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[申请攻略] 伦敦城市学院商科申请-GMAT要求



The GMAT is compulsory for all applicants toMSc Management.
We also highly recommend GMAT for applications to all ourFinance related courses and in particular the MSc in Finance. It

will greatlystrengthen your application and will be a useful qualification to add to yourCV when entering the work place following your postgraduate studies. We wouldlook for a well-balanced

score over 600 with all sections markedat a minimum of 50%. It would be advisable for candidates to submita copy of the GMAT report with their application. Students who do not submit aGMAT

with their application may be asked to sit the GMAT and achieve a scoreabove a specified threshold as a condition of entry.

Pleasesend us a paper copy of your GMAT report so we can verify this online as we nolonger receive paper copies by post.

You will need toadd the MSc programme at Cass Business School to your list of institutions sowe can access your score results online.

Furtherinformation about GMAT, registration, fees and testing sites is availablefrom www.gmac.com

Our GMATcode is 2C2-R0-84

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