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Agarwal, A., Jaffe, J., and Mandelker, G. 1992. “The Post-Merger Performance of Acquiring Firms: A Re-examination of an Anomaly.”? The Journal of Finance, 1605-1621.
Opler, T., and Titman, S. 1993. “The Determinants of Leveraged Buyout Activity: Free Cash Flow vs. Financial Distress Costs”. The Journal of Finance, 1985-1999.
Comment, R. and Schwert, G. 1995. Poison or Placebo? Evidence on the Deterrence and Wealth Effects of Modern Antitakeovers Measures”, Journal of Financial Economics, 3-43.
Corporate Finance:
Payout Policy
Payout policy 本身并没什么有趣的,一般都是和Agency theory, Information asymmetry (Signaling) 或Mispricing 结合在一起才有意思。
Allen, F., and Michaelly, R. 2003. “Payout Policy”. Chapter 7, 337-430, in Handbook of the Economics of Finance, Edited by Constantindes et al, Elsevier North Holland. (这是篇review paper,看了就对这个领域有个大概的印象。)
Fama, E., and French, K. 2001. “Disappearing Dividends: Changing Firm Characteristics or Lower Propensity to Pay?”. Journal of Financial Economics 60, 3-43. (Fama又一篇获奖之作,也很是有名。)
Baker, Malcolm., and Wurgler, Jeffrey. 2004. "A Catering Theory of Dividends". Journal of Finance, 1125-1165. (Payout policy 和Behavioral finance结合的代表作。)
Baker, Malcolm., and Wurgler, Jeffrey. 2004. "Appearing and Disappearing of Dividends: The Link to Catering Incentives". Journal of Financial Economics, 271-288. (感觉不如上面那篇JF。搞什么嘛,简直就是overkill.)
Miller, M., and Rock, K. 1985. “Dividend Policy under Asymmetric Information”. Journal of Finance, 1031-1051. (翻一下,记住结论即可。)
Benartzi, S., Michaely, R., and Thaler, R. 1997. “Do Changes in Dividends Signal the Future or the Past?”. Journal of Finance, 1007-1033. (关于dividend signaling 的争论就一直没停过, 实在是让人感到有些疲劳。)
Litner, J. 1956. “Distribution of Incomes of Corporations among Dividends, Retained Earnings and Taxes,” American Economic Review, 97-113. (大概是第一个研究这个方面的paper,其model至到今天还在被用。)
Grullon, G., and Michaely, R. 2002. “Dividends, Share Repurchases and the Substitution Hypothesis”. Journal of Finance 62, 1649-1684. (这两人原系师徒。这篇paper写的不是很好,但还算有名。)
Vermaelen, T. 1981. “Common Stock Repurchases and Market Signaling: An Empirical Study”. Journal of Financial Economics, 139-183. (老文了。本来也被引用得不怎么多,但近年来人气很旺,不知何故。读读吧。)
Dann, L. 1981. “Common Stock Repurchases: An Analysis of Returns to Bondholders and Stockholders”. Journal of Financial Economics 9, 113-138. (老Larry也是有些点背,本来这篇paper比上面Vermaelen的那篇要引用的多,但不知何故近来少有人引用。)
Easterbrook, Frank. 1984. “Two Agency-cost Explanations of Dividends”. American Economic Review, 650-659. (该人系lawyer出身,因此很遭某些人排斥。)
Fenn, G., and Liang, N. 2001. “Corporate Payout Policy and Managerial Stock Incentives”. Journal of Financial Economics 60, 45-72.
Bhattacharya, S. 1979. “Imperfect Information, Dividend Policy, and 'The Bird in the Hand Fallacy'”. Bell Journal of Economics 10, 259-270. (一篇老文,很多人引用。翻翻就可以了。)
Guay, Wayne., and Harford, J. 2000. “The Cash-Flow Permanence and Information Content of Dividend Increases vs. Repurchases”. Journal of Financial Economics 57, 385-415.? (Guay是accounting 里的青年才俊,在Wharton做的不错. 和Harford以前读书时是同学,据说网球打得很好。)
Jagannathan, M., Stephens, C., and Weisbach, M. 2000. “Financial Flexibility and the Choice between Dividends and Stock Repurchases”. Journal of Financial Economics 57, 355-384. (和上面那篇paper讲的是差不多的意思。这篇明显有些赶工的痕迹。大概是为了抢着发表。这两篇最后都在同一本杂志的同一期上发了,要是不抢,让上面那篇先发,这篇就发不了了。)
DeAngelo, H., DeAngelo, L., and Skinner, D. 1996. “Reversal of Fortune, Dividend Signaling and the Disappearance of Sustained Earnings Growth”. Journal of Financial Economics 40, 341-371. (又是一篇signaling 的paper。DeAngelo两人对dividends情有独钟,大部分文章都和dividends 有关。感兴趣的可以去他们网页看看,这里就不多举了。)
Kahle, K. 2002. “When a Buyback isn’t a Buyback: Open-market Repurchases and Employee Options”. Journal of Financial Economics 63, 235-261.
Stephens, C., and Weisbach, M. 1998. “Actual Share Reacquisitions in Open-market Repurchase Programs”. Journal of Finance 55, 313-334.
Ikenburry, D., Lakonishock, J. and Vermaelen, T. 1995. “Market Underreaction to Open Market Stock Repurshases”. Journal of Financial Economics, 405-435.
Healy, P. and Palepu, K. 1988. “Earnings Information Conveyed by Dividend Initiations and Omissions”. Journal of Financial Economics, 149-175.
Michaely, R., Thaler, R., and Womack, K. 1995. “Piece Reactions to Dividend Intention and Omissions: Overreaction or Drift?”.? Journal of Finance, 573-608.
John, K., and Williams, J. 1985. “Dividends, Dilution, and Taxes: a Signaling Equilibrium”. Journal of Finance 40, 1053-1070. (老文,翻一下,记住结论即可。)
Grullon, Gustavo., Michaely, Roni. 2004. “The Information Content of Share Repurchase Programs”. Journal of Finance, 651-680.
Elton, E., and Gruber, M. 1970. “Marginal Stockholders’ Tax Rates and the Clientele Effect”. Review of Economics and Statistics 52, 68-74. (比较早的一篇关于clientele effects和dividends的文章。现在这种文章海量了,感兴趣的自己搜好了。) |