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Byron possessed powers of observation that would have made him a great anthropologist and that *makes his letters as a group the rival *of the best novels of the time.

B.makes his letter...
C.makes .....
D.make his letter as a group the rival of
E.make his letters a group which is the rival of

偶的笔记上只说“possessed“,故makes 错。

疑问如下: make 前是否省略了would,所以是动词原型?
         偶只知道make sth sth, make sth as sth?
         as a group the rival of是什么意思?偶觉得怪怪的。

as 在这是个介词,后接a group,而group 一起修饰前面的letters

212Among the objects found in the excavated temple were small terra-cotta effigies left by supplicants who were either asking the goddess Bona Dea's aid in healing physical and mental ills or thanking her for such help.

a. in healing physical.....
b. in healing physical....
c. in healing physical....
d. to heal physical cand mental ills or to thank her for such help
e. to heal physical and mental ills or thanking her for such help

俺本本上记得答案是d. 现在怎摸跃看越象e.?

2. aid in doing 是固定搭配
3. 就是or后面的部分是与either后面的并列,所以也要用ing形式

218.主语the aristocratic valuesss,谓语place,后面对应部分是her passionate interest,所以助动词的补出用does,所以B、C错;说过similar to 放在开头是错的,偶觉得可以推广到similarly,所以E也错;D一看就是罗嗦,而且前后不对称;所以A正确。A中是一个倒装的结构。

233偶可以从 the power of both A and B .......has 排除别的选项,但是不理解前半句,and 前是句子,为什么后半句是短语呢?前后不需要对称还是后半句是省略的句子?
前半句是省略:lines have become thinner and circuits (have become) more complex.

243.A中,出现了两个it,前一个指代that引导的从句,在同一个句子中,相同的代词只能指代相同的,所以A错;C中的主语是affecting their sizes,而谓语是are,主谓不一致;unlikely是强烈语气表达,要保持;另外是个逻辑的问题,到底是何物significant


首先 leave them,corral them 和drive them构成平行对称结构
A答案 and to错没有对称的
B答案 all .... is to leave 错不能用 sth is to do sth 同时 and 后面没有to(就算可以用 sth is to do sth)
D All 替换为the only thing 意思错

答案选A . 起初偶选择C,因为看到C中的"not,but"比A中"instead of"好。 细看之后,发现C中用了"is produced",是不是因为"is"的时态不对,应该为过去时呢?

答:首先:b d e必错,C 说是意思不对(用了被动),把understandable变成了understand,意思也变了的说。 定语从句的应用that引导还是用介词+which引导,2.是原句使 用主动语态是否可以改为被动语态;关于第一点,我认为本句是一句限制性的定语从句,所以用that比用 介词+which结构为好,且如果使用介词+which结构前面须有逗号

267。*Even as they never forgave *the Crusades who overran their homeland ,the Syrians have neve absolved the French for taking territory from them.
B.While they never forgave
even as & while 到底怎么区别呢

答:'even as" here means "正如", the conjunction "while" doesn't have this meaning.

268the data collected by weather airplanes that fly into the heart of a hurricane are useful mainly for gauging the storm’s structure and strength , *not for the speed and the path of their movement
b)not for the speed and the path of its movement
c)not the speed and path of its movement
e)and not for the speed and the path of its movement;

why answer is c? not b? b补出了介词不是更清晰for
还有 这里不需要连词吗?

答:这个问题的关键是看the speed and the movement是和什么并列对称。
如果,按jenny的看法,如果补出for,那么the speed and the movement就是和gauging....并列,换而言之,for前面的部分就是useful,那么后面如果不省略的话,就应该是the data are useful for the speed and the movement,很显然,这个句子就没什么意思了。
但是,如果不补出for,那么the speed and the movement就是和structure and strength并列,作guaging的宾语。那么整个句子的后半部分就是the data are useful for ... not for guaging the speed and the movement.

270。The Olypic Games helped to keep peace among the pugnacious atates of the Greek *world in that a sacred truce was proclaimed during the festival's month.*
B.world,proclaiming a sacred truce during the festival's month
C.world when they proclaimed a sacred truce for the festival month
D。world ,for a sacred truce was proclaimed during the month of the festival
为什么答案是C呢?they没指代对象阿 ,我怎么觉得D更合理些?

答:如果选D,那还不如选A,因为A中是in that的这个书面用语,显然要比D中的for来的好。
C中they指代the pugnacious states,根据顺序指代的原则,they一定是指代离其最近的复数名词。

在历史上Greek是一直打仗的,而Olympic Games是他们唯一不打仗的时候,所以这就有一点象自然现象,所以在本句中这只说明时间概念而没有因果关系
A,本题并没有因果关系,所以可以不用in that
C,正确,they指代the pugnacious states
D,in that 是一个正式的书面用法,它比for 与because更加规范,所以在一般情况下,in that 优于for

bihar is india's poorest state,with an annual per capita income of $111,*lower than in *the most ...... b lower than that of d which is lower than in e which is lower than it is in? answer is b? but lower than 修饰谁?我觉得只有从句才能修饰哪个income?短语只能修饰主句啊?


283。The airline industry is cutting its lowest discount fares more widely,more substantially,and earlier this year than it normally does at the end of the summer ,a time* during which travel usually decreases and the industry uses some lower fares for the attraction of * passengers.
B.during which travel usually decreases and therefore the industry will use some lower fares for the attraction of
D.when travel usually deceases and the industry uses some lower fares to attract
为什么B不对,有时态不一致的原因吗?a time during which
                                 a time when          究竟怎么区分?

答:*根据动词优于名词的原则,首先排除A、B、E,因为他们中间都用了attraction *在C与D的区分中,主要是用to do还是doing的问题。doing是强调前面对后面的影响,所以如果用doing,就变成travel decreases and industry...来attracting,显然意思不对。 所以选D

B不对的原因主要是用了the attraction of,根据动词优于抽象名词原则,它一定没有attract好, during which=when,事实上在一般情况下介词+which会比when或where更好,但它只是个有效性原则,而除固定搭配及表示前面整句句子对后面的影响以外,不定式都优于动名词

285; *selling several hundred....,the publication of "maple leaf rag"in 1899 was an instant hit,helping to establish sj as a preeminent ragtime composer; b;the publication of 1899 of "m l r"was an instant hit: in six months they sold ....copies and it helped establish sj as a preeminent ragtime composer;

e;published in 1899,"m l r" was an instant hit,selling... copies in six month:it helped establish sj as a preeminent ragtime composer; why is e? "m l r"不能用selling吧,应该是sold啊?

E,selling是修饰整个句子的the mls...was a hit

319 Bob Wilber became Sidney Bechet's student and pretege when he was nineteen and, for a few years in the 1940's, came as close to being a carbon copy of the jazz virtuoso in performance *as anyone has ever come*
A.as anyone has ever come
B.as anyone ever had been
C.as anyone ever had done
D.that anyone ever did
E.that anyone ever came


答:本句是和到现在为止的所有人进行比较,所以是:came as close...as anyone has ever come. 句中强调的是至今以来,也就是说一直延续至今的意思所以应该用现在完成时

其实,D、E很容易排除,B由于补出been,与前半句的came不配,所以也错。至于C,如果不看时态,偶觉得ever 应该放在had done中间,而不是在had前面。

不同之处在于 to 和 and 的位置变化了,见括号中。偶认为“a serious lack of information”也是“big risks”,要包含在ranging to 之中,所以。

1。Despite its attractiveness, investing abroad can still pose big risks, ranging from the potential for political instability in some countries (to) the shortage of regulations to protect investors (and) a serious lack of information about investment in others.

2。Despite its attractiveness, investing abroad can still pose big risks, ranging from the potential for political instability in some countries (and) the shortage of regulations to protect investors (to) a serious lack of information about investment in others.

答:鱼儿的理解应该没有错,a serious lack of ....的确是在big risks中,只不过,这道题不仅考了range from ...to...的结构,还考了一个并列的问题。如果,按照鱼儿的想法,就变成了from the potential and the shortange to a lack of,变成the potential 与the shortage并列;按照正确答案的做法是from the potential to the shortage and a lack of,是the shortage 与 a lack of 的并列;鱼儿是否觉得,the shortage 与 a lack of 的并列对称些呢?

321. That the new managing editor rose from the publication's "soft" news sections to a leader ship position is more of a landmark in the industry than *her being a woman.*

C her womanhood
E that she is a woman



327。The department defines a private passenger vehicles *as one registered to an individual with a gross weight of less that 8,000 pounds.*
C as one that is registered to an individual and that has a gross weight of less than 8,000 pounds


答:A使with a gross weight of less ....产生歧义,可以修饰人,也可修饰车。

340 It is characteristics of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, as  *of virtually every great American museum, the taste of local collectors has played at least as large a part in the formation of their collections as has*  the judgements of the art historian.


B.of virtually every great American museum, that the taste of local collectors has played at least as large a part in the formation of its collections as have

C.it is of virtually every great American museum, that the taste of local collectors has played at least as large a part in the formation of their collections as have

D.it is of virtually every great American museum, that the taste of local collectors have played at least as large a part in the formation of their collections as has

E.it is of virtually every great American museum, the taste of local collectors has played at least as large a part in the formation of its collections as has



答:it只能指代to do或是that从句,这里都是指代that从句.

353Building large new hospitals in the bistate area would constitute a wasteful use of resources, *on the basis of avoidance of duplicated facilities alone*
B.on the grounds of avoiding duplicated facilities alone
C.solely in that duplication of facilities should be avoided
D.while the duplication of facilities should be avoided
E.if only because the duplication af facilities should be avoided

答:请大家注意duplicated facilities与duplication of facilities的中心词的不同。从逻辑上不通:避免的应是duplication而不应该为facilities。

354Freedman's survey showed that people living in small towns and rural areas consider themselves * no happier than do people living * in big cities

C no happier than are people who are living

A为答案。请问do是指代consider吗?C中的are是否可以理解为be happy 的be动词指代?

这里people( living in small towns and rural areas)与 people (living in big cities )比较。 前面用了consider,后面用do 代替。

365. Since chromosome damage may be caused by viral infections, medical x-rays, and exposure to sunlight, it is important that the chromosomes of a population * to be tested for chemically induced damage be compared with*

E that is to be tested for chemically induced damage are to be comparable with

答案A中it is important that..是否一定要用虚拟的说?

答:usually not,but GMAT is a different thing,ETS tests the standard usage of Writing English and we have to look at other mistakes besides 虚拟.;
还有.compared to 与 compared with 的区别
还有 to be tested 修饰chromosomes
而NN选的E中是个be to be done的错误结构啊!另外,动词优于形容词的说!

366. The suspect in the burglary was advised * of his right to remain silent, told he could not leave, and was*

B of his right to remain silent, told he could not leave, and
E that he had a right to remain silent, that he could not leave, and was


答:是考了个对称结构,所以正确答案要么是was advised, was told and was interrogated,或是was advised, told and interragated。从D、E中的结构看,had a right...与could not leave都是advised that从句的部分,所以D的正确形式应该在could not leave前补出个and,而E中应该同样在第二个that前面补出个and,不然句子就不对称了。
was advised, (was) told, and (was) interrogated
C中was advised of...and that,不对称
D是had, could and was的对称,后面所有的内容都是that 从句的部分,那么就变成was advised that he was interrogated..

   A,B,C主要是看到industry's cost觉得不对,那么D出局的原因呢?

答:D中to meet environmental regulations作为省略形式,其主语应为主句的主语,而cost是明显不对的。

374*Three out of every four automobile owners in the United States also own a bicycle.*
B.Out of every four, three automobile owners in the United States also owns a bicycle.
C.Bicycles are ownerd by three out of every four owners of the automobile in the United States.
D.In the United States, three our of every four automobile owners owns bicycles.
E.Our of every four automobile in the United States, bicycles are also ownerdby three.


可是偶对答案A不理解,Three out of every four automobile owners不是复数形式么?
为什么用a bicycle?


385*The aim of the new regulation is to make it easier for prospective homeowners to have*  funds available for energy improvements in their new houses. 答案 A正确,可是出现了 the aim of sth is to do sth. 偶记得只有to do sth is to do sth。 Pls tell me why????????

C应是so that,且they指代不清
E的more easily 本来是在句末,而不是在have之前,为了结构更好,所以这样的句子通常都加一个形式主语IT,如A
B少了个形式主语,且have>having of
to do这儿是表示目的的表语,答案应该首先排除C、D、E;B中少了it,所以选A

409.A的错误是否在于interviewing, may be unlikely 的表达方法在gmat中是允许的吗?

答:A的错误在于用了个be to do的结构

413偶对正确答案的句子结构颇不理解。 Corporations will soon be required to report to the government whether they have the necessary reserves to pay the pension benefits earned by their employees, information that must also be published in annual reports to shareholds. 最后部分"information....."充当什么句子成分?  required的宾语是否是to report sb. sth(定语从句)和information,即 and 连接的是什么和什么?

答:information在这做同位语 ,是whether引导的名词性从句的同位语。 D中information是作同位语,是前面whether引导的句子的同位语。
A中,这个that到底和什么并列,从结构上看与whether并列作宾语,那么就变成report to the government that the information be published

424 in her recently published study , rubin asserts that most women do not suffer drom the "empty nest syndrome"; *they are,in fact , relieved when their children depart;*

c)they are,in fact , relieved when their children departed;*
为什么是a,不是c ,时态一致的原则啊?

424如果用C,偶实在看不出时态在那里一致!前面they are relieved是个一般现在时的被动,而后面的departed是个过去时,那么前面就应该用after,而不是when.

433 . insist的从句为什么不用 虚拟语气而是is to do sth.?

E中,用了provision, protection(都是名词),再次根据优先原则,错!没有说insist一定要用虚拟语气的

435 too old to bear arms himself ,frederick douglass  served  as a recruiting agent ,* traveled through the North to exhort *black men to join the union army

b)and he traveld through the north and exhorted
e)traveling through the north and exhorting

答:用doing作伴随状语修饰如何serve,如果用B,那不是写成traveld through the North and exhorted更好么?在这里travel、exhort与serve不并列!

460. nor……在这种题目中是否可以和neither……相互替代?


461 coronary angiography ,a sophisticated method *for diagnosing cornary disease involving the introduction of a dye into the arteries of the heart , is now administered selectively,because it uses * x-rays to observe cardiac  function
c)for diagnosing cornary disease, involves  the introduction of a dye into the arteries of the heart , is now administered selectively,because it uses
e) to diagnose cornary disease that involves  the introduction of a dye into the arteries of the heart , is now administered selectively,because it uses
为什么是C不是D,不是 to do better than for doing ??

答:involve的动作发出者到底是什么,是coronary angiography还是coronary disease,如果想清楚了这个问题,答案就自然明白了!

Where once the union had acquiesced to the prejudices of its English-speaking members by supporting * the imposition of an alien tax on immigrant workers, after 1897 the United Mine workers made a determined effort to enlist Italians and Slavs in its ranks. A........ B.Where once the union  acquiesced to its English-speaking members' prejudice for the  support of C.While once the union had acquiesced to the prejudices of its English-speaking members in support of D.While once the union  acquiesced to its English-speaking members' prejudice in supporting E.C.While once the union had acquiesced to the prejudices of its English-speaking members in its supporting  of

答:where once当固定搭配来看的说。
比较support的用法 ; 比较...of...,与's在这的用法---A

483, 为什么是e,不是d?

d)a loosening of the interest rates inwashington, and a fear of the still endercapitalized company?
e)a loosening of the interest rates in washington , and fear that the company may still be undercapitalized?

of表示限定,that表示解释;偶觉得这里应该是of 啊?


作者: barmecide

[此贴子已经被作者于2002-11-11 19:45:41编辑过]

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gigi MM,这就是你的不对了.大家都为同一个目标努力,说谢不是太见外了? MM 也很勤快的说, 非要说谢的话我也该对你说声谢谢呢.呵呵~~ [em23]



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