标题: [原创]Reims MBA和我的职业国际化之路 [打印本页]
作者: Rongbo_FR 时间: 2007-3-20 11:48 标题: [原创]Reims MBA和我的职业国际化之路
Great Opportunity of Experiencing International Environment
Rongbo Ma - IMBA 2005/2006
Before I joined the Reims Management School IMBA programme, I was working in one of Big Four accounting firms as an auditor for almost four years in Beijing.
Although my previous company is an international enterprise, the degree of internationalization of the programme still impresses me much. Except for the diversity of international faculty and students, there’s possibility to exchange with other countries. I went to Farleigh Dickinson University - United States - as an exchange student in the second semester, spending three months in New Jersey. The experience was fantastic: market research, simulation, argument in class… It offers me a great chance for experiencing both European and American MBA programme.
Without the career development guidance service at Reims Management School, I would not be able to work in France since 2006. The school’s professional career development center organized a series of personal coaching service and workshops in career development including CV, preparation of motivation interview, meeting with professional head hunters,…All these approaches aim to strengthen the jobs search and to identify the future career development in correspondence with personal desire. The services provide in personal coaching are very personalized and professional. They help me to identify the appropriate industries/enterprises in combination with my study in International MBA programme and with former working experience before an MBA. The strong network with enterprises and alumni is another plus to assist my career development.
My resume is forwarded to an international company based in Paris where I am working now after the interview with the head hunter company organized by the school. I am working in the world leading electric company based in Paris where I travel around the world to work. I will not have the opportunity in Europe if I haven’t had my MBA in Reims.
Working and managing people from different cultures and backgrounds are unavoidable trend of globalization. The skills and the experience of studying an MBA at Reims Management School satisfy this need and prepare me the training of being a global manager.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-20 11:49:09编辑过]
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