抛块砖头先。 1.superdino请看og11-9 解释,其中有typically 一字,所以although后当然还可以有省略形式了。。 C.Although typically introduces a subordinate clause,which has a subject and a verb,but here there is no subjext and sighted is not a complete verb 2.既然although一般情况下是要求跟完整的句子,那么说明在特定条件符合时,才可省略。 一般来讲,基本要求是: (1)从句必须为主系表结构 (2)从句主语与主句主语一致 满足以上2点后,能否省略还要看有无歧义.
C简化:Sunspots appear。。although (sunspots are) never sighted at.. 注意:此Sunspots非彼(Sunspots)啊,而29题: 。。that the economy, although (it is)growing slowly, is not nearing a recession. 此economy就是彼(it )economy。 搜肠刮肚over. |