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Tuck MBA Round 2 / On-campus / Second year student (January 26th, 2010)

Definitely low-key. The interview got married where I went to undergrad and we chatted about that for a little bit.

Walk me through your resume.
Why MBA?
Why Tuck?
Didn't directly ask Short and Long -term goals but we worked it in
Talk about how you work in teams? (particularly with little guidance)
Talk about time you had to resolve a conflict and disagree with a teammate
Tell me about some of your activities outside of work
What about your analytical skills (I gave several examples of analytical background but he seemed most impressed when I cited understanding a specific concept from the Corporate Finance class I had sat in on)
Anything else I should know about you, why Tuck, etc.
Probing Questions: How many clients do you have now? Why would you leave your business?
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