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look look, bai4tuo1le1

1.        A) During a hundred years, a period beginning in 1788, England exiled some 160,000 criminals to Australia.
B) Over a period of a hundred years beginning in 1788,Egnland exiled some 160,000 criminals to Australia.

2.        OG SC 239 , said “ ‘population changes’ in B is less precise than ‘changes ing population’”
Organized in 1966 by the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Breeding Bird Survey uses annual roadside counts along established routes B)to monitor population changes of as many , or                                                      
C)to monitor changes in the populations of

3.(A star will compress into a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole after it passes through a red giant stage, depending on mass)
B) After passing through a red giant stage, depending on its mass, a star will compress itself

请问B 为和错???

4.  Early derisive reactions from art critics and established painters (did not discourage the Primitivist painter Henri Rousseau to exhibit repeatedly, despite him completely lacking formal training and starting late as a professional artist) wrong
==èdid not discourage the Primitivist painter Henri Rousseau from exhibiting repeatedly,despite his complete lack of formal training and late start

WHY “discourage    from   “  is that right????  & LACK的用法????????????????????
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2、population changes 并不能准确反映改变是在所研究的population 中的。
3、depending on its mass的修饰问题。
4、discourage from 是正确的。但不是固定用法。lack:及物动词。名词则跟of。



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