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OG 11 Q82


82. Senator Lasker has proposed legislation requiring that employers should retain all older workers indefinitely or show just cause for dismissal.

(A)   that employers should retain all older workers

(B)   that all older workers be retained by employers

(C)   the retaining by employers of all older workers

(D)   employers’ retention of all older workers

(E)    employers to retain all older workers

除了require sb to do sth, 如果要用require that 可以改写划线句子吗,should是否可省略?

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必须省略, 否则错误.

In this sentence requiring could be used in two possible constructions, the first a clause and the second a phrase: requiring that employers retain or requiring employers to retain. Both these alternatives are correct. However, introducing should into the clause is not correct.



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