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OG 191d: 分词短语修饰哪个?

大 NN 们,能不能解释一下 creating 分词短语修饰哪个?

Lawmakers are examining measures that would require banks to disclose all fees and account requirements in writing [and] to provide free cashing of government checks, creating basic savings accounts to carry minimal fees and require minimal initial deposits.

OG says: "a modification problem results because the participial phrase creating... attaches to the noun checks, thus distorting the meaning of the last element of the parallel construction." Really? 这不是结果状语吗?
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OG is trying to tell you that if you write the sentence in this way,
we will think "creating basic savings accounts" is followed by " free cashing of government checks". That is to say, 2 things are the same. The later one is the supplement to the prior one.
As discussed before, A of B, Ving...
Ving can modify A or B. Logical meaning is the key to judge. Most of the time Ving... is modify the nearest Noun, B, but in some cases, it can modify A.

However, the oringinal sentence in A is trying to tell us that
banks are required to do 3 things: to disclose..., to provide..., and to creat...


Lawmakers are examining measures that would require banks to disclose all fees and account requirements in writing, to provide free cashing of government checks, and to creat basic savings accounts to carry minimal fees and require minimal initial deposits.

in 11th, og says:"using the same infinitive form for a different purpose in to carry is potentially confusing;using that carry is a clearer construction".

to carry修饰creat basic savings accounts表示其目的,不是很明白之中的confusing在哪


可能是平行结构的问题,to provide ,to creat ,to carry有与前面并列的嫌疑



Lawmakers are examining measures that would require banks to disclose all fees.

觉得这个would用得怪怪的。这儿为什么用would require?为什么不直接用require,是习惯用法吗?谢谢



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