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1.(As it becomes more frequent to have spouses who both work outside the home), companies are begining to help in firding new employment for the sppouses of transferred employees.
A. It becomes more frequent to have couples both working outside the home.
B. It becomes more common for both husband and wife to work outside the home.
My answer is A. The correct one is B.Why A is not correct?
2. The grouth of the railroad led to the abolition of local times, (which was determined by then the sun reached the observer's merdian and differing )from ciry to city, and to the establishment of regional time.
A. which were determined by when the sun reached the obsever's merdian and differing
B. determined by when the sun readhed thge observer's merdian and differing
I choose the which clause, answer is B, why can not use which clause?
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