217. The plot of The Bostonians centers on the rivalry between Olive Chancellor, an active feminist, with her charming and cynical cousin. Basil Ransom, when they find themselves drawn to the same radiant young woman whose talent for public speaking has won her an ardent following.
(A) rivalry between Olive Chancellor, an active feminist, with her charming and cynical cousin, Basil Ransom
(B) rivals Olive Chancellor, an active feminist, against her charming and cynical cousin, Basil Ransom
(C) rivalry that develops between Olive Chancellor, an active feminist, and Basil Ransom, her charming and cynical cousin
(D) developing rivalry between Olive Chancellor, an active feminist, with Basil Ransom, her charming and cynical cousin
(E) active feminist. Olive Chancellor, and the rivalry with her charming and cynical cousin Basil Ransom
The enumeration of the rivals requires the conjunction and'. either the rivalry between x and y or the rivals x and y, the rivalry that develops between x and y. Choices A and D wrongly substitute with for and in the first paradigm; choice B wrongly substitutes against for and in the second. Choice E does not clearly state that Chancellor is party to the rivalry. E also awkwardly pairs Chancellor and rivalry, not Chancellor and Ransom, as antecedents of they. Choice C, the best answer, correctly uses the between x and y paradigm and clearly and unequivocally identifies both parties in the rivalry
在这里,我的理解是“这个剧的剧情围绕着两个女人展开,而这两个女人同属于一种人,也就是same radiant ”不是向那个讨论链接里理解的三个女人。不知道我这样想对不对?
E 错误的把“Chancellor ”和“Rivalry”配对比较,应该是“Chancellor”和“Ransom”的平行关系
翻译的很对,只是OC并不是同性恋哦 呵呵
这是一部很不错的小说,OC是一个诡计多端的女权主义者,极力宣扬男女平等,他的侄子BR是一个保守的律师,不赞成女权社会.小说的女主角Verena Tarrant魅力十足,且有着天使般的声音,是一个演说家.OC需要VT的帮助来实现她的女权政治,
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