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标题: 讨论几道大白皮上的语法题 [打印本页]

作者: jessie    时间: 2002-9-1 21:09     标题: 讨论几道大白皮上的语法题

我是新手, 请大家多多指教啦!

1.Bob Wilber became Sidney Bechet's student and protege when he was nineteen and, for a few years in the 1940's, came as close to being a carbon copy of the jazz virtusos in performance (as anyone has ever come).
B> as anyone ever had been

the answer is A.

2.Never before in the history of music have musical superstars been able to command (so extraordinary fees of the kind they do today).
B>so extraordinary fees as they are today
C>such extraordinary fees as they do today

此题之前已被贴过, 放在这里想做个对比. the answer is C.

我的理解是, 第2题之所以选C, 是因为be able to 不是中心词, 而command才是. 但这样就无法解释第一题, 因为似乎come to不是中心词, 而be才是. 所以对于这类题究竟如何判断补出的助动词, 请各位大虾指教!
还有关于第一题的时态. 句中强调了in the 1940's, 为何过完时是错误的?

作者: princess    时间: 2002-9-4 13:26

第一题的时态其实根据题目并不能确定,也可以看成是Bob Wilber和迄今为止其他人的比较.你可以仔细体会一下.B中ever的位置不对.至于中心词的问题,还请其他高手回答.(我觉得两句的中心词分别是came和be able to)
作者: brigittew    时间: 2002-9-4 14:56

1,the reason i thought that not use past participle tense here is the time adverb; there is no implicit or definite time to infer things happened before the action of main verb 'came'here.
作者: brigittew    时间: 2002-9-4 14:59

2, the correct phrase here is such +
作者: kanecao    时间: 2002-9-9 12:34


比较转移是指比较的对象不是句子的谓语,而是非谓语,尤其是作宾语的不定式。许多人用中心词和核心词的概念来解释这种比较。我认为应从GMAT中SC最讲究的逻辑合理性的角度来理解。在这类比较转移的比较中,句子要比较的是非谓语的部分,而不是谓语部分。一般来说,用比较转移是因为谓语部分无比较的意义,或者不能作比较,或者是逻辑上不是作者想要强调的重点。例如,这里的第二句中,句子要比较的是宾语中的command(敛财)多少,而不是要比较谓语be able(能力)的大小,因为要be able,第一,无意义,第二,不能说明问题。还是command(敛财)多少有实打实的数据,可以比较。




Inflation has made many Americans reevaluate their assumptions about the future; (they still expect to live better than their parents have), but no so well as they once thought they could.

(A). they still expect to live better than their parents have
(B). they still expect to live better than their parents did
(C). they still expect to live better than their parents had
(D). still expecting to live better than their parents had
(E). still expecting to live better than did their parents


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