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不定式to,OG-9和885 B-19

9. Astronomers at the Palomar Observatory have discovered a distant supernova explosion, one that they believe is a type previously unknown to science. (A) that they believe is (B) that they believe it to be (C) they believe that it is of (D) they believe that is (E) they believe to be of OG对正确答案E的解释: Choice E is best. In the context of this sentence, the infinitive to be is more appropriate than the limited present-tense is in referring to an event that occurred long ago but has been discovered only recently. 其中的referring to an event that occurred long ago but has been discovered only recently也就是说不定式在表达一个“很久以前就发生、但只到最近才发现的事情”时比较合适。但我查了两本语法书,好像也没有这样的说法。哪位大牛能为我提供关于这一点的理论依据、范例、或解释? 19. Balzac drank more than fifty cups of coffee a day and died of caffeine poisoning; furthermore, caffeine did not seem to bother Samuel Johnson, the great writer and lexicographer, who was reported to have drunk twenty-five cups of tea at one sitting. (A) furthermore, caffeine did not seem to bother (B) however, caffeine did not seem to bother (C) however, caffeine did not seem to have bothered (D) furthermore, caffeine did not seem to have bothered (E) in addition, caffeine did not seem to bother ANSWER: B 为什么C不对?从逻辑上理解to have bothered应该是发生在seem(ed)之前,用不定式的完成形式不是很好吗? 难道是因为bothered所表达的过去的含义已经被did (not) seem已经表达了? 请各路高手指教,不胜感谢
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先句2 个关于to be 的例子。 Erasmus Montanus, a seventeenth-century farce written by Ludwig Holberg, both predates and resembles Moliere’s Tartuffe and is therefore thought to be one of Moliere’s sources Because it seemed to be one of the few corporations diversified enough to survive the recession, many shareholders ignored the drop in third-quarter profits and invested even more heavily in Emco. Balzac那题。首先表达完成时需要特定的时间指示,比如since then。其次如果你要表达完成时态,我认为应该在have not seemed to bother somebody, 而不是did not seem to have bothered.因为后者在时间关系上的逻辑混乱。



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