- 精华
- 0
- 积分
- 1755
- 经验
- 1755 点
- 威望
- 15 点
- 金钱
- 2548 ¥
- 魅力
- 1022
The colleges you apply to will require the following things from you:
The College Application Form
When you write to a school or visit its website, you should request an application and information about financial aid. Filling out this application may be a difficult and time-consuming process, but you should fill out the form carefully and comprehensively. Forgetting to fill out the form completely can cost you valuable time in the enrollment process. And submit your application as early as possible to ensure you do not miss any deadlines 在网上递交申请可省下不少邮费. 而且看准截止日期喔! 好的大学往往截止日期前很久就招满了,截止日期前两天交的基本没希望.
The Application Essay
You will probably also be asked to write an essay explaining your reasons for wishing to study at the school you are applying to. This essay is extremely important -- do not underestimate it. It can reveal much about you that the straightforward application form does not, and it provides an excellent opportunity for you to show yourself as an individual with a colorful background and unusual circumstances. Many schools place considerable importance upon this essay, and they may accept some students based upon a show of strength or intelligence in their essays who would not be academically qualified otherwise. The Insiders Guide to the Colleges describes the essay’s role as "crucial, especially at the more selective colleges." 本科的ESSAY简单一些,一页半到两页据说是最佳.
When submitting recommendations, be careful about whom you choose to write on your behalf, especially if you are applying to more competitive programs. Choosing relatives and friends to write about you probably is not a good idea; although they may say wonderful things about you, their opinions do not hold much weight. Instead, choose teachers or employers, and if you know the school principal or the town mayor, it certainly would not hurt to have them supporting you as well. Also, be certain to choose people who will speak explicitly, as well as generously on your behalf. A vague description may not be helpful, even if it is generally positive. 在中国,这要自己搞定. 我当时觉得很辛苦,比写自己的ESSAY还累. 一共需要2封. 当时我找的是高中校长和大一时的学院院长签的字. 他们挺负责的,帮我改了两三遍(或许他们觉得我替写的太烂了吧=P). 推荐信要用学校信纸打印,推荐人签字后放入学校信封,最好封口加盖学校印章.
Since you are an international student, and the U.S. school knows little about you, the school must place a lot of importance upon your previous school transcripts. If you have taken courses at other schools or colleges, be certain to have those transcripts forwarded to the schools you are applying to also. Be sure to have all your transcripts forwarded well in advance of any deadlines. 成绩单可到学校定做,重要的是要有学校的印章.装入学校信封. 中国高中好象还没有帮你送成绩单的服务, 所以自己搞定后,和其它资料一起寄到申请学校.
Some schools simply will not accept you if your school record is not a good one, but do not forget that other factors, such as your essay and your SAT scores, influence your enrollment as well.
Standardized Tests: SAT, ACT
The schools will also probably request your test scores for the SAT or ACT , which are standardized college entrance exams. 美国一流大学都需要SAT成绩. 普通学校就不要求.
Financial Statement International students are also required to fill out a financial statement in the application package or summit a financial statement. 一般是去银行开财产证明, 或国外亲戚资金担保等.
Language Skills: TOEFL (IBT)
Unless English is your native language, you will probably be required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) to prove your fluency with English. TOEFL版有很多介绍,这里就不多说了. =)