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: X, i& {4 Z' d- f1. A child is entering school. What suggestions will you give?' E" @: X" v: T5 A
2. People prefer living in the place where no season changes. Which do you prefer?; d" a: j5 M/ o# o# U
3. Physics class. The male student was getting lost in his physics class, because he doid not have enough background although he worked really hard on it. The female students suggested to find a academic tutor for this class, who can help. The male student does not think so because he thinks he has to work extra hour to pay the expenses on tutors. Then the man realized that his roommate is major in physics. He might be able to help him. However, they found out that his roommate is pretty busy since he is doing another major in business. Finally the woman suggested the man to schedule a time with his roommate to look for help.( m2 e+ E4 w1 n: s
4. What soil could benefit from having earth worm? 1. Making tunnels for waters and passes for roots to go deeper. 2. Digest things in soil and transfer to nutrition for plants.
! M9 O" S5 h: _) U5. Reading material: gives the definition of research group rivalry. Two groups in research study: one is exposed to certain condition, while the other is not. The results will be compared to conclude. However, if each of the group is aware of the difference applied to them, they will start acting differently and therefore, research cannot reach to the conclusion.$ J0 U. w* |4 `+ h
Listening material: Professor talks about a specific example of research group rivalry. He talks about a product called “energy bar”. Both of the groups are exposed to physical training for 4 month. In this process, one of the people in group 1 is friend of one in group two. They start to realize one is giving energy bar and the other is not. The group that is not given the energy bar started to work really hard, run faster to improve their data. Eventually, the results might be different from the case when the groups are not aware of each other. $ Z9 b2 t3 S* Z8 F/ O1 @. M; A7 u
6. forget
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1. Reading material: Amtrak is public train service system in the United States. People raises critics on this government owned system.        (1). Does not make money because some of the routes are cross less populated area. (2). It’s not fair for other private transportation companies. (3).  US government should spend more money on other public transportation system.& r9 q; P' z; ?0 P1 o& v1 G3 R; ?
Listening material: Professor gives 3 reasons to argue: (1). Amtrak is not a profit system. It is built to serve American citizens who have the same right to live in less populated area as the people lives in cities. If Amtrak is given to some private company, the routes might be cut-off. (2). US government is providing enough support to other private companies. They are providing traffic manager and weather satellites. (3). US government should spend more investment in improvement of the Amtrak service. Examples she gives to support her point are the public train systems in Europe and Japan. Although car traveling is more popular in US, more and more people would rather take train if the system is affordable and fast.% y' j5 N( V; p: e: M- _& |3 W

2. Playing sports gives important lesson on life learning.
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