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  1、第一题,As for students, how to get better grades and improve efficiency in the class? Include reasons and details to support your response. 这个题并不是传统的四大话题,这样的出题形式出现的频率不高,首先进行brasinstorming提示:
  1)培养和激发兴趣 (cultivate and stimulate the interest by bettering the understanding of the subjest)。2)课程内容的提前预习,做到有的放矢 (have a better preview for the content and have a specific target in the class)。3)课堂的参与度,全神贯注地听讲和积极主动地参与课堂讨论 ( get involved in the all kinds of activities fully, e.g. express opinions briefly in the tutorial, have a discussion with classmates because other’s ideas sometimes can be inspiring, appreciate the learning process, get engrossed in what teacher said ) 。
  精华提示: 第一题通常要描述的是people, object, experience, space, game等,需提前充分准备来降低现场难度,把不熟悉的话题转换成你熟悉的话题。
  2、第二题,Which one do you prefer, going shopping with specific purpose or just wandering? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  3、第三题:Split Graduation Ceremony。学校报纸上写明,这学期graduation ceremony will be split into two days. 有两个原因,第一这学期学生的数量增加导致总的演讲时间太长了。第二每个学生邀请来参见毕业仪式的guests太多了,礼堂too small。
  女生认为 it is unnecessary to split it .第一可以reduce the time of lecture 。第二可以reduce the number of guests each individual can invite 从10人减到6人。
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  4、第四题:Technological change 人们往往在一开始的时候不会一下子接受new inventions 。people need time to adjust to it。
  以Telephone为例:刚开始只有On the beginning of the telephone was invented, just businessman used to it because telephone benefits them a lot,while other people can’t accept it .
  1 )not accustomed to use to communicate, 因为只有声音看不到画面。
  2 )compared with visiting friends personally, it is rude to used a telephone. 但经过了一段时间,人们习惯了这个新发明。并且非常是喜欢这个发明。
  5、第五题:男说在学校要忙于一个history project,郁闷的是怎么去学校。因为他的室友搬走了,每次他都是搭室友的车去学校。他自习也没钱买新车给自己。女生说可以public transportation ,男说没有线路从他的apartment到学校。女又说可以换一个更近的房子,在学校跟新室友在一起住。男说自己更喜欢一个人住,这样可以concentrate on his project 。
请注意答题为四部分:1)Describe man’s problem;2)Describe suggestions;3)Tell your preference;4)Explain why。
  6、第六题: weathering “ --huge rock turns into pieces. Two ways:
  1)water 。有水分在岩石里, 早晚温差一变 晚上石头里的水就变ice了。The rock get larger and larger then turns into pieces。
  2)plant growth. The roots of the plant go down into the rock. 植物一生长就会把石头break off。



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