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1\[U]The supply of oil being finite has become an economical [/U]and political consideration of the first magnitude for all modern industrial nations.

d:The supply of oil being finite has become an economic
e:That the supply of oil is finite has become an economic
the right answer is e, but i can not find the wrong of d?

2\American productivity is declining in relation to Europe's,the energy expended per unit of production in the United States is[U] as much as twice that expended in West Germany.[/U]
  a:as much as twice that expended in West Germany
  e:up to two times what West Germans expended
I select the e, but wrong.could somebody tell me the reason?

thank you
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1.我觉得像:The supply of oil being finite 这种形式都是用作状语,好像没有做主语的吧
改成The finite supply of oil就对了

2.E语法上没错,但是从形式上考虑,A符合对称的原则 in the United States....in West Germany



1.d:being finite 到底修饰supply还是oil不明确,主语从句也没加That
2.一般more than较常见,要不就用as much as 好象没有用up to的.有吗?没印象乐.



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