Full-time MBA Applicants: PLANS FOR INVOLVEMENT (500 words maximum) We consider a high level of involvement in student organizations, networking and career efforts to be a hallmark of the Foster MBA experience. Please describe your anticipated level of involvement as an MBA student beyond the MBA course requirements. In what specific organizations or activities will you participate? Where do you expect to make the greatest contribution to the overall MBA experience at the Foster School of Business? What aspects of your past or current life provide insights into your ability and willingness to consistently deliver more than the minimum effort required?
Please describe your anticipated level of involvement as an MBA student beyond the MBA course requirements. 该怎么理解呢?level of involvement 怎么解读?
Where do you expect to make the greatest contribution to the overall MBA experience at the Foster School of Business? 这句是指我要为学校哪个方面作出贡献还是我要为自己的MBA学习的什么方面作出贡献?
请大家帮忙分析下,小弟在此谢过了!~~ |