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-We should get more guidance before we even begin thinking about recruitment. If self-assessments, resume workshops, etc. were mandatory, I think everyone would be in a much better place.

-The Ross School of Business' emphasis on team work and collaboration is incredible. We have multiple group assignments given to us in almost all our courses. I have had so much experience working with people who are different from me and whom I don't know, that I am no longer intimidated by group assignments. I believe this will give my classmates and me an edge when we enter the workforce, where we'll have to collaborate with diverse individuals.


-I believe that in comparison to our finance and accounting programs, our marketing program is lacking in strength and recognition. Although our school offers many marketing electives, only a small number of marketing firms recruit students on-campus.

-Our school expects a lot from its students. The workload is intense and the material is rigorous, and the professors expect us to excel. In addition, our school is very focused on team-oriented projects, and many of our assignments are group work. Not only do we learn classroom material, but we've all learned to work better in teams, and we can apply our classroom knowledge to real-life situations in the various simulations and group projects that we've completed through the years.



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