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标题: 《IBT备考导航》之三十八:解决新托福阅读题型的方法 [打印本页]

作者: creativity    时间: 2007-5-6 18:37     标题: 《IBT备考导航》之三十八:解决新托福阅读题型的方法


 在新TOEFL中出现了一种题型是以往老TOEFL中没有考过的一种题型就是插入句子题 给出一句话让我们来判断这句话应加入一个段落四个方块的哪个部分,用鼠标双击所选的黑色方块即可.这种题目本身不难做,因为需要加入的句子有明确的提示,如This is a question that has puzzled scientists for ages.要求将这句话插入一段话中.我们只需要找到关健词question就可以直接去找哪句话可能是作者提出的问题,将这句话加在那句话之后即可.  Extinct but already fully marine cetaceans are known from the fossil record.  ■how was a gap between a walking mammal and a swimming whale bridged?■ Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate or transitional between land mammals and cetaceans. ■ very exciting discoveries have finally allowed scientists to reconstruct the most likely origins of cetaceans. ■ In 1979, a team looking for fossils in  northern Pakistan found what to be  the oldest fossil whale.   你会发现只有how was a gap between a walking mammal and a swimming whale bridged?这句话是一个问题,所以应放在这句的后面.正确答案就是: Extinct but already fully marine cetaceans are known from the fossil record.  ■how was a gap between a walking mammal and a swimming whale bridged?  This is a question that has puzzled scientists for ages. Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate or transitional between land mammals and cetaceans. ■ very exciting discoveries have finally allowed scientists to reconstruct the most likely origins of cetaceans. ■ In 1979, a team looking for fossils in  northern Pakistan found what to be  the oldest fossil whale.
 1、  分析要插入的句子的主干,重点看的是这句话的开头和结尾,因为这句子是承前启后,在这个前提下我们要抓住这句话的核心和主干。
 2、  读四个方块的开头和结尾寻找相关信息,采取关健词同义复现原则
 3、  双击被选中的方块
■ one method of popping corn involved skewering  an ear of corn on a stick and roasting it until the kernel popped off  the ear.(一种爆玉米花的方法是将一穗玉米串在棍子上烘烤真到玉米粒爆开从穗上落下)。■Corn was also popped by the first cutting the kernel off the cob, throwing them into a fire, and gathering them as they popped out of the fire.(玉米也可以通过收玉米时就从玉米棒子上切下来,扔到炉火中,当他们爆开后从炉火中飞出收集在一起)。■ In a final method for popping corn , sand and unpopped kernels of corn were mixed together in a cooking pot and heated until the corn popped to the surface of the sand in the pot(最后一种方法爆玉米花就是把沙子和未爆玉米粒 混在一起放在蒸煮罐加热直到玉米都爆开到沙子的表面.■
 Look at the four squares[■] that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the first paragraph of the passage.
  Native American have been popping corn for at least 5000 years, using a variety of different methods.
 Click on a square  to add the sentence to the passage.
 要插入的句子首先要看一下基本的结构,主谓宾带了一个现在分词,现在分词在句尾两种功能  1)伴随动作状态,2)伴随功能结果。而本句话前半部分说了北美印地安人爆玉米花已有5000的历史,分词应该是表示的状态,表达是爆玉米花时使用不同的方法。本句话的关键词是different methods.而从上文我们可以看得出三话讲了三个方法。所以要插入的句子是一个总论。所以应加在第一方块前。
  ■ This traditional Native American dish was quite a novelty to newcomers to the Americas. (这种土著美州食物对于新到美洲的人来说是全新的。)■ Columbus and his sailors found natives in the West Indies wearing popcorn necklaces, and explorer Hernando Cortes described the use of popcorn amulets in the religious ceremonies of the Aztecs.( 哥伦布和他的船员在西印度群岛发现当地原住民带着苞米花做的项链,而探险家Hernando Cortes 描述了阿芝台克人在宗教仪式上采用苞米花护身符。)  ■According to legendary descriptions of the celebratory meal, Quadequina, the brother of chief Massasoit, contributed several deerskin bags of popcorn to the celebration.(根据传说的对于描述庆典宴会,Quadequina, 是Massasoit酋长的弟弟给庆典带了好几鹿皮口袋的苞米花)
   Look at eh four squares that indicate where the following sentence can  be added to the second paragraph of the passage
     A century after these early explorers, the pilgrims at Plymouth may have been introduced to popcorn at the first Thanksgiving dinner.
 Click on a square  to add the sentence to the passage.
本句子只要看到了  a century after  these early explorers,  these根据代词指代原则 上文一定提过而且不止一个人,所以本句话应该在整段话倒数一句的前面


  1.     According to the passage……,……?”
  2.     It is stated in paragraph X
  3.     It is indicated in paragraph X
  4.     It is mentioned in paragraph X
  三、不用通读全文,只要看到细节部分,不要看全文推理  常可回原文定位找到----找相近,找相似
  e. 选项本身提示的共同信息,四个选项拥有相同的部分,就本题在问的部分
  例如:Crescent-shaped lake Baikal,in Siberia,is only the ninth largest lake in area at 385 miles(620km)in length and 46miles (74km) in width, yet it is easily the largest body of  fresh water in the world.(新月般的贝加尔湖位于西伯利亚,是第九大的湖,长385英里,宽46英里,然而它是世界上最大的淡水湖).It holds one –fifth of the world’s total freshwater, which is more than the total of all the water in five Great lakes;(它拥有世界上五分之一的淡水,比五大湖全部的水还多很多); it holds so much fresh water in spite of its less-than-impressive area because it is by far the world’s deepest lake.(尽管面积不大但淡水很多因为它是世界上迄今为止最深的湖)The average depth of the lake is 1312 feet (400meters)below sea leave and The Olkhon Crevice, the lowest known point ,is more than  5250 feet (1600 meters)deep. (贝加尔湖平均深度是低于海平面1312英尺(400 meters),并且最低点 Olkhon大裂谷 5250英尺(1600米)深.
  Lake Baikal, which today is located near the center of Asian Peninsula, is most likely the world’s oldest lake. (贝加尔湖位于亚洲次大陆中心,可能是世界上最古老的湖).It began forming  25 million years ago as Asia started splitting apart in a series of great faults. (它形成于25亿年前,亚洲板块从一系列断层分离出来(即原始大陆板块中各各板块分离时期)The Baikal Valley dropped away, eventually filling with water and creating the deepest of the world’s lakes.( 贝加尔湖谷下陷裂开,最终填满了水创造了世界上最深的湖)
  1.  what is stated in paragraph 1 about  the shape of lake Baikal?
  A It is wider than it is long  B It is circular in shape  C Iits width is one-half of its length  D It is shaped like a new moon
  1)  寻找关键词,关键词定位法,本题的关键词是shape
  2)  文章出题顺序和行文顺序是一致的
  2 It is indicated in paragraph 1 that the area of Lake Baikal
  A is less than the area of eight other lakes  B is one –ninth the area of Siberia  C is greater than the area of any other freshwater lake  D is equal to the area of the five Great lakes
  本题的关键词是  area 面积
  回原文定位: only the ninth largest lake in area at 385 miles(620km)in length and 46miles (74km) in width(第九大的湖,长385英里,宽46英里)所以本题答案为A
  3  According to paragraph 1, lake Baikal __
  A.  holds one –fifth of the world’s water  B.  holds five times the water of the Great lakes   C.  holds one-ninth of the world’s water  D. holds 20 percent of the world’s fresh water
    本题很特别,你会发现题目本身没有任何可以做为关键词的因为全文都在讲这个湖,但没关系看四个选项他们的共同传达信息就是本题要问的信息.你会发现四个选项拥有相同的holds water.所以本题问的是贝加尔湖谷拥有水量,所以本题定位为It holds one –fifth of the world’s total freshwater, which is more than the total of all the water in five Great lakes;( 它拥有世界上五分之一的淡水,比五大湖全部的水还多很多)所以正确答案是D。丽丽英语每期都会做连载,敬请关注。
  4   According to paragraph 1, the olkhon crevice is ____
  A  outside of Lake Baikal  B  400 meters below sea level  C  the deepest part of Lake Baikal  D  5000 meters deep
  本题定位关键词为olkhon crevice所以定位于原文:The Olkhon Crevice, the lowest known point ,is more than  5250 feet (1600 meters)deep  最低点 Olkhon大裂谷 5250英尺(1600米)深.  正确答案为 C.
  5  It is mentioned in paragraph 2 that Lake Baikal__
  A is not as old as some other lakes   B formed when sections of the Earth were moving away from each other.  C was fully formed 25 million years ago  D is today located on the edge of the Asia peninsula
  本题是本文的最后一个题目而且写明了是paragraph 2,所以正确答案为B定位于原文.It began forming  25 million years ago as Asia started splitting apart in a series of great faults
  如有任何问题可以到丽丽英语专栏留言给我也可以到丽丽的博客: 和我交流,篇幅所限不能一一列举,希望广大学员平时多练习,没有实践就没有发言权


    有六个选项,你可以从中选出三个最能表达主要思想的句子。这类考题分值是2分,选出三个得2分,选出2 个得1分,顺序选择不影响得分。
An introductory  sentence or  a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the three answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points
 Lily   is  a  nice  person
 ◆  1
 ◆  3
 ◆  5
 1、  丽丽乐于助人
 2、  丽丽扶一个盲人过马路
 3、  丽丽老师很慷慨,
 4、  老余捐了100元
 5、  丽丽很谦虚和平易近人
 6、  丽丽经常打架
正确答案应该是 1、3、5
 首先抓住要总结的关键词也就是主体词,就是要问哪方向的内容,如上个例子,主体题丽丽一定会在正确答案中出现,不然问的是丽丽可以答案谈论的是别人,就变得完全不相关了,根据这个特点我们可以排除 4老余捐了100元
 The technology of modern cinema evolved at the end of the nineteenth century.
 ◆  3
 ◆  5
 ◆  6
 1、  Kinetoscope parlors or viewing films were modeled on phonograph parlors
 2、  Thomas Edison’s design of the  Kinetoscope inspired the development of large screen projection.
 3、  Early cinema allowed individuals to use special machines to view films privately.
 4、  Slides-and-lantern shows had been presented.
 5、  The development of projection technology made it possible to project images on a large screen
 6、  once films images could be projected,  the cinema became a form of mass consumption
其中只有三个选项有本问题的关键词,本问题的关键词是 the technology of cinema.
总结题是对对文章的高度概括所以细节的出现犯了以偏概全的错误,如中文例子中的2、丽丽扶一个盲人过马路。 这是一个具体的事实细节,我们要绕过例子看总结。所以在排除它。
This passage discusses fossils that help to explain the likely origins of cetaceans-whales, porpoises and dolphins
 ◆  1
 ◆ 2
◆  5
Answer choices
1 Recent discoveries of fossils have helped to show he link between land mammals and cetaceans(这是本文的主题)
2、The discovery of Ambulocetus natans provided evidence for a whale that lived both on land and at sea.(总结性信息)
3、The skeleton of Basilosaurus are found in what had been the Tehys Sea, an area rich in fossil evidence. (绝对的事实细节)-排除
4 Pakicetus is the oldest fossil whale yet to be found((绝对的事实细节)-排除
5、Fossils thought to be transitional forms between walking mammals and swimming whales were found..(主题)
6、Ambulocetus’hind legs were used for propulsion in the water. ((绝对的事实细节)-排除


 问法一般是:why does the author mention X?  in order to ….细节题的提问方式多半是:what而这种题目多半是问why。
 一、例子题,一般占出题机会的70%,why does the author mention X?  X 本身是段落中出现的一个例子,这类题目是送分题,因为要么是先举例后总结,要么是先概述后举例,所以答案多半是绕过例子看概述,而概述的改写是就本题的答案所在。
 举个中文例子:丽丽老师是个好人。有一次,我见到丽丽帮助盲人过马路。作者提到了丽丽扶盲人过马路 in order to?为了说明丽丽老师是个好人。
如:Male swans will engage in ferocious contests, with their necks entwined as they attempt to cause mortal injure to each other.
The author mentions their necks entwined in paragraph 2 in order to ___
 A.      to indicate that swans are really rather affectionate
 B.      to emphasize how long swans’ necks are
 C.      to make the point that the swans are only pretending to hurt one another
 D.     to create a mental image for the reader of fighting swans.
从本题来看,总结在前例子在后,本题作者相表达的是:ferocious contest 进一步描画。
A表明天鹅很恩爱。无  B强调天鹅脖子长。 无 C.强调天鹅仅仅想假装伤害对方。无同时加了绝对意义的词成为错误选项的标志。所以正确答案为  D
At the same time, the death rate, too, was falling. Urban living led to better sanitation, refrigeration, and water purification; it also resulted in better medical care as doctors and hospitals were more readily available. Most likely as a result of these factors, there were only  eleven deaths per thousand annually by  the early 1920s, which was half the rate of 1880s.
why does  the author mention better medical care in paragraph 3?
 A.      It helps to explain why the birthrate is increasing
 B.      It is an example of  a factor that contributed to the improved birthrate
 C.      It helps to explain why the death rate is increasing
 D.     It is an example of a factor that contributed to the improved death rate.
从上边那段话,我们发现medical care只是分号后的一个内容,而分号是带有并列功能的句号,说明前部分也是同一方面的内容。根据例子之前的概述和例子之后的总结所以正确答案应该是D。
 如见到下列词:for example  for instance  such as like especially  particularly specially in particular 都属于插入式举例,这样服务对象多半在前面。
A, B    A---B---C    A or B  A  which B 等形式
例1 In many species, members of the species exhibit aggressive behavior toward one another, often with a focus on territoriality, the fight for exclusive control of a particular area.(在很多物种中,一个物种中成员对另一个产生攻击性行为焦点在地盘性,就是动物在防卫其领土时的打斗行为)
 Why does the author include the fight for exclusive control of particular area in paragraph 1?
 A.      It presents an argument  against a  previously stated point
 B.      It provides a definition of a previously stated term.
 C.      It presents a second area of focus of aggressive behavior.
 D.     It introduces a new idea to be further developed in the paragraph.
本题很明显就是 territoriality,  the fight for exclusive control of a particular area.是一个下定义的标准模式,正确答案: B
例2 Most bird species are known to be territorial to some degree, though the territorial behaviors exhibited by most species are limited to singing contests, which can  go on for days  or threatening postures with wing lifted or extended.
Why does the author mention singing contests in paragraph 2?
 A.      to demonstrate that birds create beautiful sounds
 B.      to provide  an example of unusual behavior  by birds
 C.      to show how violently aggressive some bird behavior is
 D.     to demonstrate that some types of territorial behavior are not very aggressive.
singing contests, which can  go on for days  or threatening postures with wing lifted or extended.  从后面的定语从句可以看出是下定义考点,所以根据定语从句内容可以看得出是正确答案是D
在段落中将某个逻辑关系词划线问why does the author mention “逻辑关系词”?
转折连词:however but although instead rather than 等词的出现就是表明前后相反含义
因果连词:because result in result from等词的出现就是表明前后因果关系
递进连词:furthermore  too  also  等
举个中文例子:丽丽老师很靓,但事实上,她长得很抽象。Why does the author mention但事实上?是因为前后逻辑关系相反。
 The level of violence in territorial aggression varies widely from species to species, though few species fight other members of the species to death and instead rely on non-lethal contests for control of territory that involves noise-making maneuvers such as roaring.(在领土争夺过程中的暴力水平是物种之间是有区别的,尽管很少有物种把对方打死而是代替的是依赖于非致命性的方式来控制领地包括发出噪音如吼叫)
Why does the author use the word instead in paragraph 2 to show that information that follows
A contradicts what precedes it
B expands upon what precedes it
C provides an example of what precedes it
D explains an effect of what precedes it
 例2          Unfortunately, Hubble telescope was initially delayed in  relaying its first pictures back from space due to a simple mathematical miscalculation.
Why does the author begin paragraph 2 with Unfortunately?
 A.      it indicates that NASA has been unhappy with all of Hubble’s photograph.
 B.      It shows that NASA’s plan to use stars to orient the Hubble telescope was misguided
 C.      It emphasizes the need to have telescopes on Earth.
 D.     It indicates that high expectation were not initially met.
Unfortunately,表明了作者对Hubble 望远镜的态度。所在正确答案是D。


上期讲过新TOEFL阅读的词汇基础如何解决,这期我专门谈一下词汇题到底如何来做的问题。我们尽量在考试前背好单词,但依然可能存在这样的问题:我们在考试现场考的词汇不认识,在这种情况下我们如何解决呢?其实很好解决,因为文章上下文是有关系的,我们可以利用上下文的关系来直接去判定,这样我们就可以在不认识的情况下把题目做出来了或者认识这个词但考的是一个生辟的含义情况下把含义猜出来。首先我们要认出词汇题,这个相信不难大家都会判断,TOEFL的词汇题考是都是近义词,题目常见的问法如下:the word(or phrase) X is closest in meaning to ……,the word(or phrase) x could be best replaced by        看清题型后寻求解决方法--阅读上下文,找到关系常考的关系如下:        1) 直接反义—该词前或后出现的内容提示我们是反义关系。从中文看逻辑会看的更清楚,我们先举个中文的例子:丽丽是个---人,相反她是一个内向的人。从后面的内向可以推出前面应该是个外向之类的词。所以我们要关注的是 rather than  instead  unlike contrast  on the contrary.        For example: The main conflict in the novel is between a mother who places a high value on hard work and honor and  a son who repudiates his mother’s values instead preferring the easier path to fortune and celebrity      问题: the word repudiates in the passage in closest in meaning to __      A) refuses to accept       B) lives up to     C) tries to understand      D) makes the best of        假如repudiates我们不认识,当然一定会有同学说不用假如,我就是不认识。不认识刚好,我们可以从后面的小词 instead 这个词判定儿子和妈妈的价值观念是相反的,由此信息看四个选项,你会发现只有A选项带有否定的意味        2) 利用并列关系去判定:        并列关系词如下:and   not only ..but also  as…as  and  both … and either… or neither… nor        我们先举个中文例子看看:        丽丽和俞敏洪老师跳舞就好比美女与__跳舞。答案一定是正面的而不象少数同学内心比较阴暗认为答案是野兽.正确答案是帅哥.        For example:She embarked on her career by working as a newspaper reporter in Wisconsin and soon began writing novels.       问题: The phrase embarked on in this sentence is closest in meaning to        A) took a trip to      B) started out on      C) improved upon     D) had a opinion about        我们可以从前后关系判定,首先我们看到一个词career职业生涯—care(关心)+er(人)—关心这件事情的人,从事这个职业. 我们在这句中看到关健词 and 其后出现soon began告诉我们前后方向是一致的,前面也必然和began有关,所以本题目的正解是B。        3)解释关系:后面的句子或短词,单词来解释前面的词常见的标志词:contribute to  be responsible for  account for   since  therefore   for   because  in which        举个中文例子:丽丽老师昨天扶一下盲人过马路,所以丽丽是一个___人,答案一定是个正态度,是一个乐于助人的人,不会是选一个损人不利已的人因为人家盲人不想过马路,被丽丽老师给硬拉过去了。这种情况是特例,TOEFL中考的都是正常情况。        For example:His big break came with the novel So big(1924) ,which was awarded the Pulitzer in literature.        问题: the word break in this sentence could best be replaced by ___        A) rupture  B) revelation  C) opportunity  D) rest       which was awarded the Pulitzer in Literature告诉我们一定考查的是正态度,所以答案不可能是A) D),所以应该选 C) Opportunity  是一种有利的状态或合适的时机。        4)动宾关系判定:看看宾语能否受动词去配,或从动词短语搭配去判定        举个中文例子:比如有一个坏人准备选了一个月圆之夜,主楼之巅,自由落体,绝迹人间,走到楼顶,——下去。A)杀 B)侃 C)跳 D)跑。能和下去搭配的词只有两个一个C)跳 D)跑,从前面的提示可以看出,不可能在楼顶跑下去,除非不跳了,但必须是跑回去。        For example: The oxidation of exhaust gases is one of primary sources of the world’s pollutions. The brown haze that is poised over some of the world’s largest cities is properly called photochemical smog.          The word poised in this sentence is closest in meaning to__        A) interacting       B) sitting       C) blowing     D) poisoning        首先从搭配关系上可以排除 interacting ,interact with 然后可以从上下文关系排除 blowing over 因为吹走了就是不会有smog.而poison考试中及物才有pollute的含义,不及物只有一种含义表示投毒。   5)形容词修饰名词关系判定—不是每个形容词都可以修饰所有的名词。例如打饭的队伍不说很粗而要说很长,尽管事实上很多人不排队造成了很粗的感觉。        For example:when the gas reaches the air, it comes into contact with available oxygen from atmosphere and combines with the oxygen to produce nitrogen dioxide (No2),which is a gas with a brownish hue.        The word hue in this sentence is closest in meaning to         A)color    B)odor      C)thickness    D)smoke        对于本题你会发现有个小词brownish 呈褐色的,首先从形容词修饰名词关系可以直接排除B odor  C thickness, 其次可以通过 a gas with brownish hue前面的 gas 排除 D smoke,用词重复。所以正确答案是A。

简化句子题    which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence? incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways leave out essential information.    原文本身通过加黑一个句子进行highlight,让你对这句话进行简化.下面四个选项哪个是简化以后的句子.解这种题的主要方法是:仔细阅读highlighted 的句子,找出谈论的主体词,把握两个原则:1)逻辑关系不变原则2)文章谈论主体词不变原则.

作者: wanders    时间: 2007-5-15 11:19

thanks a lot!
作者: sweetcorns    时间: 2007-5-23 09:45


作者: quanquanwins    时间: 2008-1-16 19:54

thanks !!!
作者: Freehorser    时间: 2008-4-20 15:56


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