第二篇是老机经, Top-down and Bottom-up两种Marketing Strategy. 虽然原来的机经很
多了, 不过我觉得题目还是很有迷惑性的, 再补充一点吧.
To introduce a serial of products, sales and marketing guys normally take
two strategy: Top-down and Bottom-up. The top-down strategy is effective as
can be supported by many literature which describes a principle that
affects the consumers’ decision process-- the Thumb-nail principal, which
simplifies the complex information presented to customers thus make product
promotion better acceptable to them. Then the author also provides an xxxx-
and-adjustment theory to illustrate that the thumbnail principal actually
bias consumers’ opinion because it is based on the first higher prices
products, (but the strategy actually is effective).
In the second paragraph, the bottomUp strategy was shown to be ineffective
or at least not as effective as the topdown strategy. First, there is no
literature that describes the thumbnail principal has been effective in
this strategy. Also the xxx-and-adjustment theory shows the latter strategy
can not prove to be effective to the extend that the former one has been
proved. Finally, the author also point out that the salesmen with the
latter strategy are often been suspected about their honesty and integrity.
1. Issue: Technological change leads to the unemployment of many
workers. Who should take more responsibilities on this problem? The
individual workers themselves or business and government?
2. Argument: The country of Sacchar suffers from trade deficit problem.
It should reduce its sugar price, since sugar is its major export. By doing
so, it could gain competitive advantage in global sugar market, thus
increase its sugar sales and reduce its deficit problem.