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托福(IBT)心经——8.14 杭州一战 111.. 写点经验

8月14 在杭州考的阿托 周六查到的成绩  111 口语27 阅读27 写作28  听力29 ... 备考的时候  总在太傻上溜达  看大牛们的经验 分享好心人提供的资料... 我无以回报 只能写下我自己的小心得 和备考经验...

先说下我的背景 国内一本院校 一个外国大学在中国的分校.. 去年秋天出国交换了一个学期... 只考过四级 645...准备阿托 一个半月... 
好了 我们言归正传首先我觉得大家一定要摆正心态 托福其实就考个语言么 没什么太大难度 只要你功夫下到 肯定没问题... 


我强烈推荐大家 花一个月左右的时间 练习听抄。。 先把文章整个听一遍 听完你已经对文章的主要内容有个理解。 然后 就听一句 写一句。 这个方法绝对锻炼大家在短时间的记忆能力 和对细节的把握。在练习的时候, 大家会发现有时候很多小词儿都听不清楚是什么,而这些小词都是我们在泛听的时候直接忽略的。而且没准后面考的题 就考到了你没听到的这几个词.. 所以 我觉得只要你能把听力段子中90%的内容都听明白而且能够记下来的时候, 你的听力肯定没问题的。

千万记住:不要听几个词就开始写  一定要把整个句子听完。 还有做NOTES 也很重要。 主要是速度。不要管做NOTES做的工整不工整, 只要你自己能看明白, 比啥都强..我记得我考试的时候  NOTES 做的巨多。。大家想啊, 如果大部分点你都记下来了 那听力还有啥难的了...

复习材料:大家练听抄的时候用 OG , 蓝色delta( 这本书听力的题不是很好 但是材料巨好。语速稍微快 不过很锻炼我们的听力呀)还有就是老托福PART 3的段子. 做整套题的话 我建议大家去看看新托福高分120 的听力.. 比考试的稍微难点 不过很好... 还有一个很好的材料就是TPO。。。。对了 在这里我和大家说一下, 那个ETS 不是有什么试考的东西么, 350块钱一次, 考的题就是TPO。。网上可以免费下载 为啥还花350块钱考一次.. 那些钱还不如买点肉吃,,,
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2. 口语

我个人觉得口语这块, 大家最好不用模板。我感觉模板都是一些废话,会让评委觉得吧 我们说的段子内容不充实。还有我觉得口音语调很重要。 为什么呢? 我口语的第四题回答得超级恶心。还有快20秒结束的时候 我突然大脑一片空白 没办法  我就坐在那里 静静的等待时间流逝呀。。所以我猜我口语之所以有个不错的分数  可能归因于我的口语。个人觉得  我的语音语调是我们那个考场最好的...既然ETS是美国产的 那咱么就练美国口音呗.. 模仿加练习.. 大家去看看FRIENDS,模仿一下他们的发音什么的。虽然咱不能达到native speaker 那样, 但起码一些基本的我们可以掌握。比如 water 读成 wader 之类的...         

前2个题 大家一定要好好准备。多写几个段子,多相出几个百搭的例子. 给大家举个例子。就那去**做志愿者的例子 ,我们可以套在很多题里 比如, the most important decision you've ever made in your life. 或者a special event that has changed u a lot. 后面的几个题 我推荐大家去买一本书练习。新航道的 新托福口语真经。  这个书配CD和答案的, 你练的时候就当是考试。说完了 去看看答案,看看答案好在哪里..



这一块我没什么发言权 阅读一直是我最差的一块。。 o(︶︿︶)o 唉。不过, 我觉得一定要背单词. 阿托的阅读不像GMAT 的阅读那样 考你理解 文章结构什么

的。 阿托就考你字面意思。 要是大家连单词儿都不认识, 那肯定打不了几分。那个新东方的红宝书,大家有时间的话最好背一背。特别是天文学的词啊 动物类


再一个就是练。TPO14套的题 大家一定好好珍惜 好好研究呀。第一遍做的时候 一定要掐时间做。你觉得读的困难的文章,一定要反复读..

我的建议是 每开始做一片文章的时候, 大家先把第一段和剩下每段的第一句话读一遍。这样我们 对整个文章有了一个很好的了解。这对最后一道总结的

题 很有帮助。大家不要觉得浪费时间。你要是不先对文章大框有个感觉的话 到最后一题 你肯定就懵 看哪个选项都对。。。

复习材料的话 OG+TPO 就差不多了。高分120的阅读也很好, 不过难度有点大。基础一般的孩子们,可以不用的.


4. 写作

综合写作其实难度不大,只要大家听力练好了, 基本没问题。注意写文章的时候, 每段开头要写听力中的point, 然后再写这个点怎么反驳文章的point.

独立写作。我最开始接触独立写作的时候 有点懵。因为平时写essay 的时候, 都是先去search infor, 然后用这些infor 来写essay, 能用一句话写的东西 绝对不能

用两句话。 可是阿托的写作 让我觉得 在考我扯淡的能力。你必须要把你的point 解释的很详细,很具体。所以,大家一定要多练,多发散下思维。强烈推荐大家

去看高分120 的写作。读完这书之后, 我发现了两招不错的可以扯淡的方法。第一,就是举例。当你把所有的point 都都写完了,但是字数还不够的时候, 你就


External appearances provide important clues about a person.

I partially agree with the notion that external appearance provides important clues about a person.
External appearance can imply the social position of a person. The rich tend to pay more attention to their appearance and therefore usually wear better and fashionable clothes. On the contrary, since the poor don’t have enough money, they are less concerned with their appearance and therefore they often wear some cheap and plain clothes.

External appearance also reflects some characteristics of people, carefulness for example.
Since careful people always pursue perfectiveness, they notice every detail. Accordingly, their clothes are usually clean and neat. In contrast, those careless people tend to be untidy and sloppy.
However, judging a person by external appearance is far from enough. Sometimes, inside beauty says more. Characters such as positive attitude, diligence, and passion are more valuable than just good external experience. Since these good characters are not easily identified in a short time, we need to spend time getting in touch with people. In addition, we have to take into consideration the fact that some people pretend to be from a higher class by ** their external appearance more attractive.

I am a 22-year-old college student majoring in Finance. I used to have a roommate called Anne. At the first time I saw her, I thought she was a pretty elegant girl having a good family background since she wore really fancy clothes and even make-ups. However, as time passed by, my opinion about her changed. Yes, she was really careful about her appearance. Every time she went out with her friends, she spent at least one hour choosing clothes and wearing make-ups. Nonetheless, she paid no attention to our dormitory. She was such a sloppy and random girl that she put things wherever she likes. The room was such a mass. What was worse, she never cleaned the dormitory. It was a nightmare living with her for the whole year. From her, I learned a lesson that external appearance cannot tell everything about a person.

In conclusion, external appearance does provide important clues about a person in the sense that it reflects people’s social position and some of their characters. However, we have to notice that external appearance is not everything about a person. Sometimes, inside beauty weighs more.


还有一招 就是预期反对。。 其实就是写可能反驳我们的观点。看文 ~~

At universities and colleges, sports and social activities are just as important as classes and libraries and should receive equal financial support.
I strongly agree with the notion that sports and social activities are equally important as classes and libraries and therefore, they should receive equal financial support.

Sports ensure students of good health, which is a prerequisite of a successful career. Nowadays, as the society becomes more sophisticated and the competition becomes more fierce, there is an increasing tendency that students spend more time on their study in order to get really good academic performance. As a consequence, they usually suffer from great pressures, leading to both physical problems and mental diseases. Doing sports however may be the best solution to this undesirable situation. It is able to help us strengthen our body as well as maintain a positive attitude. Every time after I finish doing sports, I feel relaxed and refreshed. More importantly, I am full of energy and can face any difficulties encountered in my study.

Social activities, on the other hand, help students learn important skills beyond class. Take interpersonal skills as an example. By participating social activities, students have chances to meet more people and make more friends, thereby enlarging their social circle which may be of great help for their career in the future. Besides, while getting to know more people, students can learn how to deal with different kind of people. This is especially important since in the future, students have to work with their colleagues, their boss and even their customers. Another valuable skill students can learn from taking part in social activities is how to work as a team. Since most work nowadays is done by collaboration, learning to how to cooperate with others is of vital importance. Both of these skills are not taught in the class, yet are necessary skills students have to master.

People who are against this idea may argue that it is the duty of college students to concentrate on their study and social activities may cost too much time. However, I just want to remind those people that what our country wants to cultivate is not just those dull students who know nothing except study. We do need people who can both work hard and play hard. Besides, student will step into the society someday, and before that, they have to be fully prepared and learn some skills that are necessary for them to fit into the society.

In conclusion, sports and activates are basic parts of the life of university students.
Given their importance to university students, we should invest an equal amount of money to sports and activities as to class and library.

写作也要好好准备。大家考试前多些点文章,掐时间写呀。多准备几个万能的例子。。。字数也很重要,我建议大家联系的时候每篇文章 最好能写到400字。这

样你的文章才能充实具体。我记得我考试的时候, 敲了475个字儿~~~~

好了, 废话也不多说了。只要大家肯下功夫,肯定能打倒ETS!!! 阿托考的不是技巧,而是积累..!!!  希望我的帖子能对大家有点帮助, 第一次写,大家见谅

啊... 我去准备我的GMAT~~~ 9月16 二战~~ 希望有个好结果!!大家祝福我吧 嘿嘿 ~~~~



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