FYI, the average GMAT score at Kellogg is 700, and the average for Chinese admits should be slightly higher than that (no official data).
问:Could you be kindly tell me which kind of people are currently involved in the health industry management program? Do they have similar background before attening biz school? Any MD? Thank you very much!
答:It's very hard to tell the general background for people who are interested in health industry management. My feeling is that some of them have been working in pharmaceutical or healthcare industry. But I also know peopel who have been working in other industry, such as non-profit, want to do healthcare after school. As to MD, there might be a few, but probably very rare.
问:i plan to apply for Kellogg as I am quite interested in Consulting。Some Introduction about myself
graduated from
University, Mathemathics, in 2003
work for L'Oreal China in the past 3 years. Mainly marketing
G750(Nov.22nd), T 640(May.13th), But my GPA is quite poor, 75/100.
As the deadline of the second round is Jan.5th, i do need to start asap
Could you please give me some suggestion?
Whether the GPA is OK?
What should I focus on in the application?
Thanks so so much
答:The application is always about the whole package, not one single item. Your GPA is probably below average, but you G/T are pretty high, which can offset a little bit. In any case, you cannot change your GPA anymore. Therefore, focus on the rest in your application package, mainly your essays, interview, and, to some extend, recommendations. The adcom will look at your academic achievements, professional progression, leadership & teamwork, and community service. Work hard to show a well-rounded you according to those criteria.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-19 15:37:28编辑过]
问:关于Kellogg interview.我十二月初就submit part I了,但是没有收到学校关于interview的任何通知,我发了一封email也是石沉大海。请问R2 interview学校一般安排在什莫时候?我在北京,Kellogg应该是有足够多的校友在北京的。
答:For R2, it's normal to receive interview invitation some time in Jan. The holiday season is coming, so there might be some delay to get response back from the adcom.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-19 15:44:14编辑过]
问:我在考虑申请kellogg还是standford,事实上kellogg的essay我都写完了。因为我工作时间比较短,而且不是做consulting的,marketing actually,个人觉得kellogg对申请的学生北京很看重,essay反而不那么重要,
答:Your background is definately important. However, one way adcoms understand your background is through your essays. Kellogg won't admit someone just because he or she has worked in McKinsey for several years. It's about what you did, how you did it, and why you need an MBA from Kellogg, etc. Essays do matter.
答:This year, one guy from mainland
答:I don't think so. The average age here is 28, the same as most other peer schools.
1.我这样的工作背景申请美国top MBA机会大吗?尤其是Kellogg?
答:1,Copied the following part from Kellogg website. Hope it helps.
Based on my work experience, academic performance and test scores, am I a competitive candidate for your program? Can you describe what you're looking for in a candidate?
Because our process is holistic and takes into consideration many factors beyond data points, we cannot surmise one’s chances for acceptance based on test scores and work experience alone. Applications receive a thoughtful and thorough review by a committee of staff and trained students. Although we do evaluate test scores, scholastic ability and work experience, we are also interested in learning more about one’s values and motivations. We also assess other characteristics such as maturity, leadership, personal character and potential contribution to the Kellogg community. The Admissions Office can assist with questions regarding the full-time programs and the application process, but we are unable to offer prescriptive advice or recommendations regarding one’s candidacy. For more information on the class characteristics for our entering class, please review the class profile here.
2,First, you didn't say what kind of jobs you are looking for. Second, even if you did, it's still impossible for anyone to predict whether you can land your dreaming job. Kellogg does provide tons of opportunities and open many doors for you, but it cannot ganrantee anyone a job. One thing for sure is that the majority here is not from MC/IB.
3,I suggest you consult those who know your very well for such question. They will give more reasonable advice than we can.
问:在kellogg的中国人中有学operations management吗? operations management毕业后工作好找吗? 我已经做supply chain和operations好几年了, 不想放弃, 可是又担心做为外国人不好找工作. 我不想做consulting因为不喜欢travel. 在大公司做operations manager或者supply chain manager的工作好找吗? 是不是该转corporate finance呢?
答:Few Chinese students here are majoring in operations. With that said, there are lots of job opportunities in operations at Kellogg. As foreigners, we always have to try harder in order to land a job, no matter in which area. I don't think finding jobs in corporate finance is any easier than in operations. So, I'll say keep doing what you really like to do.
我在一家股份制商业银行工作4年,做信贷工作,做过一些big case,包括06年我们单位在北京最大的投标工作(成功中标)等,今年刚被聘为我们北京分行某行业中心的执行副总经理(所有被聘中唯一的小于30岁的员工,不过这是空头衔,没有实际权利,呵呵),工作业绩较突出,我用4年所达到的员工级别超过了其他员工10年所能达到的级别.是我的级别中最年轻的员工,并且年年都获得单位的优秀员工称号
gmat 考了750 ,不过T只是考了 iBT95,不知道T成绩会不会给申请带来很大的障碍,由于时间很紧,工作压力很大,再考T也不能确定一定能上100分的,按照最坏的做打算,T就是95分了
答:Your background is very impressive. I have no clue what score is considered good under IBT, but I’ll say put more time and effort on your essays. Kellogg doesn’t have “cuts” on test scores.
问:我是IBM Beijing的一名Senior Sales Specialist,EE本科毕业后工作四年,加上从大三开始就在IBM实习应该是5年工作经验了。在公司干的还算不错,目前年薪税前20万吧。很喜欢现在的生活,MBA毕业后求职意向是去公司美国总部继续做Sales or management或者战略咨询。首先想问我适合Kellogg吗?
答:Kellogg今年在中国给的offer非常多样,有咨询的,IT的,四大的,消费品的,金融的。你的背景不错,好好发掘story line, 把申请package 做好。Kellogg这个community的特点还是非常突出的。BW上有人说Kellogg is all about bonding. 此话不假。flip side, 如果你是很aggressive 的单干户,我觉得Kellogg不适合你。GPA的事情,没什么特别的研究。如果GMAT很高,或者其他方面能证明学习能力,应该不是能致命的因素。
问:请问一个short-term career goal问题:
我的背景是5.5年美国半导体业工程师,EE Master's,有两个短期目标选项:
2,毕业后在美国做咨询,没有语言优势,但是on-campus recruiting可以帮助。
答:回国做咨询不需要自己找工作。亚洲office 在芝加哥都有自己的off-campus 活动. 咨询公司潜入学校很早,隔三岔五就有活动。想和咨询公司国内office保持联系根本不是问题。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-19 15:40:08编辑过]
问:如果已经递交的Part1上面的post MBA goal和part2里essays写的career goal不一致,是不是不行的?
答:To play safe, you'd better keep those two the same, or at least, close.
问:1 那是不是我的essay不要表现出我经常是个leader?还是应该把自己定位在一个co-leader还是team中兢兢业业的一员呢?(比如在我们公司,你把一个单子全说成自己的功劳肯定会被骂,但是如果说是团队的力量,但自己起了决定性作用就会比较好。)
2 据说Kellogg R1主要选择consulting方面的人,我这种Sales背景最好是R2申吗?
3 我有一个非常好的同学(也非常熟悉我)刚刚在Northwesten EE专业Master毕业,和Kellogg没什么关系,他给我写推荐信会有用吗?还是用我部门GCG老大的推荐信会好一点?(另一封已经确定是我的直接上司来写了)
答:1. Don't get it wrong. Kellogg emphasizes leadership as well,as all other top b-schools do. What I said is all about helping you to find a school that fits you. MBA is a huge investment. You really want to feel comfortable about the culture of that particular school that you are applying to. About essays, tell the truth and focus on the qualities that EVERY SCHOOL IS LOOKING FOR. After all, there are just a few of them. Unique experience or quality helps. Pick an essay book and see how people communicate their qualities.
2. I don't think round matters.
3. Recommendations have to come
from your bosses. Your friend can not comment on your professional performance.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-19 15:42:58编辑过]
答:就目前了解的情况,有七个mainland Chinese,背景包括:consulting, auditing, marketing, project management, research management, and family business.
Consulting背景的人在Kellogg占的比例确实相对偏高。但总体而言,Kellogg是一个well-balanced的学校,focusing on general management。所以,学生的背景还是十分多样化的。当硬指标满足了一定条件后,就看你如何诠释why MBA and why Kellogg了。
问:能不能请audit background的介绍一下呢?
答:今年有2个audit background的新同学,一个在国内的BIG 4工作了5年,在美国的BIG 4工作了2年,另外一个在国内的BIG 4工作了3年(具体情况可以参考2006年的申请录取汇总),如果没有错这应该是Kellogg今年唯一从4大招的人,而且Kellogg去年也录取了一个EY BEIJING的审计师,有BIG 4经验的同志们不妨勇敢地试一试.
问:How many MBA students are from
答:Usually, it's one to two students from HK. This year, there is only one, as far as I know.
问:I will be interviewed by an Alumni in
答:In general, Kellogg interview should be pretty standard, especially with alumni. It's just another data point, since Kellogg interview is not by invitation only. For me, most of the questions are the common ones: why MBA, why Kellogg, leadership, etc. I don't recall any tricky questions. However, it could vary depending on the interviewer.
As to the advice, I will say, be prepared and be yourself. Good luck!
答:I have heard about cases in which people defer for one year with some compelling reasons. Not sure if anyone did so for two years.
问:How many Chinese students from mainland in the last 3 years? And how many if plus Chinese from other continents?
答:Every year, there are between 10 and 15 Chinese students (people who have PRC passport) including 2Y,1Y and MMM. Among them, around 60% to 70% came directly from mainland
问:Kellogg录取的学生中,是否有Human Capital Consultant背景的? 这样的咨询背景也属于是kellogg的倾向录取的背景之列吗?
答:Yes, there are definately students who have similar background as yours. As I said in previous post, Kellogg students come with various background. The question is not about what your background is, but how strong your background .
问:因为人力资本咨询相对于战略咨询而言,相对比较专,主要还是关注组织和人的方面,那这样的背景相对于Strategy Consulting而言,申请成功的机会如何呢?
答:Many people without any consulting experience get into MC.
答:Ofcoz. Actually, quite a lot.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-19 15:47:36编辑过]
问:校园生活能不能详细介绍一下?相比其他学校比如duke, darden有什么不同?
答:I cannot compare Kellogg with other schools, as I don't know much about other schools. "校园生活" is a topic too broad to cover here in several words. Here are a few summary words: teamwork. study hard, play hard. supportive. diverse. fun.
答:Chinese students here form a very close-knit group. Everyone knows everyone well, so, to certain degree, you have all the 2nd-year Chinese students as your mentors. As to the traditional activities, we have TG/party for several traditional Chinese holidays. Besides those, we have speaker series and annual conference. Of course, there are unofficial events all the time, such as poker games.
答:Here are some thoughts on your question. First, as to the number of Chinese admits, percentage wise, Kellogg is relatively low, while absolute number wise, Kellogg is in par with most other top schools except a few, such as Wharton, Michigan, and Chicago. Second, even if there is some difference, the impact won’t be as significant as you may think. Say some school has 10 more Chinese students, half of whom will go back, which is 5. You probably won’t feel the difference by having 5 more alumni in
问:(1) Kellogg 2008, could you please share with us the job placement statistics for Kellogg graudates who choose to enter banking industry? Percentage from all graduates?
(2) In last two or three years, how many students from mainland
答:According to employment statistics, following is the percentage of students who went to IB (not banking in general):
2006: 7%; 2005: 9%; 2004: 6%; 2003: 7%; 2002: 10%
Among the 6 to 8 Chinese students each year, there is usually 1, sometimes maybe 2, doing IB.
问:I plan to apply for Kellogg next year. Could you please share some information about the job hunting for Summer Internship nowadays? I have accouting background and got CPA as well. Thanks!
答:The summer intern recruiting is still going on now. The three Chinese students who are looking for IB jobs all got offers from top tier banks. If you have more specific question, I can try to get more information for you.
问:我因为老公要去读Northwestern另外一个学校,所以我是肯定要申请Kellogg的。我是会计背景,虽然和金融有点相关,但是象我这样没有美国学习工作背景找在美国的Summer Internship会不会非常困难,特别是在您所说的IB领域里面。还有听说不少Kellogg校友去香港实习,想问一下,对于不是金融重点的Kellogg,香港投行一般招什么样背景的学生。我知道每个人情况不一样不能一概而论,只是想看看象我这样背景的学生的情况。多谢回答。
听说最近Chicago天气比较冷,我正好4月份公司有个培训机会去美国中部。想知道到时候去Campus Visit应该找什么部门安排。多谢!
答:For IB job in the States, working experience here will help, but is not very important. People (Chinese) who got into IB have various backgrounds, from consulting, to auditing, and to engineering. Kellogg is not a traditional finance school, but more and more people are interested in finance nowadays, and about 1/5 students accept full-time offers in finance area. I will say Kellogg provides you as much opportunity as other top schools do if you are looking for IB jobs. With that said, do keep in mind that, as an international student, you have to put more effort than American students in order to land a job.
For the campus visit, you should contact admission office. You can also contact the Chinese Business Club if you wan to meet some Chinese students during you visit.
答:Full-time jobs: banking, consulting, investment management. Some haven't decided yet. The base salaries for banking and consulting are standard. Other jobs are case by case. You can find the employment statistics for 2006 at http://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/career_employer/employment/2006/index.htm
Summer Intern: banking, consulting, marketing (high-tech, financial service). Some haven't decided yet.
You can find the employment statistics for 2006 at http://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/career_employer/employment/2006/index.htm. This year should be similar, or better.
答:It's really a personal choice. You can still do marketing on whatever industry you are interested. You can also choose to do something totally different, such as i-banking. At Kellogg, most of the doors are open for you. It's up to you to choose the one you consider "好".
答:Switching career is common at all top b-schools. Kellogg will open many doors for you, including MC and marketing. The rest is really up to you.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-28 11:52:50编辑过]
the more I learn about Kellogg, I like Kellogg!
[em05]I heard Kellogg is the place for indians.
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